War Happen

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Princess Catherine's POV:

The Following Morning, After Father and King Agamemnon had the Night to Discus to.

Father Never wants Me to Listen to Any Information, Related to War.

Even if I Know I was Not Allowed to have an Idea, I was Still Curious to Know what had Happen Last Night . . .

If A Princess doesn't Have a Clue of what a King's Plan in War, Then His Descendant does ?

I Walk Around the Chasle, Searching for Mycenae . . .

To Ask ? . . .

There ! . . .

Katherine: Mycenae !

He then Looked and Replied Smiling . . .

Mycenae: Good Morning, Princess Catherine.

Catherine: Good Morning, Mycenae.

Mycenae: Anything I Could Do For You ? Princess ? . . .

Catherine: I was Just Wondering ? . . . What did our King Zircon and King Agamemnon Discussed About Last Night ?

Mycenae: Both Leaders Decided to Sign a Peace Treaty. Dardanllia will Join Force with the Greeks, To Fight Against Troy.

I Smile in Great Happiness, And Started Searching for King Zircon to Congratulate Him, My Father . . .

I Found Father at the Very Same Balcony where He Always Choose to Think, And Wonder, If when will " The Trojan War " Ends ? . . .

Catherine: King Zircon ? . . .

He then Turn His Way to Me Slowly, Looking Down. Probably Tired at the Feast that Lasted this Morning.

But When He was Facing Me, Immediately I Felt, That He was Not Just Tired at the Feast.

But There was Something More, That is Bringing Him Down ? . . .

I Tried to Speaked to Him, Making the Ambiance to Light Up a Little.

Catherine: Father ? You should Be Happy by Now ? For what had Happen Last Night ?

He Tried to Hide, His Sadness In front of Me, By Smiling and Said.

King Zircon: I'm Glad that King Agamemnon, Agreed to Sign a Peace Treaty with Dardanllia.

I do Not Believe Him. There was Something Else that Happened Last Night, That He Do Not want Me to Know. I Tried to Shake it, Out of Him, And Asked.

Catherine: Is Everything Alright ?

He then Looked at Me in the Eyes Smiling, But I Can Still Tell He was Not Happy . . .

King Zircon: Everything is Alright . . .

But Actually, Everything is Not Alright . . .

Even if, It was that Obvious, That there was Something Wrong, I just Pretend that I Believe Him and Smiled Back at Him, To Lessen the Pressure He is Going Through, As the King of Dardanllia.

. . .

Nicko's POV:

I Wonder Around the Palace in Search for My Lady.

I Found Her in Her Room, Sitting Beside the Window. Staring Deeply at The Hellespont Sea.

Strange ? . . .

She doesn't Seems to Notice, And Greeted Me Good Morning.

Though I was Already Standing Beside Her Seat.

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