Argos Lost In Existence

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King Agamemnon's POV:

How Dare Him ! How Dare All of You, Who had Put Dishonor to My Name . . .

King Agamemnon: Argos ! . . .

You Think I'm Afraid of You Argos ? So What ? If You've Already Lived for Over 500 Years.

That Can't Still Stop Me, From Doing, What Horror I Could Do Against Your Beloved City Dardanllia . . .


King Odysseus: Ahhh . . . Agamemnon, I'm Delighted to See You . . .

King Agamemnon: So What's Your Patron Goddess, Had Planed for Tomorrow ? Odysseus ? . . .

King Odysseus: You See, Agamemnon ? Everything, Wouldn't Be Possible, If Wasn't For Athena . . .

King Agamemnon: And What Do You Want to Tell Me, About this ?

King Odysseus: You See, We Couldn't Set the Plan in Motion if Nicko ? Would Not Participate . . .

King Agamemnon: Enough With The Riddle ! And Tell it Me ! Direct to Point, Odysseus . . .

King Odysseus: Nicko Will Only Participate, If You Promise to Remain the City of Dardanllia Untouched.

King Agamemnon: . . .

King Odysseus: Agamemnon ? If We Didn't Settle this Fast, The War will Only Last Longer . . .

King Agamemnon: Then, Tell it to Him, That He Must Participate Odyssey, I'm No Longer a Threat to Dardanllia.

King Odysseus: Great then, I Know You Will Comply, With My Request . . .

King Agamemnon: For Now . . .

End Of Flashback:

King Agamemnon: Destroy Everything ! That You Will See, We will Leave None Survivors, Except for the Princess, Which is Mine . . .

Princess Catherine's POV:

Mycenae: Princess, The City is in Great Danger !

Mycenae Bust into My Bedroom, Early in the Morning, Alarming Me of The Greeks Terrorism to Dardanllia, He then Pulled Me to Safety, But then I Remembered . . .

Catherine: Wait ? Were is Father ? . . .

Mycenae: The King Ordered Me to Priorities Your Safety, My Lady . . .

While Mycenae and I Run to Safety, King Agamemnon had Blocked Our Way of Escaping the City . . .

King Agamemnon: Hello My Wife . . .

Catherine: Huh ? . . .

We were Surprise the Swift Appearance of King Agamemnon.

But Still, All My Survants had Vowed to the King, My Life os Way to Important than to Theirs . . .

Mycenae: Get Away from the Princess, Huhg ! . . .

Mycenae Tried to Defend Me, But Unfortunately for Him, King Agamemnon, Grab Hold Mycenae in the Neck, Strangling Him to Death . . .

Catherine: No ! Don't Kill Him !

I Pleaded, And He Comply, As He then Dropped Mycenae, And in Attempt to Grab Me in the Risk . . .

A Silver Arrow Shot, Came form No Where, Hitting King Agamemnon's Hand, Into the Walls . . .

Yes He was Furious After What had Happened, But He Still Finds a Way to Take Me, With Him . . .

He then Forced Commanded, Mycenae to Bring Me With Him, Back to His Country . . .

Mycenae Refuse, But I Begged for His Cooperation, So King Agamemnon Won't Slay Him.

Wonder From Were ? Did the Silver Arrow, Came From ? . . .

Leaving the City Against My Will, Had Help Me to Be Strong to the New Chapter of My Life, I am Tackling . . .

As I Watch My City, Burn in Ruins. King Agamemnon Had Taken Me Back to His City of Argos.

King Agamemnon: Let See Argos, Who Will Take the Last Laugh.

Argos ? . . .

Mychean: He has Been Cursing the Name Argos, For a While Now ? My Lady . . .

Catherine: Do You Know of this Person He Speaks of Argos ?

Mychean: No ? . . .

Cassandra: He is a Greek Warrior, Who was the First King of His City, That Agamemnon is Now Ruling.

Catherine: And Why He is So Mad to this Greeks Warrior ? You Speak Of ?

Cassandra: I Don't Know ? For Sure, All that We Know By Now that He is Really Mad to this Argos, He Speaks of . . .

Soon We then Arrive Safely at the City of Argos, King Agamemnon Immediately Commanded His Men to Burn All Scriptures at Their City's Founder Argos.

Some Scriptures Were Been Replaced By Monsters, And Some of Argos Inscription was Been Replace By Another Greek Warrior.

King Agamemnon: Replace the Name Argos in Every Scrip Saying the One Achaean Abandoned, And Pulled the Trojan Horse, And Lead the Greeks into Victory. Replace it, Replace it All with Sinon, That Means " Traitor ".

He had Also Announced to Slay this Monter, He Speaks of Argos, And Will Be Awarded a Life Time Achievement, Warriors and Heroes in Greece, Started to Search for Him, In Attempt to Murder this Argos, King Agamemnon Always Speaks of . . .

He was So Busy, In Working of Removing this Greek Hero Argos, Making Him, Lost in Existence, And Setted this Work in Priority than to Celebrate the Greeks Victory Against Troy . . .

King Agamemnon Was Also Planning to Change the Name of His Kingdom, Then He Approaches Us, And Asked . . .

King Agamemnon: You There ! The Princess Descendant, Tell Me, What is Your Name ? . . .

Mycenae: Mycenae . . .

King Agamemnon: I Like the Sound of Your Name . . .

He had Soon Left Us, Locked in A Room, In His Hill Top Castle, Probably Busy in Declaring the Name of His City to Mycenae . . .

Is He Serious, In Replacing the Name of His City ?

And Who is This Argos, He Speak of ? . . .

Mycenae: My Lady, Do You Think, He is Serious in Replacing the Name of the City, With My Name ?

Catherine: I Think so ? He is Serious, What Does Your Name Stands for Mycenae ? . . .

Mycenae: It's a Foreign Name to Greece that Means, Mushroom, Princess . . .

Catherine: Oh ? . . .

. . .

Tired from the Long Hours Travel, To a Different Country, I Fell Asleep, By Exhaustion, On Mycenae Shoulder . . .

Few Hours Later Mychean had Wakes Me Up, Saying Nicko is Here to Rescue Us . . .

What ? Did I Heard that Correctly that Nicko is Here to Save Us ?

Nicko is Alive ? . . .

We Then Excape the Castle of King Agamemnon, Through the Palace Balcony, But as We Reach the Green, Green Grass of this Hill.

King Agamemnon's Soldiers had Spoted Our Plan of Escaping, And Soon Chased After Us . . .

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