The Start Of The Trojan War

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Looking Down, I've Never Thought My Creations will End up like this. Merchants Traveling to Conquer, Warriors Killing for Pastime, than in Honor, My People Worshiping Faul Deities Against Me.

" I Shall Put an End to These "

I know I have My Own Fault to Add up for it, But Still I Can't Help Myself to Look at Dionysus, And Blame Him for Everything, That had Happened . . .

Sigh ? . . .

Maybe I'm just too Carried Away ? Felling Sorry for All the Offspring that was Bor/n . . .

Hera: Zeus ? the Ceremony is about to Star/t ? . . .

Zeus: I'm Coming Hera.

I Cut Her Calmly, While Taking a One Last Glance to the Mortal Bathing in the Spring of Mount Ida. Where I was Been Hid By Rhea, And Eventually Grew to Godhood . . .

Athena: Think He Might Come in Handy ? Ae Zeus ?

It was Like One of My Lightning Bolt had Stroke Me ! After Hearing that Conclusion. And Saw Athena ? The Goddess of Craft and Wisdom.

What does She Mean ? . . . Think He Might Come in Handy ?

Mmmh ? . . .

I then Narrow My Sight to the Ceremony, And Started Walking Towards it.

Heading to My Seat, Even if Hera was Behind Me, I Know She was Spying to Whom I was Checking Out.

" This is what I Get, For having Too Many Affairs "

Athena: A Jealous Wife ? Ae Zeus ?

Zeus: Mmmh ?. . .

She did It Again ? . . .

Here in Mount Olympus, Were Thetis and Peleus, Wedding is Being Celebrated.

All Gods and Goddesses are Invited, Except for One . . .

Hermes: Everything Seems, To Be Alright by Now, Zeus.

He was Meant to Speak of Eris, Goddess of Mischief and Discord.

She was The One, I Speak of as The Only Deity, Who was Not Invited to this Special Occasion.

For My Fear, That She Might Ruin, The Feast that I Established for Thetis.

Ah ? Thetis . . .

Ever Since Before, I've Already Loved Thetis, And Preferred Her to Be My Wife.

But Prometheus, Even Thetis Herself, Had Warned Me that

" A Sea Goddess, Would Bare Children Greater than It's Sire "

Guess its Best to Leave it Like this ? And Better be Careful to the Women I Sleep With . . .

Zeus' POV:

Ugh ! . . .

Bored, Waiting for the Celebration to Finish, Hopping it will End up Early.

I then Looked at The Wing Monster, Resting Right Beside My Seat. It was Big and Static, Like a Statue.

Scary Enough to Weaken the Knees of Mortal Heroes.

It was Holding a Tittle, Highly Renowned as,

" The Mighty Eagle of Zeus "

Then I Remember ? It was a Suggestion Given to Me By Athena, To Make Periphas as My Symbol of Strength and Power . . .

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