Loosen The Tension

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King Zircon's POV:

As the King of Dardanllia, It is My Duty to Decides what's Best for My People, And Being the King, During The Kingdom's Crisis, Is Absolutely Difficult.

I Decided to Wonder off, Around My Castle to Loosen the Tension,

" The Trojan War "

is Giving Me . . .

On My Way to Catherine's Room, I Bump into Nicko.

King Zircon: Heading to Catherine's ? . . .

I Asked ? He then Bow Down In front of Me and Said.

Nicko: Yes ! Your Majesty.

I was Quite Amaze to The Politeness He is Presenting Me, Then I Remembered My Daughter, Catherine, And the Very Same Courtesy She was Showing Yesterday . . .

We Then Walk together Going to My Daughter's Room, Him Standing Tree Steps Behind Me.

King Zircon: So Tell Me Nicko ? Who Taught You to Perform in Good Manners, Nicko ?

I Stoped Walking and Tried to Make Eye Contact with Him.

Nicko: I was Trained By My Mother . . .

I was still Starring at Him, Listening, As if He wants to Add Up from what He had Just Said.

Nicko: Even Before I was Born, The Only Thing Important to My Father was to Gain More Knowledge. Knowledge where People Surrounding Him Don't Understand . . .

I didn't Quite Get ? The Logic He is Pointing at ? But I Still Continue to Listen . . .

King Zircon: And ? . . .

Nicko: With all the Time He Spent on Learning, He didn't Recognize, That He was Aging, And My Mother was So Afraid that All of His Works will Go to Waist . . .

I Continue to Listen as I Offered Him to Walk along Side with Me, Going to My Daughters Room.

Nicko: She then Brought Me, Into Severe Training, Just For Me to Learn My Father's Legacy . . .

I was Just Stunned ? Clueless, Just Looking at Him tell his Story.

Then Only I Recognized I was Not Listening, And He was Already Finish Telling . . .

Nicko: And that's Quite it, Your Majesty.

I Still don't Understand ? I do Believe Him, But Everything He Said Seems So Odd and Strange ?

In Trying to Look at it Out in My Point of Veiw ? . . . It Makes No Sense ?

And I don't want to Insult Him, By Asking ?  Were is the Connection to My Question, And Who Really Trained Him ? His Mother or His Father ? . . .

As We Arrived infront of The Door to My Daughter's Room.

I Smiled at Nicko, Pretending I Enjoyed His Story. Then I Entered My Daughter's Room.

I Saw Catherine Sitting, Facing The Window, Staring at The Beautiful Scenery The Hellespont Sea Can Offer . . .

I then Looked at Nicko, Once Again, Making Eye Contact for the Two of Us to Connect.

Then I Signed Him that He may Go Straight Ahead of Me, To My Daughter Company.

Catherine: Nicko ? What a Beautiful Scenery, Isn't it ?

Nicko: One of The Finest, My Lady . . .

Catherine: I Wonder ? . . . From where does the Sun Risen ? From the Sea, And the Moon is Chasing After it ? . . .

Nicko: It is The Sun God, Helios Pulling the Sun, From East to West. In His Chariot, And Rides a Ship, Going Back to East, By Night. My Lady.

Catherine: Nicko ? . . .

Nicko: Yes ? My Lady.

Catherine: Please Tell Me More ? About it ? . . .

Nicko: Yes, My Lady . . .

I Slowly Approach Them, While Listening, I was Quite Interested to What Nicko is About to Say . . .

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