Hades Courtship To Persephone

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Zeus' POV:

As Oracle's Prophecy had Warned Us, A Priestess of Apollo.

" A God of Death's Happiness is The Cause of End, Of All that is Living in This Earth, And the Gods Above Can Never Contradict It's Future, For Another God of Birth Shall Make it Happen "

It Still Didn't Frightens Me, As I Trusted Athena's Plot to Worked in Perfect Harmony.

She then Asked Me to Wait, When the Time is Ripe, Where She Could Perform Her Plot in Motion.

Zeus: What do You Mean, Now is Not the Right Time ? Athena ?

Athena: When the Time is Ripe, Ae Zeus.

So When ? . . . When will be the Right Time ?

Days Passed By, And Athena is Still Not Yet Persuading Her Plans in Action, As if, It Feels Like that She has Forgotten Her Promise, To Help Me Soften the Heart of Hades.

Me Persisting Athena, She then Got Irritated And Told Me . . .

Athena: After Hera had Cursed Leto, Because of Her Jealousy to Your Betray of Loyalty. The Twins, Apollo and Artemis, then Asked for Help to Nemesis to Avenge Leto, Against Hera. The Curse Says that,

" Zeus Will Never Again, Will Bare a Child, With a God's Features to Hera's Child ".

So After the Birth of Hebe, Came the Birth of Hephaestus.

Because of His Physical Look and His Deform Features, I then Question's Hera, If Hephaestus was My Son ?

Because of the Disgrace Hera had Brought Me, She then Hurled Hephaestus Down to Earth, Where No One Could Ever See His Repulsive Features, Ever Again.

But Hephaestus Went Back, And had Prove His Worth of My Son, I Then Accepted Him, And Gaved Him a Position Here in Mount Olympus.

And then I Decided, To Never have A Child Again with Hera.

Athena: Why Not Try ? . . . To Make a Child, To Another Goddess Who is Being Worship Because of Birth.

I don't Know what was She Meant to Say, But I Feel Like She was Trying to Mention Demeter, Which is Applicable, Because She is the Goddess of Harvest and Fertility . . .

Since She is an Olympian Deity, Hera Can't Easily Settle a Curse Against Her.

" So Be It " . . .

I then Seduced Demeter to Have Me into Her, And Promise Will Make Her Child Worth Worshipped, More Than My Offsprings to Hera.

And then The Birth of Persephone . . .

Because of My Promise to Demeter, Persephone Became a Beautiful Young Deity that Represents Her and Her Mother, Demeter to Nature.

Because of Her Beauty, Hermes and Apollo Came, And Sent Gifts for Her Courtship, Unfortunately for Them, Demeter Rejected All of Their Gifts and Hid Persephone Away from the Company of the Olympian Deities.

Demeter Now Hales Her Daughter as the Goddess of Maidenhood, And was Not Permitted to Met Up with Any Kind of Male Figure.

Zeus: So Tell Me Athena ? What Are We Going to Do Next, From Here ? . . .

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