The Golden Scale Of Zeus

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Hestia's POV:

As I Wonder Here at My Adobe on Mount Olympus, I Went Back Here to Come and See Dionysus, But First, Let Me See in What is Zeus is Doing . . .

But He was Unseen in His Place, Instead I Saw a Pile of Scrolls on His Workplace, Probably a Part of His Law Declaration ?

But as I Read it ? It is More Like a File, A Recoed of Past Events, His Diary . . .

I Looked Behind Me, Scanning if Someone is Around, Seeing Me Trespass and Breaking the Rules, In Touching Zeus, Private Property . . .

As the Place Seems to Be Clear, While Holding Zeus Diary, I Started Reading it . . .


As the War Between The Greeks and Troy had Settled Aside this Year ? The War Seems to Continue, And just Like Athena Always Mention, Both Sides are Just Waiting for the Right Time to Attack.

The Combat Rages in Troy, Always Dwells in My Mind. It Always Recalls to Me that Other Gods here in Mount Olympus, Had Took Sides and Favoured Champions Among Warriors.

One of These Olympians Who Sided in Battle with Troy was Artemis, The Goddess of the Hunt, And Twin Sister of Apollo.

It is Said When Agamemnon, King of Argos, Had Slain Artemis Sacred Deer, And Insulted Her as a Better Hunter than She was.

She then Unleashed Fierce Northern Winds, That Prevent the Greeks from Setting Sail to Troy.

It was Only Prevailed When Odysseus, A Greek Hero, Had Tricked Agamemnon, To Sucrifice His Eldest Daughter to Artemis's Forgiveness, And then Only The Northern Winds She had Made Had Relent.

Another Was Her Twin Brother Apollo, God of Prophecy, Music, And Healing.

He Offers a Linked of His Wisdom to Gods and Men Alike.

With an Intellect Far Reaching as the Arrow, Shot on His Silver Bow.

He is Said to Be the First God Who had Teach Mortals the Healing Arts, Including that of Music.

It was Thought that He Help Humans to Achieve Their Full Potential, With His Gifts of Enlightenment.

During the Trojan War, It was Believed that He Sided With, And Aided Help The Trojan Warrior Hector on the Field of Battle.

As the Conflict Rage few Years Ago, It is Said that He had Shot Firery Arrows Down the Greeks, Riding His Chariot in the Skies.

While Thinking, Of The Gods Obsession in Making Their Bet's Achieve Their Accomplishments, I Spoted Aphrodite ? . . .

Aphrodite, Sensual, Mysterious . . .

With Her Enchanting Laughter and Her Unrivaled Beauty.

Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty, Irresistible Aphrodite Can Seduced God And Mortal Alike, With Her Hypnotic Beauty.

So Breathing of Her Loveliness, She was Envied By All the Other Goddesses at Mount Olympus.

And Because She was been Judged By Paris, To Be be the Most Beautiful of All The Goddesses, And Awarded Her with the " Golden Apple Of Discord "

To Reward Paris, Aphrodite Granted Him Helen, The Most Beautiful Woman on Earth, That is Also the Main Reason of the " Trojan War "

She Had Also Saved Paris, When He was Critically Wounded on His Combat Battle with Menelaus, King of Sparta.

That Burst Hera Anger, And Set Her Wheels on Flames . . .

Both Sister and Wife of Mine, Hera Queen-God of the Skies, Is a Jealous Rival to the Other Goddesses at Mount Olympus.

As Beautiful as She was Shrewd, Hera Was Thought to be a Vigilant Guardian of Married Women.

As She know it All too Well the Bitter Sting of Infidelity.

And Though She was Demure ? She was Always Vindictive to Those Who Thwarted Her Will.

Because Paris, Judged the Goddess Aphrodite to be Lovelier than She was.

She Became the Feirce Enemy of the Trojans, Relentlessly Using Her Powers to Aid the Greek Warriors, Till Troy Will Lay in Ruins . . .

A Proud Son of Mine, Ruthless and Murderous, God of War Aries, With His Passion for Destruction.

Embodied in His Legends the Worst of Humanities Traits . . .

It is Said with His Consorts and Companions, Grief, Strife, Panic, and Terror Walks the Earth, In Search of Devastation and Brutality, That Chorus of Groans Echoes to the Heavens.

During the Trojan War, He Uses His Powers to Aid The Trojan Warrior Hector.

But Aries Himself was No Hero, Rather a Coward Who's Described as Fleeing the Battlefield when Wounded . . .

He's Cries was Heard Even on Mount Olympus . . .

While His Brother Hephaestus, Join Force with the Greeks.

Here on Mount Olympus Where All Other Gods are Beautiful, Only Hephaestus, God of Fire Was Described as Ugly.

But What He Lacks in Appearance, He Makes Up for His Extraordinary Powers, Despite for His Deformity, Or Perhaps Because of It, He Crafted Objects of Extinguish Beauty . . .

From His Worked Shop Deep Beneath the Earth, This Master of Fire and Forge, Crafted the Palaces, Boots and Armor of the Gods and Goddesses, Such as My Tunder Bolts and Athena's Armor.

In the Trojan War He Fashioned Among Other Things New Armor for Achilles . . .

And Yet His True Value Proves Not in War, But in Peace . . .

As He was Also the Patron God of Arches and Craftsman, The Benevolent Hephaestus Bestowed Gifts of Great Beauty and Skills on Humanity.

His Gentle Character Visible in the Details of Man's Great Artistic Designs and Achievements.

Last was Athena Goddess of Crafts, Domestic Arts, and War. Boasts a Combination of Divine Intellect and Extraordinary Strength

And From All My Children, I've Choose Her to Be the Bearer of My Shield and Thunderbolt.

A Fierce Enemy of Troy, She Fought Along Side the Greeks and Aided Achilles in Battle.

Courageous in War, She Also Understood the Supreme Value of Peace.

And was Known as the Protector of the Home and Domestic Arts,

Unlike Her Fellow Goddesses Who Preferred to Call Nature as Home.

Athena was Devoted to Cities, Her Favorite was Athens, Which Bears Her Name. And Where Her Temple, The Parthenon, Stands . . .

But Even if the Major Gods and Goddesses Here in Mount Olympus, Took Sides in Betting Who will Win the War . . .

I Refuse to Take Sides, Using My Golden Scale Instead to Balance the Destinies of Every Heroes . . .

End Of Flashback:

Pretty Shure, That this Might Come in Useful ? For Argos . . .

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