King Agamemnon's Persuasion

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Princess Catherine's POV:

As the Day Ended, I Decided Stand By at the Balcony where Father Used to Stay . . .

No Wonder He Always Prefer to Go Here, And Think at this Very Spot of The Castle . . .

Staring at the Aegean Sea, The Veiw is Beautiful, Compared to The Veiw I See at the Window of My Room.

The Red Skies Shows Sincerity of Every Man's Sorrow for the People, Who had Died at the Trojan War, Yet the Calm Sea, Shows the Peaceful Journey of Every Souls Who had Died at the Long Running Battle.

They Respectfully Represent the Passionate Welcome to Another Day that May Come Tomorrow, For No One Knows if You will Continue to Live, Or When Shall Life Ends.

I Wonder ? . . . Did What I did, Is the Right Decision ? . . .

I Tried to Look at The Emerald Gem, Given to Me By Nicko, I Tried to Use it, If I Could See Something Odd, Around the Beautiful Scenery.

As I Use, Of This Gem, My Body Doubled it's Senses.

And Felt that Someone is Coming Closer, From Where I am Standing . . .

Catherine: Who Could it Be ? . . .

I Awaited as His Footsteps, Is Getting Closer, And Closer to Me . . .

Why Do I Feel ? That Something Tells Me, I'm Not Going to Like the Person Who is Coming . . .

The Door Opened . . .

And Who Entered in, Is King Agamemnon.

Catherine: King Agamemnon ? What Brought You Here for ?

He Smiled and Said.

King Agamemnon: Why ? Is it Not Alright for Me to See My Beautiful Wife ? . . .

I Tried to Look Somewhere Else as He then Hand Cup My Face, And Force Me to Look at Him, He then Said.

King Agamemnon: I Can't Wait any Longer, For You to Be Ready, And Let Me into You, Dear Queen Catherine.

Catherine: O.O ! . . .

Nicko's POV:

Nicko: What A Beautiful Evening, Mycenae.

Mycenae: It Looks Like You had Enjoy Your Day Nicko ?

Nicko: Indeed Mycenae, Today is a Peaceful Day, A Hill Full of Harvest, No Battle, No Issue the City has to Encounter for a Week After, Nothing But a Peaceful Warm Sunset . . .

Mycenae: Anything Else ? That Made Up Your Day, Nicko ?

I've Thought for a While, It Looks Like Mycenae Wants Me to Speak Out of Something ?

Nicko: Like What ? Mycenae . . .

I Asked ? . . .

Mycenae: Like ? The Princess ? Nicko ?

My Lady ? . . .

Nicko: What Made You, To Think and Say that, Mycenae ?

Mycenae: It Looks Like You Enjoy Still Seeing with The Princess, Even if You Know She is Married.

What Mycenae Speaks of is The Truth, I Looked Down, Shy and Quite Humiliated, I Said.

Nicko: Is that So ? Mycenae . . .

Mycenae: Indeed Nicko, And It Looks Like the Princess Do Enjoy Your Company too, Nicko.

I was Surprise at What He Mention , As I Said . . .

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