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(A/N:- I was thinking of changing Valentina's imaginary picture I had put up in the starting. I was thinking of Megan Fox but with of course, green eyes. What do you think? If y'all have someone in mind then drop a name. Because I'm confused as fuck. Do tell me.)


After I made sure that Mr Castillo and Xavier's fiancée are comfortable in their respective rooms I head straight to my floor.

I'm borderline pissed off at this man.

Is this what I get after I finally decide to open up myself just a little bit?

I enter my floor only to see Xavier being held back by 5 guards.

He quickly notices me and starts to pull himself away from them.

"Valentina, what the fuck is this? Why aren't they letting me go to you?" He growls, he was shirtless so I could see his arms flexing as he was restraining away from them.

"That is because I told them so." I calmly tell him as I eye my guards.

They quickly understand and go back to their positions giving us privacy.

"What? Why? Why would you do that?" He asks me, I can see that he is trying very hard not to snap.

But so am I.

"Why don't we go to my room and talk, si?" I don't give him the chance to answer and instead open the doors to my room.

I gesture him with my hand to in first.

He looks confused as to why I'm behaving like this but silently obliges anyway.


He goes in first, I quickly close the doors and smash him on the wall with my gun on his head and my other hand around his throat.

The grip I have on him is not too loose but not too tight as well.

I don't want to kill him.


"What the fuck Valentina!" He says as he tries to push me away, but my grip is firm so his attempts are useless.

He doesn't get to talk now, it's my chance for that.

"Who the fuck is Isabel Romero?" I growl, trying my very best not to snap his neck right now. The urge is unbearable.

He stops pushing me away and freezes.

When he doesn't say anything I tighten my grip around his neck.

"Who. Is. Isabel. Romero. Xavier? Care to explain?" I tell him word by word, I swear to fucking God I'm this close to snapping.

"Look it is not what you think Valentina. Let me tell you everything, ok?" He says while looking at me with guilt.

So he knows that he is wrong.

"What the fuck did you think of me huh? That I'm some kind of a backup or a fucking side-chick of yours? You don't get to fucking play with me like that you piece of shit! Let me ask you one thing, were you even a virgin?" I ask him with a deadly voice, the ones which don't show what I'm thinking or feeling.

He tries to move but I hold him in his place.

He runs a hand through his hair and takes a deep breath and looks at me.

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