Persephone Goddess Of Spring

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Nicko's POV:

Winter has Ended, And Spring has Arrive. My Lady, Then Excitedly went Out of Her Room, Running into the Hallway, And Straight to the Palace Garden.

I then Watch Her, As She Observes the Grass. She then Look Around Her, And Saw Me Staring at Her, At the Balcony Above Her.

Catherine: Nicko ! . . .

She Shouted My Name, With a Smile Appears on Her Face. She Might have Seen Something that Triger Her Interest, And will Probably Asked Me, What is The Meaning of It ? . . .

I then Went to Her Location, And as I Arrive, She then Pointed Out to the Skies And Said . . .

Catherine: Look ! Nicko, Sun Shines through the Clouds, Ice Glaze Melt to It's Form, And Flowers that are Frozen for a Very Long Time, Started to Bloom. Such Unexplainable Phenomena that Only the Gods Above Could Do . . .

Nicko: I ? . . . Strictly Agree, My Lady . . .

Catherine: Nicko ? . . .

Nicko: Yes, My Lady ? . . .

Catherine: How did the Gods Above Created the Seasons ? . . .

She Questioned ? . . . I've think for a While, Recalling the Story in How did the Gods Above Created the 4 Seasons ? . . .

Nicko: It is the Ability of Persephone, As the Goddess of Spring.

Catherine: Persephone ? The Goddess of Spring ? . . .

Nicko: You Heard Me Right, My Lady. . .

Catherine: Nicko ? . . .

Nicko: Yes, My Lady ? . . .

Tell Me More About it . . .

Catherine: Please, Tell Me More About it ? . . .

I Giggled, As I Successfully Predict Her Answer . . .

Catherine: Is there Something Funny ? Nicko . . .


As The Daughter of Demeter, Goddess of Harvest, Persephone was Also Describes as Nature, Together with Her Mother.

At First, Demeter Wants Her Daughter to be Known as the Goddess of Maidenhood.

But Because of Persephone's Everlasting Beauty, Hermes and Apollo then Started to Compete to Each Other, To Wins Persephone's Heart.

Demeter Knows the Possibility of How will Her Daughter End Up, As the Goddess of Maidenhood. So She Decided to Bring Persephone Away from Mount Olympus, And Hid Her Daughter with the Companies of Other Female Nymphs.

One Time, While Persephone was Gathering Flowers at the Field, A Cleft in the Ground Started to Open, And Came Out Hades, God-King of the Underworld.

He Instantly Fell In Love With Persephone's Beauty, And Abducted Her, With the Approval of Zeus.

When Demeter, Found Her Daughter had Mysteriously Disappeared. She then Searches for Her Daughter, All Over the Earth, With a Torch Carried By Her Right Hand.

Incapable of Searching for Persephone, She then Neglects the Earth and in the Depth of Her Despair She Causes Nothing to Grow.

Making Oracle's Prophecy, Priestess of Apollo, To Prediction, Saying that . . .

" A God of Death's Happiness is The Cause of End, Of All that is Living in This Earth, And the Gods Above Can Never Contradict It's Future, For Another God of Birth Shall Make it Happen "

Helios, The Sun, Who had Seen Everything, Eventually Told Demeter What had Happened, And at with Length, When She Discovered the Place of Persephone's Adode.

Finally, Zeus, Pressed By the Cries of the Hungry People, And By the Other Deities Who Also Heard their Anguish.

Zeus then Forced Hades to Return Persephone Back to Her Mother's Company.

Hades Indeed Complied With the Request, But First had Tricked Persephone, Giving Her Some Pomegranate Seeds to Eat . . .

Persephone was Released by Hermes, Who Had Been Sent By Zeus to Rescue Her, But Because She had Tasted the Food in the Underworld, She was Obliged to Spend a Third of Each Year to Stay With Hades, And the Remaining Parts of the Year, Together With Her Mother, Demeter.

Because of Demeter's Sadness, Aphrodite then Settled Persephone and Hades Bond into a Law

" Making Hades No Longer Look for Love to Another, And Persephone will Truly Enjoy the Company of Hades "

But Even if Demeter has the Chance to Be with Her Daughter, The Curse of Hera Remain Strong, Saying that . . .

" Making Persephone Worth Worship Because of Her Mother, But Never with Her Mother's Company "

Demeter Experience the Sadness, And Forgotten Her Obligation of a Yearly Long Harvesting.

Every Summer, We're Experiencing Demeter's Warm Love to Persephone, Every Autumn the Worrying of Demeter, Of Persephone's Return to the Underworld, While Every Winter We're Experiencing, Demeter's Cold-Cold Sadness, Of Pesephone's Absence, And Every Spring The Welcoming of Demeter, To Persephone's Arrival.

End Of Flashback:

My Lady, Was So Amaze to the Story that I Told to Her, That After She has Listened, She then Looked Up in the Skies, And Prayed for Demeter's Soon to Find True Happiness, To Her Daughter's Company, Saying . . .

Catherine: I Know Hera's Curse Could Never Be Prevail, But I Hope, That Demeter will Be Contented, For At Least Persephone's Appearance.

I then Too Looked Up and Prayed, Together With Her, For Demeter's Happiness . . .

Catherine: Nicko ? . . .

Nicko: Yes, My Lady ?

Catherine: I Recall ? You Told Me that Helios was Been Punished By Zeus, And Locked Him Down in Tartarus, Remember ? . . .

Nicko: Yes My Lady.

Catherine: So ? . . .

Nicko: So ?

Catherine: So ? . . .

Nicko: The Time Line of " Persephone's Abduction ", Differs from the Time Line of " Phaeton's Tragedy ", My Lady.

Catherine: Oh ? . . .

Nicko: . . .

She then had Thought for a While, Until She had Finally Speak.

Catherine: SO that's How Persephone ? Became the Goddess of Spring ? . . .

Well that Mind of Her's, Changes So Quickly ? . . .

Nicko: That is ? . . . Correct, My Lady . . .

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