"Are you gay Mason?"

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Valentina Russo is a mystery.

A very interesting, deep and alluring mystery.

From the moment I saw her at her father's party, I just can't help but think about this green-eyed beauty.

Seeing Valentina use a gun and kill someone was shocking.

Yet sexy.

I mean, at that moment where she was smirking while looking at the dead body, even I was scared of her.

But she was still sexy.

I so want to know what this business is. That not even her best friends know.

But I'm seriously honored to know that she trusts me enough to tell me her secrets not even her friends know.

Is she working under cover for CIA or FBI? Or maybe the Italian Government to spy on American?

I just have to be patient I guess.

Seeing Valentina drive her car so professionally and smoothly was truly amazing. She is full of fucking surprises.

And to know that she has her own fucking house in the middle of nowhere is quiet surprising. But of course she is a Russo, she will obviously have her own house.


Her car collection is - wait I don't want to keep ranting about her all day long. Which is what I've been doing since a lot of days.

So in one word, Valentina is a mystery.

And I'm more than ready to solve this mystery, no matter what.

I should probably apologize to her for snapping at her a hour ago but I couldn't control myself.

I mean what would you do if the person you like very much pulls a gun and kills someone in front of you while showing no remorse and then acting as if nothing happened and totally being chill, while you get to know that Ryder fucking Rhodes also lives with her sometimes and then giving you his clothes to wear, then you get it know that only Valentina is allowed in his fucking room?

Of course you'll fucking explode.

So here I'm, standing in front of Valentina's beautiful house. More like a mansion.

"Ready to find out my work?" Valentina says with a smirk.

I nod.

"Let's go then." She says while opening the enormous wooden door.

As soon as I step inside, I find myself staring at atleast 30 men.

Some of them are dressed in expensive suits while others are wearing casual clothes.

Some are sitting on the huge white couche with laptops in front of them while some are on their phones talking to people, while some of them are simply chilling.

Valentina starts walking towards the huge hall were everyone is busy.

As soon as we steps inside, everyone stops whatever they are doing. As if sensing she is here.

They all look at her wide eyed and all of them nod at her.

"Boys." She says while nodding at them.

I step in front, so that they can see me as well.

As soon as I do, everyone is pointing guns at me.

My eyes widen as I hold my hands up.

Cause what else am I supposed to do?

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