King Odysseus Sail Back To Ithaca

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Nico's POV:

After the Greeks, Reign Victorious on Their Attack, On Troy, Odysseus then Sailed Back, Quickly to His Beloved City of Ithaca, Hesitated to See Again His Beloved Wife Penelope, And His Yet, Unseen Son, Telemachus . . .

And the Night After the Attack, The Achaeans Celebrated to Their Victory, To The War That Over Lasted, Approximately 10 Years . . .

The Greeks Had also Betrayed Athena's Request of Sparing Her Temple, Disgracing it, By the Rape of Cassandra, To Athena's Altar, By Ajax The Lesser, And the Burning of Her Temple, Together Within the City of Troy . . .

Not Only Athena was Been Betrayed by the Greeks By Dishonoring Her Temple, But Also All the Other Gods Who had Built Their Temple at Troy . . .

As The Greeks Saild Back to There Home, Filled with Arrogant and Boast . . .

Even if the War, Now has Ended, Today The Greeks Has to Encounter a New Chapter, A Story to Remember, Of Heroism, And Survival . . .

All The Other Gods were Very Angry Over the Destruction of Their Temples and Other Sacrilegious Acts By The Achaeans, They Soon Decided that Most Would Not Return Home . . .

With the Request of Athena, Poseidon Unleashes Storms, That Fell on the Returning Ride Off Tenos Island, Making the Greeks Lost Navigation at the First Day of Their Fleet . . .

In Addition, Nauplius Took Revenge for the Murder of His Son Palamedes, Set Up False Lights in Cape Caphereus and Many were Shipwrecked . . .

Betrayal, Chaos and Vengeance was Declared By the Gods Above, After The Greeks Arrogant Victory . . .

As My Father's Name Itself, That Could Sees it All.

Nicko: Even I, Didn't Saw this Coming ? . . .

Athena: See What Nicko ? . . .

Nicko: Athena ! Your Plan, Of the Greeks Victory had Failed.

Athena: Ows ? Really ? That's Not, How the Greeks See it By Their Selves . . .

Nicko: All the Gods, Are Maddened, To Their Temples Destruction, Athena ? . . .

Athena: I did Warned Them . . .

Nicko: But You Know, That this is About to Happen . . .

Athena: I Know, Nicko . . .

Nicko: What is the Meaning of This ? Athena ? . . .

Athena: I was Expecting that You Already Knew, The Answer to that Question ? . . .

Nicko: Did Zeus Asked You to Help Him Depopulate the Earth.

Athena: And Help Hades, Gain More Power, By the Number of Souls Dwelling the Underworld Everyday . . .

Nicko: Is Hades a Part of Your Plans, To Defeat Zeus ?

Athena: Actually I'm Helping Zeus at It.

Nicko: For Zeus had Sworn an Oat to the River of Styx . . .

" I Swore an Oath to the River of Styx, That Everything I will Do For This Day, So On and So Fort, Is to Dedicate Happiness For Hades "

Athena: And Hades is Still Not Yet Contented, For Zeus' Forgiveness . . .

Nicko: O.o ? . . .

Athena: ? . . .

Nicko: And He Wanted the Downfall of Zeus . . .

Athena: I've Been Expecting that You Will Soon Find My Plans in Motion, Ae Nicko ?

Nicko: You Trained Me Well Athena . . .

Athena: You are More of a Better King than Odysseus, Nicko. If Only You're Not Like Your Father, Then Only, You Could Be Immortal . . .

Nicko: What have You Done To King Odysseus, Athena ?

Athena: Don't Worry, Odysseus Will Live, If He Manage to Survive the Test I've Prepared for Him.

Nicko: Why Athena ? Why ? . . .

Athena: Why Nicko ? Look at What They Did to My Temple ?

Nicko: But You Knew that This is About to Happen.

Athena: I had Warned Them Twice.

Nicko: You Could Change Your Plan ?

Athena: No !

Nicko: What ? . . .

Athena: The Plan Must Not Change !

Nicko: I Don't Understand ? . . .

Athena: Soon You'll Be . . .

Nicko: I Thought, That Even if Your the Goddess of War, You Truly Understand, And Value The Meaning of Peace ?

Athena: And Were did You Hear that Tale ? Hestia, Told You ? . . .

Nicko: To Your Father's Diary . . .

Athena: Admit It Nicko, You Are Nothing Without the Blessings of The Gods . . .

Nicko: I Could Prevail You Even, Without the Help of Hestia, Besides I Don't Need Her, She's Nothing But a Old Woman, Persisting to Make My Father Alive, Through Me.

Athena: Oh ? No, No Nicko ? You Just Didn't ?

Nicko: Oh Yes I did !

Athena: It is a Great Lost If I Kill You, But . . . I'm Just Here to Remind You that, The Reason I Played a Trick on The Greeks, Because I Know They Are All Traitors. I'm Maybe Not The Only One They Had Broke a Vow with ?

As I Unravel the Riddle Athena Had Brougt Here to Say ? I Just Realized King Agamemnon, Was No Were, Of When the Trojan War, Had Ended . . .

Nicko: Catherine ? . . .

I Run As Fast as I Could, Returning Back to the City of Dardanllia, That I Left, Just to Fulfill Athena's Plan to Wholesome, And Promise Would Come Back, After the Trojan War . . .

Athena: " Even from Hestia's Persuasion, You Yourself Will Persist in Repeling Her, And in Addition to Hestia's Fading Powers, You Will Surely Loose Your's, Without Hestia's Personification "

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