Hestia's Oat To The River Of Styx

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Hestia's POV:

Hestia: Where is Hera ?

I Stated, While Waiting for Hera's Arrival in " The River of Styx "

We Both Agreed to Meet Up in Here, In a Form of an Old Woman, For Her Promise, That She will Help Me Gain My Powers Back ?

Hestia: But How ? . . .

From the Looks of this River ? . . .

The Rock Formations that are Close to it Already Show Signs of Danger, And the Most Scariest of Going in Here, Is The River itself.

The River of Styx is The Boundary of Earth, And to Another Dimension, Contrast to Earth. A Passage Going to the Underworld.

Hestia: No Mortal Shall Dare to Come Close to its Invitation.

The Water is Transparent, You could Actually take a Short Glance of Life After Death, If Your Tough Enough to Look at It.

The Water Currents Sounds Like Groans, Comming from Different Souls, Made Out of Different Kinds of Agony.

It Really Breaks My Heart, Just Looking at this River of Death.

I Tried to Separate My Thoughts Away From The River, And Spoted A Group of Merchants Traveling Along Side it.

Hestia: I Never Knew their were Humans Capable of Going in Here ?

By the Looks of these Merchants. They didn't Seem to Bring Harm to the Land of Greece, And didn't Look like Planning to have One.

I Look into Their Caravan and Saw a Group of Family. Children were Playing, But Not Allowed to Run too Far, Women are Nurturing Infants, And their Men Responsible, Keeping them Safe, Away from Danger.

Seeing them Enjoying Their Every Pace, At the Place, I Am So Afraid of, Made Me Say . .

Hestia: I Guess This is It ? . . .

What Hera Promise Me ? It Really Warms My Heart, Seeing these People at the Land of Despair. But Not Enough to Strengthen My Powers.

Hestia: Speaking of Danger ? . . .

I Forgot to Warned Them about the Possible Threat Their Going through.

There Could be Thieves or Bandits Waiting to Ambush Them, After their Long Journey.

I should Better Go After, And Warn Them . . .

Hestia: And Where is Hera ? . . .

Hera's POV:

I can't Wait to See the Look on Hestia's Face, Where My Way of Finding a New Hero could Actually Help Her Regain Her Powers Back.

I Asked Hestia to Meet up with Me at The River of Styx, And Agreed to Deceive Ourselves in the Image, Of an Old Woman.

But this is the Twist, I have to Meet up with Her at The Other Side of This River.

Hera: And She doesn't even have a Clue ? in How will She Gain Her Powers Back in this Activity.

I Arrived A Little bit Late, So She Could Spend some Time to Met up with Somebody.

Hera: And There She is Already.

Wait ? Where is She Heading ? I know She has to Meet up With Someone, But I didn't Mean She has to Chase after Them . . .

Why not Try the Next One ?

Hera: Hestia ! . . . Hestia ! . . .

I Shouted Her Name, As I Run along with Her to Catch Her Attention.

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