The Fall Of Troy

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Odysseus's POV:

The End of the War Came with 1 Final Plan . . .

The Following Morning, Nicko and I Devised a New Ruse, A Grand Hollow Wooden Horse, An Animal that was Sacred to the Trojans . . .

It was Built By Epeius and Guided By Athena, From the Wood of a Cornel Tree Grove Sacred to Apollo, with The Inscription Saying that,

" The Greeks dedicate this Thank Offering to Athena for their Return Home "

The Hollow Horse was Filled with Elite Soldiers, Which I Led, Spying at the Mouth of this Wooden Animal, Seeing the Event, That is Happening Outside . . .

Athena Also Reminded Us to Spare Her Temple, And Her Loyal Descendant Cassandra . . .

Nicko Started to Trick the Trojans that He was a Greek Hero Left Abandoned, And was Obliged to Give the Trojan Horse as a Gift of Poseidon to Athena. Trying His Best Keeping Dardanllia Safe, Away from the War Greece and Troy had First Started to Each Other . . .

Even if it was Against His Will, He Insisted to the Trojans that He was the Greek Hero Argos, Who was the Man Blessed By Many Gods, And Has the Ability to See it All . . .

Nicko Tells the Trojans that the Horse is an Offering to the Goddess Athena, And for the Safe Sail of the Trojan Back Home. He had Also Mentioned that the Greeks had Burned Their Tents and Sailed Back Home.

Nicko also had Told the Trojans that the Horse was Built to Be Too Large for Them to Take it Into Their City and Gain the Favor of Athena for Themselves . . .

While Questioning Argos, the Trojan Priest Laocoön Guesses the Plot, And Secretly Spies on the Sore where the Greeks had Siege. Surprisingly in What He had Seen, He then Warns the Trojans,

" I Fear Greeks, Even Those Bearing Gifts "

However, The God Poseidon Sends 2 Sea Serpents to Strangle Him and His Sons Antiphantes and Thymbraeus, Before Any Trojan Hears His Warning.

Even if Helen of Troy, Had Helped to Drew this Plan, She Still Tries to Ruin the Plot, By Tricking and Uncover My Fellow Greek Soldiers Inside the Horse By Imitating the Voices of Their Wives.

Anticlus Attempts to Answer to Helen's Convincing Tone, But I Manage to Shuts His Mouth with My Hand.

King Priam's Daughter Cassandra, The Soothsayer of Troy, Insists that the Horse will be the Downfall of the City and it's Royal Family. She too is Ignored.

Though Cassandra had been Given the Gift of Prophecy by Apollo, She was also Cursed by Apollo ever to be Believed . . .

Convinced, Because of Nicko, That the Greeks had Left, Declaring Troy to It's Victory.

After Discovered that the Greeks were Gone, Believing the War was Over, They

" Joyfully Dragged The Horse Inside The City "

While They Debated what to Do with it. Some Thought They Ought to Hurl it Down from the Rocks,

King Odysseus: Oooo . . .

Others Thought They Should Burn it,

King Odysseus: Awww . . .

While Others Said They Ought to Dedicate it to Athena.

King Odysseus: Peuwww . . .

Even if Laocoön and Both of His Sons, Or, Only His Sons ? Were Slain, A Portent which so Alarmed the Followers of Aeneas that They Withdrew to Ida Bringing His Father with Him . . .

As What Athena had Planed, Dionysus, God of Celebration and Fertility had Sided with the Greeks, And as Part of the Plan, He had Trick the Trojans that They had Won the Battle.

Triumphant of the Trojans Thought to Be thier Victory, He then Grew the Grape Vine to Their Plantations, Making the Trojans Soon Believed to What Argos had Explained, They Decided to Keep the Horse and Turned to a Night of Mad Revelry and Celebration . . .

During the Night of Celebration, Nicko had Signaled the Fleet Stationed at Tenedos when,

" It Was Midnight And The Clear Moon Was Rising "

And the Soldiers from Inside the Horse Emerged and Killed the Guards . . .

The Achaeans Entered the City and Killed the Sleeping Population. A Great Massacre Followed which Continued into the Day.

The Trojans, Fuelled with Desperation, Fought Back Fiercely, Despite Being Disorganized and Leaderless . . .

With the Fighting at its Height, Some Donned Fallen Enemies Attire and Launched Surprise Counterattacks in the Chaotic Street Fighting . . .

Other Defenders Hurled Down Roof Tiles and Anything Else Heavy Down on the Rampaging Attackers . . .

The Outlook of It, was Grim Though . . .

And Eventually the Remaining Defenders were Destroyed Along with the Whole City.

Neoptolemus Killed Priam, Who had Taken Refuge at the Altar of Zeus of the Courtyard . . .

Menelaus killed Deiphobus , Helen's Husband After Paris' Death, And Also Intended to Kill Helen, But Overcome by Her Beauty, He then Threw Down His Sword and Took Her to the Ship . . .

Ajax the Lesser Raped Cassandra on Athena's Altar, While She was Clinging to her Statue. Because of Ajax's Impiety, The Acheaens, Urged By My Order, Wanted to Stone Him to Death, But He Fled to Athena's Altar, And was Spared . . .

Antenor, Who had Given Hospitality to Menelaus and I, When are Asked for the Return of Helen, And Who had Advocated So, Was Spared, Along With His Family.

The Greeks then Burned the City and Devided the Spoils. Cassandra was Awarded to Agamemnon.

Neoptolemus Got Andromache, Wife of Hector . . .

King Odysseus: And I Received Hecuba, Priam's Wife . . .

The Achaeans Threw Hector's Infant Son Astyanax, From the Walls of Troy, Either Out of Cruelty and Hate or to End the Royal Line, And the Possibility of a Son's Revenge . . .

They ( By Usual Tradition Neoptolemus ) Also Sacrificed the Trojan Princess Polyxena, On the Grave of Achilles as Demanded by His Ghost, Either as Part of His Spoil ? Or Because She had Betrayed Him ? . . .

Aethra, Theseus Mother, And One of Helen's Handmaids, Was Rescued by Her Grandsons, Demophon and Acamas.

King Odysseus: Everything Else was Gruesome, But that was Just it, The Story Behind the Fall of Troy.

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