Zeus Resolution To Hades

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Zeus' POV:

What Can I Do ? To Recieve Hades Forgiveness ? . . .

I then Scheduled a Meeting, Together With the Other Gods, Here in Mount Olympus.

I Am Now Declaring, That Everything We will Do For This Day, So On and So Fort, Is to Dedicate For Hades Happiness.

I Asked Every Gods, To Give Their Possible Idea to Soften the Heart of Hades.

Hera: I Remember Zeus, When You Preserved My Most Loyal Servant, Argus Panoptes into a Peacock as a Present. I was So Happy About it, That I Even Used it As My Symbol of Feminism.

Every Idea Counts, And Could Give A Great Contribution for it.

Artemis: An Offering, Does Adds a Huge Effect to Gods Like Us . . .

I Completely Agree to Artemis Conclusion . . .

Remembering that Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite had Quarrel Bitterly to " The Golden Apple Of Discord " that Was Indicated as " To The Fairest " . . .

Apollo: But what Offering, Will Suits Hades ? . . .

A Reasonable Counter Predict Apollo . . .

Mmmhhh ? . . .

Hera: Why Not Horrible Monsters ? He is the Opposite of All of Us.

Every Idea Does Matters, For Now We Have to Give Everything that We Can Give.

With No Delay, The Gods Started to Throw Monters Down to Earth.

Every Single One of Us had Threw Something Horrible, And Poured All Our Thoughts Into it.

It Look's Like Hera is Enjoying it ? . . .

At Least One of These Repulsive Creatures, Hades Might Enjoy ?

The Monsters Started Attacking, The Mortals, Who are Occupying the Lands, If it is True that Hades Gain His Power through Sorrow and Death ?

Then this is the Perfect Opportunity for Me, To Depopulate Living Mortals in All Creations.

. . .

Day Passed and None of Our Monsters had Delighted Hades.

And Looking at the Aftermath of All the Damage Us Gods had Done, For Hades.

Our Monsters Had Brought More Chaos to the Human Raise, So I then Decided . . .

" I Shall Put an End to These "

I had Used My Half God, Half Mortal Son Heracles, God of Strength, Who I had Raise. A Child Who Drunk Milk to the Breast of Hera . . .

I'm Pretty Sure that Heracles, Won't Overthrow Me, When He Reach Godhood. For I Made Sure, His Mother, Alcmene, is a Mortal, And not a Sea Goddess . . .

Hera was Not Delighted to the Plans that I have Made, So She Secretly Molded Numerous Horrifying Monsters to Slay My Demigod Son, Heracles . . .

Unfortunately for Her, My Son had Fought and Slain Her Monster the Other Way Around.

I Then Punished Hera, By Hanging Her Upsidedown in the Skies . . .

Hihihihi . . .

Zeus: Enough with the Flashbacks ! . . .

I Started to Gathered the Other Gods For Another Meeting. Asking and Forcing Them to Stop the Chaos We Are Making.

. . .

Poseidon: So what Are We Going to Do Now ?

Athena: Why Not Asked Hestia ? Among the Other Gods, She is the One Closer to Hades . . .

I Then Consulted Hestia, But She Said that Hades had Change, So Big Incomes With Attitude.

Athena Then Confronted Me Saying She Has A Plan, To Soften the Heart of Hades.

According to Hestia, Hades One's has a Heart Warmer than Any One of Us, So Athena Inplanted Aphrodite that Later on Passed the Responsibility to Eros. Saying that,

Athena: " He is Just Lonely, And Probably Needed a Girl to Soften His Feelings "

Athena also Asked Apollo to Composed a Love Hymn for Hades, For the Introduction of the Wholesome of All of Her Plans.

" So Let The Game Begin "

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