Chapter Thirty

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"Hey, you shits. Take a step forward and we'll kill these bitches and it'll be all your fault. You wouldn't want the public to hate you again, would you?"

Strike looked unamused. "Well, you see. I don't think that'll be much of an issue."

Almost immediately after Strike said that, four SWAT cars turned the corner and came up next to the heroes. Somehow parking perfectly, men dressed in tactical armor coming out and lining up in a perfect formation. Every single man had a large gun, each one trained on the villains.

Just when they had the advantage, Strike managed to turn it around.


Hyunjin muttered behind Chris. "Drop the cars."

Chris complied, Hyunjin pushing the pleading pedestrians out to under the now falling cars.

Strike flew in, quickly swiping under the cars and picking up the people in a heroic manner and safely setting them down on the sidewalk. Simultaneously, Mega clapped his hands together to create a sonic boom, the waves of sound going straight towards the trio of villains.

And then the SWAT members began to shoot.

Chris was beginning to panic.

This wasn't going to plan.

Chris, Hyunjin, and Jeongin all slid out of the way, hiding behind the crushed cars that Chris threw earlier.

Chris yelled over the bullets, the small metal bits flying through the snow-filled air around them. "What do we do now!?"

Jeongin peered over the crushed car for a second before going back to hiding. "W-we c-can't run now! W-we h-have to f-finish w-what we st-started!"

Hyunjin tapped a few buttons on his robotic arm. "We should split up."

Chris rolled up his sleeve, turning on his anti-gravity equipment. "Let's go on the count of three. Three."

Chris peeked out, seeing Strike and Mega discussing something while looking around. "Two."

Chris looked back to his friends. "One. Go."

Chris slid out from behind the crushed metal, immediately running over to the closest building and beginning to walk up the wall.

Chris heard audible confusion. Nobody was probably expecting him to do this. 

Bullets whizzed by his head as he began to run up the building, jumping into one of the newly shattered windows.

The building seemed to be some sort of office building, but nobody was there. Computers and papers littered the desks, most of the computers were turned on as if they were abandoned mid-work.

That was probably the case once they saw the fight outside occur.

Chris peered back out of the shattered window, observing the battlefield.

Hyunjin was currently fighting off Mega, sparring in a quick matter. Hyunjin threw a punch towards Mega, managing to hit his abdomen. "Say goodbye, hero."

Mega grunted, retaliating by sending a roundhouse kick towards Hyunjin's face. Hyunjin threw out his robotic hand, extending it out to attempt to wrap around Mega's torso.

Mega stepped back. "I won't fall for that again."

Seeing an opportunity, Mega swiped his hand through the air, a blade of icy wind flying through the air towards Hyunjin. In defense, Hyunjin put up his robotic arm in front of his face.

Big mistake.

The blade cut off Hyunjin's artificial arm, the metal clattering to the asphalt.

Oh fuck.

Hyunjin's eyes widened, too shocked to even counter Mega's next few punches and kicks.

He just lost all of his weapons.

Almost expertly, Mega kicked Hyunjin in the shins and abdomen, one after the other. Hyunjin stumbled back, four SWAT team members coming over in anticipation.

Then Mega conked Hyunjin on the head with his elbow.

Hyunjin fell to the asphalt, blacked out from the contact. The four SWAT team members came over and picked up Hyunjin's body and throwing it into the back of one of their cars.


Chris' eyes widened. Using his telekinesis from where he was in the building, Chris tried to lift up a few of the already crumpled cars and threw them towards the SWAT members in an attempt to save his friend.

It didn't work.

Jeongin seemed to notice the situation too, running from where he was fighting Strike over towards the SWAT car. "J-Jin!"

A row of SWAT members lined up in front of Jeongin, blocking his path.

Chris needed to get back down.

Chris climbed out of the window, beginning his descent on the side of the building.

Almost halfway down, Chris almost fell as a beam of fire went through the wall right next to his feet. Chris looked out, seeing the person he didn't want to see.


Strike flew over and hovered next to Chris' figure. Chris lashed out, almost losing balance.

Strike flew back instantly. "Chris. You need to stop. If you surrender now, I won't have to hurt you."

Chris threw out a punch upwards, trying to hit Strike. "No."

Strike gripped Chris' shoulder with his strong hand, pressing his thumb harshly into one of Chris' pressure points. Chris cried out in pain, Strike speaking to him calmly. "Chris, I don't want to hurt you any more than I have to."

Out of the corner of his eye, Chris noticed that Jeongin was now also in a compromisable position. SWAT team members were littered around him, them writhing in pain in puddles of their own melted flesh.

But although Jeongin was able to neutralize some of the men, some of them managed to shoot Jeongin in his appendages, causing the deformed villain to fall to the ground in pain.

Chris watched in fear as Jeongin also got carried into the back of one of the SWAT vehicles, physical pain being completely replaced by emotional pain.

This couldn't be happening.

Chris screamed, suddenly angry at basically everything. "NO!"

His friends just got defeated.

Chris used his other arm to knock off Strike's own arm, running to the ground and running towards the SWAT vehicles.

Strike came down in front of him, landing on the ground while simultaneously opening up the ground with his geomanipulation.

Chris pushed Strike harshly, stepping out of the way of the cracked earth. "Get out of the way! My friends..."

Strike stepped back, punching Chris in the shoulder. "They're being locked up-"

Chris returned a kick back towards the hero. "No! You can't do this!"

Strike sent an open palm towards Chris' chest, stopping Chris from moving towards his friends. "They're dangerous criminals, just like you-"

Chris yelled, struggling to go forward. "You- I- Oh my god- Minho, fuck you, all you do is ruin my fucking life!"

Chris honestly felt really defeated at this moment.

Chris used his telekinesis to move a car towards him and Strike, the metal screeching against the asphalt.

This wasn't going to plan.

Strike released Chris in order to dodge the car, the car being enough of a distraction for Chris to do something that he was quite good at.

Run away from his problems.

A/N happy thirty chappies!

what'd you think of the turn of events in this chapter? what do you think is going to happen next? ;)


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