The Sun God, Helios

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Nicko's POV:

Nicko: And that's Quite it, Your Majesty.

After I Put an End to My, Very Long Prologue. I Saw the King's Face with Confusion.

It didn't Bothered Me, Since I was Expecting Him, Not to Understand.

Because I Always Place a Double Meaning to My Stories.

That No One Has Able to Unravel the Mystery I Hide in My Riddles, Except for One.

And that is My Lady . . .

The King Tried to Replace His Confusion And Smiled, Looking at Me, Then He Entered My Lady's Room.

I Stand on My Place, Letting the King Go First, But He then Look at Me, And Nod His Head Pionted Out to My Lady.

I then Understand what He Wants Me to Do, And I Followed . . .

Catherine: Nicko ? What a Beautiful Scenery, Isn't it ?

Nicko: One of The Finest, My Lady . . .

I Replied, While Looking at Her Beautiful Face . . .

Catherine: I Wonder ? . . . From where does the Sun Risen ? From the Sea, And the Moon is Chasing After it ? . . .

Nicko: It is The Sun God, Helios Pulling the Sun, From East to West. In His Chariot, And Rides a Ship, Going Back to East, By Night. My Lady.

Catherine: Nicko ? . . .

Nicko: Yes ? My Lady.

Catherine: Please Tell Me More ? About it ? . . .

Nicko: Yes, My Lady . . .


Before The Olympian Gods Ruled Human Race. First Was the Creation of The World, And Uranus Separated The Sky from The Earth.

Eventually He was Also been Dethroned By His Son Cronus And The Titans Took in Charge of Conquering it.

Before . . .

The Continent Was Been Divided into 2, First is the Part Where There are 3 Suns, That are Shining, And The Side Where The Sun Never Risen.

Because of The The Heat the Suns are Capable of Doing, The Titans Sometimes Travel to the Dark Side to Rest and Coolen.

Where They Reacted as Too Cold . . .

There was also the Difficulty to do a Task or an Activity, Traveling in Long Distance, Reaching Both Sides of The World.

So The Titans Dicided to Control The Power of The Suns, And Started to Command it.

But this Law, Wasn't Perfomed Easily . . .

As the Attempt to Take Full Control of the Sun. Some of The Titans Complained to the Burns and Injuries, Coming from the Heat, Just Moving Close to it.

One of This Titan Capable of Controlling the Sun, Was Hyperion. But Eventually got Bored of Doing it Everyday.

That it Made Him and Theia Bare Children, And Obliging Them, The Responsibility to Distribute the Suns Rays.

Helios Pulled the " Chariot of The Sun " While Eos Pulled The Dawn, And Selene Pulled The " Chariot of The Moon ".

Though Helios was Pulling the,

" Chariot Of The Sun "

Around The Earth, Sharing First Heat, Then Cold.

He Notice that the Heat was Not Distributed Correctly and Thought that 1 Sun is More than Enough, To Shine Around the Earth.

So He then Asked to Hid 1 Sun to Gaia, And Swallowed The Other 1. Making 1 Sun Being Pulled Easier, By his Steeds From East To West, And Rest in His,

" Golden Cup "

Going Back to East.

End Of Flashback:

King Zircon: So Tell Me Nicko ? If the Reign of The Titans has Ended ? Why did Helios and His Other Siblings, Continued Their Obligations at The Reign of The Olympians ?

I was Not Expecting the King to Listen and Asked to My Story, But still I Have to Answer Him Back for His Question, That Makes Good Sense . . .

Nicko: It is Because Distributing the Sun's Raise, Is One of the Most Important Contribution of the

" Golden Age "

( Reign Of The Titans ) Helios Manage to Continue His Duty, And Pulled " The Chariot Of The Sun " Until the " Tragedy of Phaeton " Happen.

King Zircon: Tragedy of Phaeton ? . . .

Nicko: Yes, Your Majesty . . .

King Zircon: So Tell Me, Nicko How did the Reign of Helios Ended ? And About the Tragedy of Phaeton, You are Saying ?


Helios is Discribe as a Handsome God, Crowned with a Shining Aureole of the Sun. Who Drove

" The Chariot Of The Sun "

Across the Skies each Day Earth Circling, Oceanus and Through the World Ocean, Returning to the East by Night.

With This Description, Helios has No Doubt to Have At least One Consort a Day, In Different Places He May Went.

Phaeton later Claims to Be A Son of Helios . . .

For Helios to Make it Up to His Son Phaeton, He then Sworn an Oath to The River of Styx to Give Whatever Phaeton Wishes.

Which Later Wish to Drove His Father's Chariot Around the Earth . . .

Helios Couldn't Resist His Son's Ambitious Wish, For No Oath shall be Broken, From the River of Styx.

Phaeton then Drove,

" The Chariot of The Sun "

Arount the Earth, But Later had Lost Control and Set the Earth on Fire.

Phaeton Plunged into the River of Eridanos, And was No Longer had been Found.

Demeter Goddess of Harvest was Furious, Of Helios Burning Her Lands, And Appealed to Zeus to Punish Helios.

Despite of Helios Sorrow of Loosing His Son, Zeus Punished Helios, By Counter Repelling Helios Powers, And Dethroning Him, Locking Him Down to Tartarus.

Helios Siblings Eos and Selene, Both Rebelled to Zeus Resolution. And Decided to Retire to Their Long Vowed Obligations of Pulling Day to Night.

Zeus then Asked the Twin Gods Apollo, God of the Sun, And Artemis, Goddess of the Moon to take Full Control, And Manage the Everyday Routine, Of One of the Most Important Contribution the

" Golden Age "

has Offered. . .

End Of Flashback:

Catherine: Such a Poor Story of a God Trying to Make His Son Happy . . .

King Zircon: Indeed, Catherine, Indeed . . .

The King Soon Left the Room in Great Disturbance Marked on His Face.

Probably Thinking of The Tragic Story of Phaeton . . .

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