The Never Ending War

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King Zircon's POV:

9 Years Ago, The War Between Greece And Troy First Started.

When Paris, A Prince of Troy, Who was Unaware of His Ancestry. Was Being Raised as a Shepherd in Mount Ida. Because of Oracle's Prophecy that,

" Paris, Would Be the Downfall of Troy "

After Bathing in the Spring of Mount Ida, The Goddesses Athena, Hera, And Aphrodite Appeared to Him Naked, Either for the Sake of Winning or at Paris Request.

Paris then Held Aphrodite as the Most Fairest, Promising to Award Him Back with the Most Beautiful Woman on Earth, And Receiving the Enmity of the Other Two Goddesses.

Ahead of this, Menelaus had Already Received Helen, The Most Beautiful Woman on Earth. By Promising to Aphrodite a Hecatomb, It is a Sacrifice of 100 Oxen, If He Won Helen.

But Unfortunately, Forgot to Give Act to His Obligations, After Becoming King of Sparta And Earned the Wrath of Aphrodite.

As a Revenge, She then Used Paris, Prince of Troy, Under Go and Guise Himself, As He Supposed to Do a Diplomatic Mission.

He Went to Sparta to Get Helen and Bring Her Home With Him, Back to Troy, Being Now Recognized By His Royal Family.

Not Long After, King Menelaus Sent His Troops of Achaeans to Retrieve Helen, And Led an Exploration Going to Troy, Together with His Brother Agamemnon, The King of Argos.

It wasn't Easy, When the Goddess Artemis had Punished Agamemnon for Slaying it's Hare and It's Young, Then Boasts that He was a Better Hunter than She was.

Artemis then Sent Fierce Wind and Storms, Preventing the Geeks to Set Sail to Troy.

The Only Way to Appease Artemis, Was to Sacrifice His Eldest Daughter, Iphigenia.

Agamemnon Refused, But Later on Relent After Being Trick By Odysseus, King of Ithaca.

Artemis then Took Pity on the Girl's Tragic Situation, And Brought Her to be a Maiden in 1 of Her Temples, Substituting a Lamb, For Her Place in Sacrifice.

At Last They Soon Arrive Saftly at The Lands of Troy, But Even if They had Brought Full Force in front of The City. They Couldn't just Bust Their Way in, And Take Helen Home With them . . .

Outside The City was A Vanguard Protecting The Entrance, Even Their Greatest Heroes couldn't Break into The Walls, That the Trojan's had Prepared for Them.

Time Pass and King Menelaus didn't Give Up to His Dream to Return Helen Back To Sparta.

Guess He Learned His Lesson, That Aphrodite's Wrath, Is Worth Feared of . . .

His Men Besiege Out Side the City of Troy, Waiting for The Trojan's to Lower Down Their Guard, And King Menelaus Continued to Sent More Enforcements to Strengthen His Men.

But this Was their Common Problem they Went Through, For the following Years . . .

As their Food And Resources Run Out, And the Arrival of Their Supplies, Delayed. Because of the Shipwreck of Mysteriously Consistent Bad Weather, And Barbaric Ambush to Their Supply Ship.

Odysseus King of Ithaca, Suggested to King Menelaus to Search for Resources Near Troy.

Making the Neighboring Cities Surrounding Troy, As Their Supplier, Training Ground, And an Expansion to their Camp.

As The Lands Surrounding Troy are Now Being Colonies By the Greeks, King Menelaus Men Are Getting Stronger, and Stronger, As the War Continues . . .

Years After Battling Colonial Revolution, Few of These Kingdoms Manage to Survive, And Started to Compose an Alliance with Troy, Against the Terrorism of the Greeks.

But No One Knows ? Until when will We Able to Withstand the Greeks Increasing Power ? . . .

King Zircon: Until when ? Shall this War End ? . . .

Catherine: King Zircon ? It is in My Delight, To Help You With Your Problem.

I Look Behend Me, And Saw My Daughter Catherine, I Answered to Her, In Return . . .

King Zircon: How Many Times do I Need to Tell You ? That You Can Call Me Father, Instead of Your King, Catherine ?

Catherine: Nicko, Has Taught Me to Always Give Respect to The King of Dardanllia. Even if, We're Related, Your Majesty.

I was Amazed to My Daughter's Courtesy, And Remember The Very Same Trait, That She had Resembled to Her Mother.

Your Mother . . .

King Zircon: You Look Exactly Like Your Mother.

I then Hug Her Tightly Around My Arms, And Kiss Her on Her Forehead.

Then She Hug Me in Return, And Told Me . . .

Catherine: Everything is Going to Be Alright, Father . . .

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