Athena's Plan In Motion

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As I Watch Nicko Run to His Beloved City of Dardanllia . . .

Fading as He Sprint in Great Panic, Worried of The Possible Threat that Agamemnon Could Do, To His Kingdom . . .

I have Settled a Curse on Him, After Insulting the Gods, Especially Hestia . . .

The One Who Raised Him as an Infant, And Asked for His Love, In Exchange of Her Motherly Care . . .

My Curse Stated that . . .

" Even from Hestia's Persuasion, You Yourself Will Persist in Repeling Her, And in Addition to Hestia's Fading Powers, You Will Surely Loose Your's, Without Hestia's Personification "

I then Went to The River of Styx, To Meet Up, To an Old Friend of Mine . . .

Athena's POV:

Athena: It's Been a Long Time ? Old Friend . . .

Nemesis: It's Been An Long Time, Athena . . .

Athena: Ever Since the Celebration of Thetis and Pelaus Wedding.

Nemesis: It is My Sorrow, Dear Friend that You Did Not Won to Be the Fairest.

Athena: It's Alright, The Passed Events Could Never Be Replace, Just Like How I Curse Zeus, With the Assistance of Your Powers.

Nemesis: And After Zeus Betrayal of Loyalty to Hera. I Sworn an Oat to the River of Styx, That,

" I Will Seek Vengeance On Zeus, And Promise Won't Repeat the Same Mistake Again "

Athena: And Everything Wouldn't Be Possible ? . . .

Nemesis: If Wasn't for Your Brilliant Idea, Athena . . .

Athena: And Now Zeus Will Lay in Ruins, Just Like How Troy had Ended . . .

Nemesis: And He Wouldn't Even Know, That it Was Us, Who is Sabotaging Him.

Athena: His Probably Worried By Now in Leaving His Place in Mount Olympus.

Nemesis: I Want Zeus, To Stay Alive and Suffer, After the Rape Incident, He had Done to Me.

Athena: Don't Worrt Nemesis, He Will Be, And will Tackle a Life Way Difficult, From the Lives of Men.

Nemesis: Now Zeus, Will Now Experience the Feeling, Being Controlled the Destiny, By the Gods Above . . .

Athena: With The Help of Zeus Himself, He Created Heracles, That Made it Easy for Us, To Set Prometheus Free . . .

Nemesis: So Where is Prometheus ? Athena ? . . .

Athena: He is Now Waiting For Zeus, Arrival, Probably Exited to Take Revenge on Zeus, After His Lockdown in Tartarus, And Been Tortured By Zeus Giant Eagle, Who Ate His Liver Everyday . . .

Nemesis: Ewww . . . So Heracles ? Is He the Son of Zeus, Who is Greater than Him ?

Athena: True, He is Greater than His Father, But His Mother, Alcmene is Not a Sea Goddess, Or a Goddess Itself . . .

Nemesis: The Prophecy Says that Zeus Will Bare a Child Greater than Him, From a Sea Goddess, Right ? . . .

Athena: And Let Us Not Break the Prophecy, That We had Successfully Practice for a Very Long Time . . .

Nemesis: I'm Already Getting the Hang of It, Athena . . .

Athena: Indeed, Nemesis, Cursing Someone, Through Prophecy is the Best Way, That Could Never Be Prevail.

Nemesis: Tell Me Athena ? If the Prophecy had Already Been Forestall ? Then Who is The Sea Goddess, Zeus had Layed With ?

Athena: That My Friend, I Am Not Shure, It Could Be Anyone ? Zeus had Lay With ? . . .

Nemesis: Zeus ? Is the Image of Infidelity . . .

Athena: Or Simply, It Could Be Just The Sea Goddess, Dione ?

Nemesis: But Aphrodite ? Seems to Do Nothing ? . . . It's Really Difficult to Determined if She is Greater than His Father ?

Athena: True, But Since the Prophecy is Already in Motion, Let Us Just Wait, When the Time is Ripe, And See What is The Ending to this Long Plotted Revenge Against Zeus.

Nemesis: Athena, I'm Getting Really Tired in Waiting, Remember the Last Prophecy.

" Paris, Would Be the Downfall of Troy "

It had Took 10 Years In the Running . . .

Athena: Patients My Friend, The Prophecy Never Fails, And Don't Worry Nemesis, I Have a Knew Prophecy, And I Know, You Are Going to Like this . . .

Nemesis: Really ! What ? . . .

Athena: It's From Oracle, A Priestess of Apollo, She is Also One of the Most Famous, Shoot Sayer in Greece . . .

Nemesis: It is Said, None of Her Prophecy had Failed, Athena. So What does Her Prophecy Says ?

Athena: She had Stated that ? . . .

" A God of Death's Happiness is The Cause of End, Of All that is Living in This Earth, And the Gods Above Can Never Contradict It's Future, For Another God of Birth Shall Make it Happen "

Nemesis: I Like the Sound of that ? . . .

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