Dionysus, God Of Celebration

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Zeus' POV:

Hestia had Left, Striking Her Powers, In Giving Aid to The Mortal She Truly Cared Of . . .

Dionysus: You Rise Up So Early, Zeus ? . . .

Zeus: Ready for Another Celebration ? . . .

Dionysus: Celebration ? for What ? . . .

Zeus: Congratulations ! You are Now an Official, Member of The 12 Olympians.

Dionysus: Wait, What ?

Zeus: Hestia is Now Surrendering Her Place as Goddess of Celebration, Leaving You the Rightful Place in Ruling it . . .

Dionysus: ? . . . Where is Hestia ?

Zeus: I Guess, We Won't Be Seeing Her, Ever Again . . .

Dionysus: What Do You Mean, Zeus ?

Zeus: It's Started Before, When . . .


Zeus: This is Boring ? . . .

Athena: Silence, Zeus. Hestia, is About to Light Up the Flame, After She Receives the Sacrifice . . .

. . .

Zeus: Finally, The Feast is Done.

Athena: Guess You Could Make a Better Feast, In Celebrating, Ae Zeus ?

Zeus: We're Supposed to Be Having Fun, During Celebration . . .

Hera: Aren't You Happy Sitting Next to Me Dear ?

Zeus: No !

Hera: No ? . . .

Zeus: No, Not You. I Meant, The Celebration.

Hera: For Ones, I Do Agree with You, Zeus.

Zeus: Huh ? . . .

Hera: Hestia's Feast, Is More of a Ceremony, Than a Celebration.

Zeus: Us Gods Needs More, Someone Who Could Give Trill and Excitement.

Athena: Someone Like Dionysus ?

Hera: Are We Going to Make a Meeting ? In Replacing Hestia, With Dionysus ?

Athena: Depends on Zeus ?

Zeus: Ah ? I Don't Know ? We Can't Just Do that to Her ?

Athena: Zeus ? Your Prophecy has Already Forestalled.

Zeus: What Do You Mean ?

Athena: Jusg Like Your Plan to Hades, Hestia Will Also Be Dethroned Here in Mount Olympus, So Deal with, Your Curse Could Never Be Prevail . . .

Zeus: But I've Already Asked Hera to Prevent the Plot to it's End.

Hera: Is that the Plan ? Where I have to Bring Hestia to the River of Styx ?

Zeus: You Did Followed What I Asked You to Do, Right ?

Hera: To Do ? . . .

Zeus: To Not Continue !

Hera: Zeus, Dear ? I'm Sorry

Zeus: What Have You Done ?

Hera: But Everything Seems to Be Alright ?

Athena: Zeus The Prophecy, Had Already Been Forestall . . .

Zeus: There Must Be a Way to Stop This Madness ?

Hestia: No ! There is No Other Way . . .

Hera: Hestia ? How Long, Have You Been Listening ?

Hestia: You are All Right, The Gods Do Need More Excitement in Comes with Celebration, So I Have Brought, Dionysus in Mount Olympus, And Blessed Him, For My Replacement . . .

Zeus: Hestia ? We Could Prevent this if We Worked Together.

Hestia: No Zeus, This Curse Could Never Be Prevail.

Zeus: Hstia ? . . .

Hestia: As I Leave Mount Olympus, Forget Everything About Me, For It Will Be an Insult for Me if the Other Gods Will Just Remember Me, As a Boring Goddess of Celebration . . .

Zeus: Hestia, Don't Say that ?

Hestia: No, Zeus ! This is All Your Fault, No Wonder Hades had Change so Big in Attitude, For what You did, And Now, It's My Turn to Face the Same . . .

Zeus: Hestia, I'm Sorry . . .

Hestia: . . .

Zeus: Will You Ever, Forgive Me ? . . .

Hestia: I'm Sorry Zeus,But Not Today . . .

End Of Flashback:

Zeus: Once Again, Congratulations to Your Win, And You've Earn Your Place Here in Mount Olympus, As the God of Celebration . . .

Dionysus: But I Don't Want Things, To Be Like this, Zeus ?

Zeus: Hestia had Already Accepted Her Fate, I Wish You'll Accept Yours too.

Dionysus: What Will Happen to Hestia ? Zeus . . .

Zeus: Just Wishing, She Wouldn't Be Hurt, At The Path that She Chosed . . .

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