Stage Of Being A Woman

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King Zircon's POV:

I Fear of this Day Might Come, The Stage of Princess Catherine, Of Being A Woman has Now Arrive.

And Tonight is Her Up Coming Celebration, For Her 16th Birthday, And Everybody is Invited as How My Daughter Wants it to Be . . .

I Still Have My Doubt's in Opening the Gates of this Castle Widely.

For My Fear of Certain People Like King Agamemnon, Might Ruin it for Her . . .

This is Challenging . . . What will I Choose, My Daughters Freedom, Or the Safety of this Kingdom ? . . .

Mycenae: Your Majesty, Time for Us to Go, And Welcome the Visitors that will Arrive to The Princess Celebration.

Better Put my Hopes Up, Wishing King Agamemnon At Least Arrives Late, Or Might Not Come at All . . .

I Tried My Best Not to Let Anyone Knows when is My Daughter's Birthday, But Catherine Fails to Comply with My Request.

Even If That the Whole Kingdom Knows, My Daughter's Special Day, I am Still Wishing that it Only Stayed in There, And No Longer Outside the Kingdom, Will Know About It . . .

I Know King Agamemnon Will Be Furious if He Found Out, I Hid this Day to Him, But all I Wanted is to Make Catherine Happy on her Special Day.

Just this Day, Please All I Wish, Is just One Day . . .

Mycenae: Your Highness ? . . .

King Zircon: Huh ?

Mycenae: Time for Us to Go, Your Majesty.

King Zircon: Then Let Us Go . . .

I then Came to My Daughter's Birthday, And Sat on My Throne.

Sitting Next to Me, Is Catherine, With A Glance of Happiness Sprout to Her Face . . .

I then Insisted Her to Join, And Enjoy Her Own Occasion . . .

I Watched Her Communicate and Switch Parters, While Dancing . . .

I Watch Her Smile, And Enjoy As I Sat Here Trying to Not Worry to the Possibility, That this Might Be the Last Day that My Daughter, Catherine will Smile Like that Ever Again . . .

King Agamemnon POV:

King Agamemnon: How Dare Him !

Zircon Never Mentioned to Me that This Day, Is The Birthday of His Daughter.

Or Maybe He Intended It, And doesn't have any Plans to Tell it To Me . . .

Why, He is Getting into My Nerves Right Now, Him Keeping His Daughter, For His Selfish Demands.

Well I Will Let You Enjoy Your Last Day as King of Dardanllia, And After I'm Done with Your Daughter, I Will Bring The Kingdom of Dardanllia Down Together with Troy . . .

. . .

I Went and Arrived at Princess Catherine's Birthday Celebration.

The Gates of Dardanllia was Not Refusing Any Outsider to Come and Enter, While The Gates of This Castle was Left Open to Any One Who Insist to Join Her Celebration.

Everything Seems to Be In Proper Order, In How I Wanted it Would Be, As How I And Zircon had Discussed it . . .

I Then Entered the Ball Held For the Princess And Spoted Zircon Sitting on His Throne, And I Spoted Catherine Dancing Gracefully, Entertaining Her Other Visitors . . .

King Agamemnon: My, My, Starting the Party Without Me, Already ? . . .

I Walk Straight Ahead Towards King Zircon, And He Receives Me Happily.

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