Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"You too. Good luck!"


"I-I'd s-say that w-was a f-failure."

Chris nodded, trailing behind his two friends as they exited the LeeCorp headquarters. "Yeah, I'd say so too. We didn't get anything of use."

The villains technically fulfilled their mission. They got what they came for.

The information that LeeCorp had on Strike.

But it was information that was already known to the general public.

If only he could've looked for this information earlier, then it'd probably be more useful.

The villains headed over to the van that they hijacked, getting inside to rest. They didn't really have a plan and it was getting dark.

Guess they were sleeping in the van.

The view they had from the van was actually quite beautiful. The sky was currently being painted by the deep oranges and purples from the sunset. The outside air cooled down as well, getting to a very chilly temperature that contrasted the warm colors of the sunset.

Chris leaned back on his seat, sighing. "What do we do now?"

Hyunjin shrugged from where he was sitting in the driver's seat. "I'm not sure. I guess... our next thing to do is to actually take down Strike and maybe Mega, no running. That's what we said we were going to do after we got the information, so we could see if it could help us."

Jeongin looked from out of the windshield to Hyunjin. "Y-you th-think we a-actually sh-should?"

Chris drummed his fingers on his car seat in thought. "Strike has been around for too long and we actually need to do something about it. He has to go down. Hyunjin is right. We can't run anymore."

Hyunjin nodded. "Right. We have to do something about it really soon."

The car went silent for a bit until Chris spoke up. "Do you think we should make a plan?"

Jeongin looked back. "Y-yeah, p-probably, b-but we have a p-problem."

Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"F-fights a-aren't predictable, w-we c-can't exactly p-plan something like that."

Chris shifted his sitting position into a more comfortable one. "Well, yeah, but we can just try and make rules or something that we can follow that could make our fighting easier. For example, we can assign ourselves to each hero when we separate or something, just so we could be able to manage ourselves better so we don't have to make up ideas on the spot."

Hyunjin nodded. "Right. We could do that right now."


Hyunjin looked down at his robotic arm in thought. "I feel... I'd assume that Mega would appear since he appeared with Strike last time, if we ever need to split up I guess I can go after Mega. You two could probably go after Strike."

"A-alright. S-sounds good."

Chris picked up his backpack off of the van floor and hugged it. "What else?"

Hyunjin spoke up, volume getting louder in excitement. "Wait, wait... I think maybe initially we should prioritize taking hostages."

Chris raised his eyebrows, ideas spilling out of his mouth. "Wait, that's actually a good idea! We could do kind of like what we did when we turned the public against Strike and Mega. Remember what we did? We did three different crimes in three different areas to stress them out."

Jeongin seemed to catch on. "W-we could d-do so many th-things here, th-that we'll st-stress them out a-again."

Chris clapped his hands together, excited. "Yes! Yes! One of us can start taking hostages, another person could uh... destroy public property and cause chaos and... hmm... I don't know what else."

Hyunjin raised his hand up as if he had a thought. "Okay how about this, Chris I know you're good at destroying public property, especially cars. I feel you'll fit that the most. I can take hostages and Jeongin..."

"I-I c-could melt th-the sh-shit out of th-the p-power lines. R-ruin e-everything."


Heck yeah.

This was going to be the greatest crime.

A/N the next five or so chapters are going to be so exciting ;)


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