Creation Of Man

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Princess Catherine's POV:

3 Days After the Night Father Speaked to King Agamemnon, I Decided to Run Off Outside The Palace, And Wonder Around the Village, Just Like what I Used to Do, As Always.

I Saw some Children Playing in front of The Fountain, At the Center Village.

And Surprisingly, They Seem Recognize Me ? . . .

Catherine: How did they Know that I'm the Princess of Dardanllia ? . . .

The Children then Run towards Me and Welcomed Me. Trying to Tour Me Around the Village, And Show off, What is Dardanllia is Famous for . . .

I Tried to Convince them Not to, Cause My Father Might Find Out. And My Servants that Are Obliged to Look After Me, Will Be Punish by The King.

Catherine: You Guys, Seeing Me Go Here in Your Village is A Secret, Ok ? . . .

The Children Agreed and Zipped Their Lips, An Indication of Their Promise, That They will Keep it as a Secret.

One Child then Asked Me ? In How did the Earth was Been Created ?

He Asked so Quickly, Already ? . . .

I was Not a Very Good Story Teller, But Since I Know the Answer to His Question, I Tried My Best to Answer it Back . . .


Before Their was a Powerful God Name Chaos, And He Decided to Create Creatures, So He Wouldn't Be Lonely.

He then Created Tartarus the Abbeys, Gaia the Earth, Eros The Love, Nyx the Night, And Erebus.

Gaia then Gaved Birth to Uranus, That Later on Became Her Wife.

And then They Gived Birth to The Titans, And the Generation Next to the Titans, Which is the Olympians.

End Of Flashback:

Catherine: And thats How ? The World was Been Created . . .

I Ended the Story Short, Since They were Children, I Tried My Best Not for Them to Hear the Horrible Parts of the Story.

I Remember when Nicko had Told Me this Story, When I was Young . . .

It was So Detailed and Comprehensive, That I Could Imagine Every Part of it Happen.

And that Cause Me Not to Sleep, During the Night, After . . .

Even if I Tried My Best to Explain the Birth Of All Creations, It was that Obvious to Their Faces that They Didn't Understand My Story . . .

Catherine: Huh, Ha . . .

I Sigh . . .

Thinking, Hey ! What Can I Do ? Their Just Innocent Children, Played by Their Curious Imagination . . .

Another Child Tried to Break the Silence, When She Started to Asked Me, About the Creation of Human ?

Oh, No ? . . . Another Question, Again, But this Time, I Don't Know What to Answer.

Her Question was Out of My Knowledge, Nicko is Still Not Yet Telling Me the Story of How Man was Created . . .

Nicko: It Started After Zeus God Of the Skies, Was Been Held to Be the Head of Mount Olympus.

I then Looked at the Familiar Voice Behind Me and Saw Nicko ?

What is He Doing in Here ?

Oh, No ! . . .

I Remember We Have an Appointment, He is Probably Searching for Me after I didn't Showed Up . . .

Nicko: After Zeus, Became Leader of All Gods in Mount Olympus, He then Saw this Monster Like Creatures, Called as Furies. This Creature Has 1 Body, 4 Legs, 4 Arms, And 2 Heads

Children: Ewww ! ! ! . . .

Exactly what I Expected the Children will React, After Nicko had Mention it  . . .

Nicko: Hahaha ! I Know, I Know . . .

And You Think ? That There was Something Funny ? About what You Said ? . . .

Nicko: This Creatures was So Repulsive, As Zeus had Mention, That He Decided to Separate this Monster into 2. Which Now has 1 Body, 2 Legs, 2 Arms, And 1 Head, That We Now Know as Humans.

It was Very Educational for Nicko, To Tell to the Children, The Every Fact of His Story. Still ? it was a Very Disturbing Story, For the Children to Understand.

But then . . .

Nicko: These 2 Humans will Wonder Around the Earth, In Search for Each Other to be Together Once Again.

After Hearing what Nicko had to Say, I was so Amazed . . .

Even the Children Do Agreed to His Last Phrase . . .

It was Not just a Horrifying Truth, In How All of Us was Been Created, But Also a Concept of Why Humans Search for Love . . .

Nicko: Ok Children, Princess Catherine, Has Her Obligations as Princess of Derdanllia.

Children: Awww . . .

We Started Walking, Going Back to the Palace, And the Children then Wave Their Arms, Saying Goodbye . . .

I Wave Back and Promise Will Come Back.

But Suddenly I Look into Nicko's Face, Thinking that We May have an Unfinish Business, To Talk About too . . .

Then I Asked ? . . .

Catherine: Nicko ?

Nicko: Yes, My Lady ?

Catherine: Are You Mad at Me ?

Nicko: For What Reason, My Lady ?

Huh ? He had Forgotten ? Already ?

Catherine: Never Mind, Nicko

Nicko: I was A Little Bit Paranoid, After You didn't Showed Up in Our Appointment.

Oh No ! I Should had Never Asked . . .

Nicko: But after Seeing You, Trying Your Best To Sanitize My Story, Just for You to Tell it To the Children Correctly, Was Completely Tremendous, My Lady.

I Just Smiled, As I Found Out that He was Not Mad at Me, After All what I did To Him.

Catherine: But it Really Makes Me Wonders Why ?

I took a One Last look to the Village, Scanning for the Children We Encountered.

Nicko: Of What ? My Lady.

Huh ? He was Listening . . .

Catherine: I Never Met, Those Children Before, But Yet They Recognized Me ? As if I was Allowed to Go Out of the Palace Walls ?

He then Hide a Small Smile in His Face Saying . . .

Nicko: You Dont Know Much About Your Beauty, My Lady.

Catherine: My Beauty ?

I Question ? . . .

Nicko: It is Widely Spread By Now, That The Princess of Dardanllia, Has a Famously Distinguish Beauty.

I Really Don't Know how to React from What He Said . . .

But It Really Sounds Like a Complement for Me . . .

I Elaborate More . . .

Catherine: Tell Me More About it ?

Nicko: Stories had Said that the Princess of Dardanllia, Has a Beauty that Grows with Her Age. By Time Pass, Your Beauty Can Compete Against the Beauty of Helen of Troy.

Catherine: Oh  O.o ? . . .

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