The Lunch (Part -1)

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It was time for lunch.

It was time for lunch, meaning that instead of eating the food people are going to kill each other.

I'm talking about Xavier.

You should not mess with him when he doesn't like you but Dominik has this tendency to push his luck as far as he can.

Which in return might just kill him.

Plus I have this feeling that today there is going to be a lot of drama because there are a lot of unwanted people in my house right now.

Everyone is supposed to join me for lunch and dinner today and I have this feeling that it is not going to end well.

I enter the room and take a seat on my chair and wait for everyone to come one by one.

Just so I don't waste my time I open my phone and finish some last-minute work so that I can at least eat my lunch peacefully without any interruption.

This whole month is jam-packed for me because I have a lot of things going on right now, I plan to expand my Mafia more than it ever was.

Plus I need to find the person who is attacking me constantly as it is starting to piss me the fuck off.

I hear footsteps to see papà coming in alone.

Thank God that Georgina is not with him.

That bitch is always clinging to him.

I nod.

"Papà." I curtly greet him.

His grey eyes look at me, calculating my words and my moves.

"Valentina." He greets me back as he takes his seat at the other side of the table right in front of me.

He sits straight, his eyes looking at me carefully trying to read my body language to determine my next move.

That's how he always has been, always one step ahead of everyone, always knowing what is coming next, always right.

Not with me though.

He can't read me as he does with others, and because of that, he cannot be one step ahead of me which means that he is not always right when it comes to me.

I'm the only one who can beat Jacob Russo in his own game without even blinking an eye and he knows it, he knows that and yet he lets me and that is what I have never been able to understand.

Maybe I never will be able to, cause after all whatever I'm right now and whatever I have learned is because of this man in front of me.

I'm grateful for him and I know that he knows it.

"What games are you playing now Valentina?" My eyes snap back at him and I know what he is talking about.

"What are you talking about father?" I ask him just in case my guess is wrong.

He narrows his eyes at me telling me to not play damn games with him right now.

I took the hint because I knew that he was serious this time. Not that I'm scared of him, I just don't want to fight right now.

"Why are the leaders of the most powerful Mafias here Valentina? What are you trying to do?" He asks me, this time being more direct and specific.

I sign, I thought that he would have understood by now.

I place my phone on the table and look at him sharply.

"Can't you see papà? I'm trying to bring all of them together, trying to make them forget the rifts they have had for decades and come together." I tell him, trying to make him understand the importance of what I'm doing.

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