The Lagacy

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King Agamemnon's Men, Had Chase After Us, As We Go Out of His Palace.

While Running, We had Lost Mycenae, And Tackled a Different Path, Away from Him, Leading Him to Safety . . .

After the Long Chase . . . Nicko and I was Been Cornered at a Cliff End, Beside the Sea Shore . . .

That If Ever We Plan to Dive into The Sea, Surely We Will Die on the Sharp Rocks, Waiting For Us, On Our Long Fall . . .

Out of the Troops, Who had Followed Us, Came Out King Agamemnon, Greeting Nicko's Arrival . . .

King Agamemnon: Ahhh . . . Argos ? Been Excited to See You, Ones Again . . .

Nicko: You Traitor ! You've Promised to Spare Dardanllia, To the Fall of Troy . . .

King Agamemnon: Ah,ah,ah. I was Not Finish, I will Spare the City of Dardanllia, Before the Fall of Troy . . .

Nicko: You Monster ! . . .

King Agamemnon: You Are the Monter !

Catherine: Nicko ? What Are You Two ? Are Talking About ?

Nicko: My Lady ? . . .

King Agamemnon: Catherine ? Don't Prefer to Stay By His Side, His a Demon !

Catherine: What ? . . .

Nicko: Let Me Explain, My Lady . . .

King Agamemnon: A Sorcerer Who had Lived for Over 500 Years . . .

Catherine: No Wonder ? You've Never Age, As I Grow Old, Nicko ?

Nicko Hold My Hand Tight and Said . . .

Nicko: Everything What the King had Said it is All True, But I Also Swore to You My Lady, And to the River of Styx that . . .

I have Change, On the First Day, I Have Saw You " . . .

I was Touch of What Nicko had Said, And Hold His Face, Saying . . .

Catherine: If this is Going to Be, The Last Day, We are Going to Be Together, Then I Am Happy to Die at Your Side, Nicko . . .

We then Agreed to Settled Our Last Breath, With a Kiss, A Passionate Kiss, That is Worth Ending Life With the One that You Loved . . .

Hestia's POV:

Zeus: Aren't You ? Going to Help Him, Hestia ? . . .

Hestia: No . . .

He was Looking Down to Argos Situation, And Worried ? To One of My Descendant . . .

Hestia: Why are You ? So Worried About ? . . .

Zeus: I'm Just Afraid, That After a Long Time the Two of You, Were Been Together, It will Just Last, With this ? . . .

Hetia: What Are You Talking About, Zeus ? . . .

Zeus: I'm Saying that, You and Argos has a Strong Bond to Each Other, With Out One, Eather One of You is Nothing . . .

Hestia: But He is Not Argos, Zeus . . .

Zeus: He Doesn't has to Be Argos, You First Met at the River of Styx, He had Left Life Happily, Dying in Age at Your Arms, Hestia.

Hestia: What are You, Trying to Tell to Me ? Zeus.

Zeus: Though He is Not Argos, He is Still the Son of Argos, And I Know, Even if You Hide it, You'll Regret it, That You Didn't At least Try and Save Him, Through His Death . . .


Hestia: If You Only Take this Ambrosia, Argos, You will Be Immortal . . .

Argos: No, Hestia . . .

Hestia: This Could Help You Live Longer, If You Consistently Try and Eat this, Argos.

Argos: But, I Don't want to Be Immortal.

Hestia: Please, Take this, Argos, Eat from it . . .

Argos: It is an Honor for Me, For You to Be My Patron Goddess, Hestia . . . From a Long Time We've Been Together, I Will Cherish it, And Bring it With Me through Hades Kingdom.

Hestia: Argos, Why Don't You Eat this, You Could Be Immortal, Be a God, Just Like Me . . .

Argos: No Hestia, I Prefer to Be Human, But You Could Still Live My Legacy, Hestia . . .

Hestia: Live Your Legacy ?

Argos: Just Like this Sun Flowers, Surrounding Us . . .

" As the Sun Gives Life for Every Sun Flowers, In Return the Sun Flowers Will Praise the Sun, But as Soon, as the Sun Flowers Drought, It's Seeds Will Shattered, And Grow, Continuing the Sun Flowers Legacy of Praising the Sun "

Hestia: What Do You Mean ? Argos.

Argos: As I Leave the Life of the Living. Please, Hestia, Take Good Care My Family, And My Next Generation . . .

Hestia: I Will Argos, I Will, So Please, Don't Go ! Argos ! . . .

Argos: Goodbye, Hestia . . .

Hestia: Argos !

End Of Flashback:

I was In Tears Recalling the Last Moment I Spent With the True Argos . . .

Zeus: You See Hestia, Argos Never Wants You to Make Him Immortal, Ever, Instead He Wants His Children to Look After You, And Make You to Be Their Patron Goddess, Just Like Argos had did to You . . .

Hestia: You Are Right Zeus, I was Blinded of Argos Existence, That I Never Looked at It that Way ? . . .

Zeus: Then Go And Save Him, And Continue, Argos Legacy . . .

Hestia: Thank You Zeus . . .

Zeus: As Long as I Could Help, It's the Least Thing I Could Do, For You, Hestia . . .

Hestia: And One More Thing, Zeus ? Before I Leave.

Zeus: Mmm ? . . .

Hestia: I Have Forgive You, Brother . . .

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