Fall Of Dardanllia

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Nicko's POV:

I Run As Fast As I Could Until I have Sighted the Kingdom of Dardanllia, And As I Arrive to The Area Close to the City's Location . . .

I Saw Black Smoke Rise Up Into the Skies, That Frightens Me More . . .

As I Came Infornt of the Gates of Dardanllia, I Saw with My Very Own Eyes, The Flames ! . . .

That Burns the City Down, Traumatizing Me For an Unexplainable Reason ? . . .

There was Something Between Me, And the Berserk Flames that is Running Around My Head ? . . .

As I Walk Inside the City, All I Saw was the Discord the Flames had Damage to The City, That I had Loved. It Gaved Me the Phobia of Anything that Relates to Fire . . .

I Don't Why, And I Don't Understand ? . . .

As a Warlock, Pyromancy is My Specialty, In Comes In Battle, But Now I Am So Afraid at it ?

Why ? . . .

Even Just Looking at It . . .

I Can't Move, Until ? . . .

A Burts of Fire Swirl Around Me, I Was So Afraid of the Flames Movement, That I Curl Down to Safely.

Weird ? . . .

I was Never Afraid Before, This is Probably the First Time I Experience Fear ? . . .

Hestia: What are You Doing ? Argos ? . . .

Nicko: Huh ? . . .

She's the One ? The Goddess Who Makes Fire . . .

Hestia: Are You Alright, Argos ?

Nicko: Im ? Im Scared . . .

She then Hold My Risk and Pulled Me into the Kingdom's Castle . . .

I Saw Dead People, Lying on the Floor, Burned, And Hardly Could Not Been Recognized . . .

She then Continue in Pulling Me, As She Fearlessly Pass through the Dead People, Emotionless ? . . .

She's a Demon ! . . .

She then Brought Me, In Front of the King's Toasted Body, She then Let Go of Me, And Wants Me to Communicate to a Man that Could Hardly Speak . . .

Even if the King was Burned to Death, He Still Manage to Live, And Tries to Reach for Me, He Said . . .

King Zircon: Nicko ? I'm Glad that Your Alive . . .

I Can't Answer Him Back, As I was In Tears, Also Frightened, Speechless of What Tragedy that had Happen to Him, And to His Kingdom . . .

King Zircon: Save My Daughter, Catherine, Nicko, Protect Her Nicko . . . Catherine ! . . .

That was His Last Words, Before My Majesty, Had Lost His Final Breath . . .

I've Put a Coin, In His Mouth, A Token to Pay, When He Reach Charon . . .

Hestia: If We Go Now, Argos, We Could Catch Up to Them, Agamemnon Had . . .

Nicko: You !

I Cuted Her as I Scream, Blaming Her for Everything, That Had Happen . . .

Nicko: You Are The Reason, For All of this ! This Wouldn't Happen, If I was Here to Save them . . .

Hestia: Argos ? . . .

Nicko: If You Didn't Force Me to Join the Alliance With the Greeks, Then, They Wouldn't Had Betray Us like this, And Everything is Still Alright !

Hestia: Argos ? Can You Hear Yourself Saying that to Me ? . . .

Nicko: You Were Here When the Attacked had Happen ? Right . . .

Hestia: Wait, You Don't Understand Argos, I'm Already Loosing My Powers . . .

Nicko: And You Did None !

Hestia: Argos, Let Me Explain . . .

Nicko: Get Away From Me, I Don't Need You . . .

Hestia: Argos ? . . .

Nicko: My Name is Nicko !

I then Leave Her, Stuned, Probably Surprise of What I Screamed to Her . . .

Hestia: Fine ! Your Nothing to Me Anyway, I Should had Listened to Athena, That the Legacy of Argos has Ended Through You . . .

While Walking Away She Manage to Scream, So I Replied Back, In Return, Screaming . . .

Nicko: I Don't Need You Anyway, You'r Nothing But an Old Woman, Who Didn't Value Aphrodite's Virtue, Who Lost Her Love, And Now Asking for it By Forcing His Son, Who Came at His Blood, To Be Him, The One that Got Away !

Hestia: No ? No, You Don't Understand . . .

She was Still Begging for Me to Explain, But My Wish is to Not Listen . . .

I then Left Her, Putting an End to Our Relationship.

Nicko: Goodbye, Hestia . . .

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