War Continues

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King Agamemnon POV:

How Dare Him ! I Knew it, I Knew it All Along . . .

I was Right All Along, Everything What I Think About Him, Was All True.

Him and His Selfish Way of Keeping His Daughter for His Selfish Demands.

Well, This Means War, Zircon. You Want War, Zircon ? Then I'll Give it to You . . .

And How Dare Him, The Smelly Servant, Who Beaten Me Up, Coward to Reveal Himself . . .

You Thought I Didn't Remembered Your Face ? Well I Did . . .

I Will Find You, And Make You Suffer to Your Knees, In Return to what You have Done to Me . . .

I Sent My Men to Dardanllia, And Appointed Them to Find The Stinky Slave, Who had Put a Disgrace to My Name.

I Followed My Men, In a Ride to My Chariot, And Came In Front of the Gates of Dardanllia, With Great Fear, Panic, And Terror to Those Who Stand Against My Will . . .

King Agamemnon: King Zircon ! Open Up The Gates of Dardanllia, And Face Me Like a True Man !

At The Very Top of This City, Came Out Zircon, And Said . . .

King Zircon: King Agamemnon ! It is Not My Intention to Make You Mad, During Your Stay Here, In Dardanllia, But Also I was Not Here When Your Tragic Story had Happened . . .

I Rage in Anger to What He had Said, And Screamed Back to Him.

King Agamemnon: Liar ! I Knew it All Along, That You, King Zicon, Ever Since from the Start, Is Selfish Enough to Give to Me Your Daughter. You Only Broke the Peace Agreement Greece and Dardanllia had Both Agreed On . . .

King Zircon: Well King Agamemnon, You are The First One Who Broke the Treaty, After Putting Disgrace to My Daughter's Maidenhood, And Force Her, During the Night Before.

Why ? How Dare You . . .

King Agamemnon: How Dare You King Zircon, Blaming Me Back, For All that You did. This is All Your Fault !

The War Between the Greeks and Dardanllia has No Difference to the Trojan War, That First Started, Because of The Betrayal of Our Beautiful Wife.

King Zircon's POV:

My Daughter is Crying, Because of King Agamemnon's Persuasion. Yes it Did Made Me Furious of What Dishonor He had Done to My Little Princess.

But I Still Believe, That We Could Settle this in A Peaceful Speech to Each Other . . .

My Men Quickly Alarmed Us to the Arrival of King Agamemnon, In Front of the City of Dardanllia . . .

I Then Showed Up to Him, And He Said . . .

King Agamemnon: King Zircon ! Open Up The Gates of Dardanllia, And Face Me Like a True Man !

I Looked Down Back at Him, At the Great Number of His Soldiers In Front of the City. And I Said . . .

King Zircon: King Agamemnon ! It is Not My Intention to Make You Mad, During Your Stay Here, In Dardanllia, But Also I was Not Here When Your Tragic Story had Happened . . .

As I Speak Calmly, Preventing My Self to Get Mad at Him. He then Rage in Anger Quickly and Yield.

King Agamemnon: Liar ! I Knew it All Along, That You, King Zicon, Ever Since from the Start, Is Selfish Enough to Give to Me Your Daughter. You Only Broke the Peace Agreement Greece and Dardanllia had Both Agreed On.

What ? . . .

King Zircon: Well King Agamemnon, You are The First One Who Broke the Treaty, After Putting Disgrace to My Daughter's Maidenhood, And Force Her, During the Night Before.

All I Could Hear From Him was How Dare You, How Dare You . . .

King Agamemnon: How Dare You King Zircon, Blaming Me Back, For All that You did. This is All Your Fault !

Nicko then Camed Out By My Side, And Asked King Agamemnon . . .

Nicko: If I Surrender to You, Will You Spare Dardanllia, Instead of Destroying it in Ruins, Together with Troy ?

I was Shock to His Proposal to King Agamemnon . . .

King Zircon: So it Was You Nicko ? You Are the Cause of All of King Agamemnon's Anger ?

He Then Looked at Me in the Eyes and Said . . .

Nicko: I Can't Just Watch as He Force My Lady Undress and Surrender Her Virginity to His Demanding Needs to the City of Dardanllia . . .

King Zircon: O.O . . .

King Agamemnon had Put The Dishonor to My Beautiful Daughter, And Now Seek Revenge for His Reluctant Mistake. I then Put a Hand on Nicko's Shoulder and Said . . .

King Zircon: What You did, Is The Right Thing. So Don't Surrender Your Self, We Will Fight the Greeks Till They Get what They are Asking for.

Nicko Looked Down to King Agamemnon's Men, Probably Worried that His Men is Greater than Mine. He Then Commanded My Men to Open Up the Gates, And Surrendered Him Self to King Agamemnon . . .

Such a Brave Man to Sacrifice Him Self for the Safety And Relent Attack of the Achaean's to the City of Dardanllia . . .

But I Do Believe that Even to His Sacrifice, This Battle Between Greece and Dardanllia will Never Settle, And The War Continues . . .

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