Zeus's Promise

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After " Titanomachy ", ( The Divine Battle, Between The Olympians Versus The Titans ) The Six Siblings of Rhea and Cronus then Took Responsibility to Rule Over All Creations.

And the Distribution of Powers Led Zeus, The Youngest of All Siblings, As The Head of Mount Olympus.

Zeus was Threatened by Prometheus Prophecy.

That Like His Father Cronus, One of His Eldest Son, From A Sea Goddess, Will Overthrow Him. So Before Metis Give Birth to Zeus First Born Child, To His First Wife, Metis, Goddess of Craft and Wisdom.

Zeus had Tricked Her, Into Turning Herself into a Fly

and Promptly Swallowed Her Whole Down to His Belly.

In Order to Forestall these Dire Consequences . . .

But Zeus was Too Late, Metis had Already Conceived a Child.

To Prevent Other More Posibility, He Secretly Sabotage His Eldes Siblings, Hestia and Hades . . .

The Gods Then Ruled All Creations, Leaving Zeus as Head and Leader of The Skies, Poseidon Master of The Sea, And Hades . . .

Well Hades . . .

As the Guardian of the Underworld . . .

Hades' POV:

If Only I Knew The Treachery My Brother Had Plotted For Me, Then Only I have Prevented It to Happen, And I ! The First Born Son Should Be Ruling All Creations, By Now !

Zeus, Secretly Removing My Position as the Original 12 Olympian, And Replacing Me with His Ugly Son Hephaestus . . .

I Screamed of Anger, And then I . . .

I Looked Up and See the Other Gods Celebrates, Enjoying, As I was Down Here, Incapable of Leaving My Work . . .

As I Explode Out of Frustration To the Path I was Tackling Right Now . . .

I then Flash My Powers Up, And Arrived at There Celebration, Surprising Zeus to Expect an Uninvited Visitor . . .

Hades: Its Been A Long Time, Ever Since I Step in Here !

Zeus: Hades ? . . .

Hades: Wasn't Expecting Me to Arrive ? Brother ?

Zeus: No ?

Hades: Wasn't Expecting I Am Capable of Passing Through Your Barrier that is Prevent Me to Steal Your Place Brother ?

Zeus' POV:

As Another Celebration Happen Here, In Mount Olympus . . .

Out of the Blue ? . . . Hades ? . . .

Hades: Its Been A Long Time, Ever Since I Step in Here !

Zeus: Hades ? . . .

Hades: Wasn't Expecting Me to Arrive ? Brother ? . . .

I was Not Expecting that He had Manage, To Break Through the Barriers, I Made for The Underworld.

Zeus: No ?

Hades: Wasn't Expecting I Am Capable of Passing Through Your Barrier that is Prevent Me to Steal Your Place Brother ?

Yayeee ! . . .

Yes Its Been Along Time, Since We Last Met, And I was Indeedly Surprise . . .

Zeus: But ? Hades It's Been A Long Time Now ? And Everything Seems to Be Alright ?

Hades: Alright ! . . . As All of You Here, Gain Your Power By Worship and Sacrifice, I ? Gained My Powers Through Sorrows and Death.

After Hearing It from Hades, I was Ashamed of Myself. Because of My Will to Reign in Power. I Even Betrayed Hades . . .

Zeus: Forgive Me ? Hades . . .

Hades: After All ! That had Happen ? You still Insist Me to Forgive You ! Brother ?

Zeus: I know what I did was Unforgivable, But Now I have Change.

Hades: You had Lied Ones.

Zeus: But I Know there is Still Good Left into You ?

He then Turn His Way, Unwilling to Hear My Explanation . . .

Joining the Celebration of Hebe and Heracles Marriage.

If Only there is a Way For Me to Soften His Heart ? . . .

. . .

After the Celebration, Hebe, Goddess of Youth, Had Surprisingly Announced that She is Resigning Her Place as One of the 12 Olympian, And Surrendered Her Position to a Rightful Place for Hermes, The Messenger of the Gods . . .

I Then Search For Hades and Asked Him ? If We could Talk . . .

Zeus: Hades ! Please, Let Me Talk to You ?

He then Stop and Looked . . .

Hades: Is there Seems to Be a Problem ? Brother . . .

I was Surprise as His Anger Faded, And Looking into His Eyes With No Emotion was ? . . .

Indescribable . . .

I Maybe Dont Know Exactly the Story, Behind what had Happen to Hades, While Secretly Being Exiled.

But Now I Can Imagine the Sorrow He Went Through, While Ruling the Underworld, Alone, By Himself . . .

Hades: ? . . .

He then Slowly Turn Around, Looking Down, And Attempting to Go Back to His Adobe, Then I Told to Him.

Zeus: Is there Any Way I Could Make it, Up to You ? Hades ?

Hades: Brother ? I Believe There is No Other Way.

He then Continue Walking.

Zeus: But I'll Find a Way, Zeus' Promise !

" I Swore an Oath to the River of Styx, That Everything I will Do For This Day, So On and So Fort, Is to Dedicate Happiness For Hades "

He Sigh . . . And Asked.

Hades: And When Shall It Be ? . . .

I don't Know what to Say Until Suddenly ? . . .

" I'll Give You The Sign, When To Come Out, Don't Worry, It Wont Last Long "

Zeus: I'll Give You The Sign, When to Come Out, Don't . . .

He then Left, Not Letting Me Finish My Sentence . . .

" Forgive Me ? . . . Brother . . . "

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