"Everyone knows me as Regina."

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Mason was not supposed to get involved let alone know this shit.

Cazzo di inferno!!

(Fucking hell!!)

No one knows about the reality of the Russo business.

It's just business for the world.
When in reality, it's just not only business but something more than it.

Now Mason had seen me kill someone.

Of fucking course he will be having questions in his head, which I'm not prepared to answer.

How would I?

It's not everyday you see a schoolgirl pulling a gun out to kill someone.

But he just looked shocked, not panicked but shocked.

That is what got my attention.

If you put a everyday school going rich teenager in Mason's position. The guy would panic, run away or even scream at the sound of bullets flying here and there.

But he fucking didn't do no such thing.

So I decided that if he asks me questions, even I have the fucking right to.

Right now I'm at my house while Mason is in the bathroom freshening up.

By house I mean my suite.

I've already changed from my bloody dress and am in my silk shorts and tank top. Sitting on my bed.

Waiting for him to come out.

It felt strange.

To talk with Theo after such a long time.

For a second I was blank as to what the fuck was I supposed to say to him.

What caught my attention was that he said that he cheated on me for a reason?

He might be lying but something in his eyes told me that he wasn't.

I wanted to feel something, anything while talking to him. But I just felt numb and angry.

I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of him talking to me whenever he wants to.

Because he is not worth my presence.

I heard the bathroom door open.

I look to see Mason coming out with only a towel wrapped around his lower waist, hanging loosely as if it could fall any moment.

His hair damp, while droplets of water graced his defined abs.


I must've stared for too long because he cleared his throat to get my attention.

I looked at him.

His expression smug.

Cleary he caught me staring at him.

It's not everyday that I check a guy out. Just for casual hookups only.

"Sooo, do you have anything that would fit me?" He smirks while folding his arms.

"Yes I do." I get up and go to Ryder's room because his clothes will fit Mason perfectly seeing that they have similar body type.

I grab a bunch of sweats,shorts,boxers,t-shirts and tank tops for his closet because I don't know what he prefers.

I enter my room to see him sitting at the edge of my bed on his phone typing something.

"Here. I don't know what you prefer to wear so I bought what I could find." I say casually.

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