A King's Decision

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King Zircon's POV:

Catherine: Such a Poor Story of a God Trying to Make His Son Happy . . .

King Zircon: Indeed, Catherine, Indeed . . .

After Hearing The Tragic Story of Phaeton and The Dethroning of Helios.

I decided to Leave, And Take Everything to Rest.

I Went Back to My Room, And insist Myself to Sleep. As the Phrase Nicko had Mentioned, Dethroning Runs Around My Mind.

Dethroning, Dethroning . . .

In My Situation, As King ? Am I Going to be Dethrone ? . . .

I just Kept on Repeating the Word Dethrone, Till I Fall Asleep, As I Mumble

. . .

Dethroned, Dethroned . . . You Are Going to be Dethroned . . .

Your A Useless King . . . Non of Your Decisions had Lead Dardanllia to Prosperity . . .

Catherine: Father ! Their Taking Me Away From You ! . . .

King Zircon: Catherine ! Catherine ! . . .

. . .

King Zircon: Catherine ! . . .

It was All a Dream ? Just a Dream.

A Nightmare where I Could Never Recover . . .

I Looked Out Side the Window and See that It was Already Night.

Knok ! Knok ! Knok ! . . .

Mycenae: Your Great Highness . . .

I Went Up, To Open The Door, Seeing a Descendant of Mine Outside.

Mycenae: Sire, King Agamemnon, Allied of Sparta. Wants to Speak to You, Your Majesty.

I was Completely Surprise of a Conversation that Agamemnon is Offering Me, I Could just Say No ?

But if You Think About It, This is The Perfect Opportunity to Prove My Worth, As a King of Dardanllia.

. . .

Later that Same Night I've Open the Gates of Dardanllia Widely. Inviting Agamemnon and a Couple of His Men to a Celebration I Prepared for Him.

As He Enter the Hallway, Dancers are Approaching Him, Musicians all Over the Place, Great Food and Wine Just for Him to Favor in My Desire.

And in the Looks of It, He Seems to Fell for it . . .

King Agamemnon: Ah ! . . . King Zircon, It looks like You've Prepared a Special Gathering for Me to Enjoy !

He Greeted In Increasing Excite . . .

King Zircon: So Tell me ? King Agamemnon ? What Brought You Here For ?

King Agamemnon: Why ! Is that Your Beautiful Daughter ? King Zircon ! Why, The Gossips About Her Mature Beauty, Is all True.

Catherine: It's A Pleasure to Meet You Agamemnon, King of Argos.

King Agamemnon: Why ? She's Not Just a Beauty, But Absolutely Respectful too. Ae ? . . .

I was Disgust By Agamemnon's Inappropriate Attitude . . .

Then I Asked the Princess, If She Could Give Us Some Time to Speak.

King Zircon: I Remember Catherine ? You have a Weaving Appointment with Nicko, Right ?

Catherine: But Your Highness ? That woul/d be ? . . .

Just do As what I Say . . .

King Agamemnon: Let the Princess Stay, King Zircon . . .

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