Outro + Analysis

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Hey all, welcome back! Once again, I feel that I don't need to explain what this "chapter" is about because by now, even if you haven't read my other books, I'm pretty sure you know what this is about (since I did this in both Anti and Facade). This analysis is probably going to be my longest one yet because unlike the others, this one will analyze all three books together. Feel free to skip this if you aren't into this kind of stuff, you obviously are not obligated to read this at all and it won't harm you if you don't, but at the end of the "chapter", there is a thank you message and a little surprise (idk how to describe it lol but I guess you could call it some sort of poll) that you might want to read. Thank you!


Uh well, this was quite an insane journey.

I've never written a trilogy ever before, my pre-fanfic days included.

Honestly, I really don't know what to say. When I first started Anti in September 2020, I did know I wanted to make it a trilogy and it was honestly kind of intimidating. Making a plot that spans more than one book is so hard. Most sequels create totally different conflicts and plotlines, but because I planned this to span multiple books I was able to make it one whole ongoing plotline.

I'm kind of still shocked and surprised at myself that the trilogy is even finished. Back in September, even though I knew that it was going to be a trilogy, the thought of finishing it seemed like such a high goal.

I think that this book is the best out of the three, Facade was the worst, and Anti was the second best. This book contained many of the scenes that I really wanted to write so I found it very fun.

I feel like the pacing of this book was really good. I have no idea what happened to my writing between Abscond and Facade, but I'm actually really proud of myself. What do you guys all think?

The Anti series originally spawned after the whole W***** situation, because I was writing a supernatural ot9 book and I had to sadly discontinue it (the book was called Different) and I still wanted to write supernatural SKZ. I don't know how many of y'all were here when I wrote it, but there are some easter eggs from it that I put into this as a reference. For example, Mr. Kim is actually originally from Different. Also, the building that Chan found in the middle of the forest is actually the building in Different where all the Stray Kids members were sent to for testing after they gained their powers. Just wanted to mention that. :)

Writing Process

Writing this book took such a short amount of time, I don't even know how. It's even tied for my longest book with 37 chapters and an epilogue with one of my other books Aware and Aware took twice as much time to write as this one. Maybe because on weekends I just wrote a lot lol, I remember one weekend I updated a grand total on 7 times. Damn.

My advice for writing series' or long books in general is to plan out the whole plot before you even start. I usually write outlines for all of my books and there is absolutely no doubt that it helped me in this. Outlines help so much because they help you plan out important events, and doing so can help you do things like develop certain motivations earlier or place discreet foreshadowing which can really help your book be more engaging. Many of the best books out there are good because of this very fact. Write an outline!

Character Overview

This is going to be intense.


Ah yes, our favorite protagonist.

Chan is one of my most favorite characters to write. I tried to write him in a sympathetic way (make the readers feel bad for him), but I feel like the character traits I gave him made you all hate him.

Abscond - Banginho/MinChanWhere stories live. Discover now