The Gods Humiliation

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Nicko's POV:

After This Ceremony, My Lady Will Be Held Across the Lands of Greece, And Turkey, And All that Completes Eurasia ( Europe And Asia ), Knowing Now as a Wife of King Agamemnon.

I Looked at Her Face, Filled With Courage, And Determination, As I Recall, Few Hours Ago She was Damsel and Reckless . . .

I Manage to Convince Her to Marry King Agamemnon, For the Safety and Prosperity of Dardanllia.

By Telling Her the Story and the Lesson that We could Get from

" The Olympians Love Triangle "

Aphrodite had Married Hephaestus, And Secretly have an Affair With Aries, The Most Brutal One.

In This Situation, My Lady Agreed, That She will Marry King Agamemnon, For the Sake of This Kingdom.

But Secretly Will Continue to Find True Love, Without the Knowledge of King Agamemnon . . .


Catherine: Nicko, I Don't Understand ? . . .

Nicko: This is a Story of Love and Betrayal, My Lady.

Catherine: I Know Nicko, But ? . . . Why are You Telling this to Me.

Nicko: Because Just Like You, Aphrodite Married Hephaestus Against Her Will.

Catherine: And You want Me to Experience the Same Fate, Aphrodite does ? . . .

Nicko: No My Lady, Rather to Learn from It.

Catherine: ? . . .

Nicko: You See, Aphrodite did Not Comply with Zeus Request, Instead, She was Forced by Hera.

Catherine: But how ? How did Hera Manage to Forced Aphrodite to Marry Hephaestus ?

Nicko: Simple, Hera Knows Aphrodite's Secret, And She Use this, To Black Mail Aphrodite, It was Also the Perfect Opportunity to Gain Revenge, After Aphrodite was Awarded By Paris, To be Fairer than Her, And a Hidden Avenge to Her Son Hephaestus, By Tricking Her to Sit at His " Golden Throne " . . .

Catherine: Aphrodite's Secret ?

Nicko: Aphrodite was The Offspring of Dione and Zeus.

Catherine: Aphrodite Was the Daughter of Dione ? . . . But You Told Me that Uranus Dripped Blood to Gaia, And Aphrodite Sprung Out of the Foam of the Sea ? . . .

Nicko: Till Now the Birth of Aphrodite is Still Unexplainable, But Legends do Say Without the Knowledge of Zeus, Aphrodite Pretends that She Sprouted to the Foam of the Sea Fully Formed and Devastatingly Attractive . . .

Catherine: Tell Me Nicko ? What was So Important to this Secret of Aphrodite ?

Nicko: Dione is Said to Be a Sea Goddess . . .

As My Lady, Pause and in the State of Great Shock, I Manage to Insert, And Continue the Lesson that She May Get Out of the . . .

" The Olympian Love Triangle "

While Married to Hephaestus, Aphrodite Still Continue to Find Love, Behind Hephaestus Acknowledgement . . .

She then Settled a Love Affair, With Aries, God of War. They had Many Good Times Greeting, Meeting Each Other, And this Triggered Hephaestus.

Just Like His Mother, Hephaestus Showed No Mercy to Aphrodite's Lovers.

One Day He Asked Helios to Spy on Aphrodite And Aries, They Manage to Caught Them in Act, Making Out . . .

So Hephaestus Made the Divine Net, In Order to Trap them.

In His Anger, Of His Wife's Betrayal, And His Brother's Trickery.

He then Showed them To The Other Gods, Who Laugh at Their Predicament.

Catherine: What Lesson ? Could I Get with this Story ? Nicko ?

Nicko: Forgive Me My Lady, But Their is Nothing Else that You Could do, But to Accept Your Fate as Queen of Dardanllia, And Just Like Aphrodite, To Held No Love to King Agamemnon.

Catherine: But the Ending is Tragic, I don't Want to End Up Like it ? . . .

I Cuted Her Saying the Possible Consequence, And Cover Her Lips with My Finger.

Nicko: King Agamemnon, Doesn't Has to . . .

My Lady Then Thought for a While, While She was Thinking, I Tried to Break the Silence and Asked . . .

Nicko: So Are You With Me ? With this ? My Lady ? . . .

I Presented My Hand to Her, And She Grab a Firm Grip on It Saying . . .

Catherine: Yes, I Am With You . . .

End Of Flashback:

After the Ceremony I Went to My Lady's Room, Even if She Was Known Now as a True Woman, I still Believe that My Reason to Stay here, Is to Continue My Obligations as a Royal Maestro.

And Her Journey as an Elegant Queen, Is Still Ongoing.

This was the Only Way, That I Could Think of, Just to Stay Contact with My Lady.

As I Entered My Lady's Room Filled with Dressers and Servants Crowded Her . . .

I Demanded Privacy to Me and My Lady's Tutorial.

Then My Lady's Servants Immediately Comply with My Request . . .

Catherine: It's Like their is Only You and Me Now, Nicko . . .

Nicko: So, Where did We Stop ? My Lady.

Catherine: You Think I Already Forgotten Nicko ? . . .

Nicko: About what My Lady ?

Catherine: Aphrodite's Secret.

You Got Me, My Lady . . .

Nicko: The Prophecy Says that

" A Sea Goddess Will Bare Children, Greater than It's Sire "

After the Birth of the First Born, Which is a Girl, Which is Obviously Aphrodite, Soon is the Birt of a Son, Who Could Overthrow it's Father.

Catherine: O.O ? . . .

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