My heaven and hell.

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Why seek heaven and hell when it is right before me?

It is true. Although Valentina is the antonym of heaven she still feels like heaven to me.

Then I have a thought, a thought I didn't think I was capable of even thinking,

Valentina is my heaven and hell.

She is the only person I would ever bow down to. The only person who can actually bring me to my knees. The only person who can be my downfall. The only person capable of destroying me.


I have a choice, a choice to let someone like Valentina slip by so that I can protect my non-existent heart from the heartbreak she sure as hell will give me in the future. I have a choice to protect this beating thing inside my rib cage to not be shattered into pieces.


I can take the risk, the risk of going all in, of showing her all of my cards, of keeping it up to her.

Her to decide what to do with this beating muscle inside of me.

Her to decide whether to keep it close to her or to rip it out of my chest, killing it.

I choose to let myself be vulnerable around her. To give her, to give us a chance.

I take the risk,

After all, I'm a Mafia King.

My train of thoughts is broken when I hear her husky voice calling me.

I look at her to find her looking at me with a confused look.

"What are you thinking?" She asks and I shake my head to say nothing. I'm not going to tell her all of this right now because it is just not the right time.

Also because I don't know how the fuck she is going to react to me talking like that. I just don't want her to be closed off with me like she used to be all those months ago.

It has already been six months with her Xavier, how much more time do you fucking need?

I ignore my conscience and focus on this temptress in front of me. She shrugs at my response and looks at me with a serious look, but you could see a hint of amusement in those now jade eyes of hers.

"Now, I'm going to call Theo and Ace in and I need you to not butt in with your snarky comments as well as your annoyed voice and face. Yeah?" She asks and I roll my eyes at her.

The fuck am I supposed to do if I find them genuinely irritating?

"Don't you roll your eyes at me." She says, her voice was low and dangerous.

I wanted to roll my eyes again but decided against it because I'm not going to be the one pissing her off.

I grunt in response, "Yeah well I love it when you roll your eyes when I fuck you." She raises an eyebrow with a smug smirk, "Do you now?"

I look straight at her, "Yes." I smirk back.

She shakes her head and presses the button to let Ace the Dick and his fucking brother in.

Valentina sits on her chair while I sit on the one in front of her. Both the brothers stroll in casually looking at Valentina with a small smile.

Theo is looking at her with love but as soon as he meets my gaze it vanishes.

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