He's gone

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Isabelle squirmed in her seat as she approached Freddie's apartment. What would she say to him? How could she look the man she loves in the face and tell him she may or may not be having his child? Biting on her nails she nervously gathered her thoughts. Taking in a deep breath she hoped for the best but expected the worst.

As she knocked on the door, she felt a wave of nausea come on but this wasn't due to the pregnancy but perhaps the nerves. After a few minutes of repetitive knocking Isabelle wondered why there was no answer. "Freddie!? Phoebe?! It's me..." she called out using her hands to cup them around her mouth. Suddenly the door opened "oh thank God, Freddie I'm so sorry to show up like this but I have to tell y--" she was cut off when she looked up and notice that it wasn't Freddie standing in front of her. It was Paul.

"Ay lassie, ye just missed him" he said with a Heineken in his hand. "Well where did he go?" she asked, taking a swig of his beer Paul chuckled. "I don't think I can share that information with you" he said with a smirk on his face. A smirk Isabelle wished she could wipe off. "I'm his girlfriend...I have every right to know where he is Paul!" Laughing and wiping an invisible tear from his eye Paul was thrilled that he was finally able to spew the venom he had been holding bach for her.

"Silly little tart, you are not his girlfriend...you are just another groupie, always have been...I'll admit it took him longer to move on from you than he did with the others but I was right in the end so no matter" as he proceeded to shut the door in her face Isabelle held up her arm to stop him.

"Wait Paul...I'm pregnant...I have to speak with him!" she cried. Stepping closer to her and removing a lone strand of hair from her face he smiled that cocky egotistical smile once again. "We know who's spawn that really is...nice try though, you didn't spark me as the whore type" gasping at his revelation Isabelle felt even more nauseous. "What did you just say?"
"Ay, you heard me...I told Fred everything, I told him you fucked that ex of yours...I must say you do have good taste in men" he said finishing off his beer. "Oh yea, he wanted me to give you this" said Paul pulling out a small piece of paper.

"Now kindly return back to the trenches where ye came from!" he said with a slam of the door in her face. Feeling like her feet were molded to the cement Isabelle was unable to move. She began sobbing not ready to accept that this is how her and Freddie would end...once again. Unfolding the paper she read his final words to her.

Dear Isabelle, I have left to go work on some new material and most importantly clear my mind of you. I NEVER want to see you again, I thought you were different but clearly I was wrong and I've accepted that. If the child is indeed mine you can call my attorney although I must say I hope it's not.

FM x

Covering her mouth and leaning over the rail Isabelle threw up after reading the note. It literally made her sick, and what hurt her even more was that he left without even giving her a chance to explain. Wiping the corners of her mouth, she turned around and left Freddie's Kensington flat. Flashbacks of all the nights and days she had spent inside took over her mind, little did she know that those days would come to and end. She'd miss his infectious laugh whenever he was around his cats, she'd miss his humming as he shaved in the morning. She'd miss his love the most.

As she walked home, she also walked off her sadness. It could be the hormones causing her to have mood swings but now she was angry. Angry at Freddie for listening to a rat like Paul, angry at Paul for successfully ruining their relationship, angry at Erin for being there that night...and really angry at herself for making such a foolish mistake. Clutching at her stomach, she knew that the child inside was all she had left. She wanted it to be Freddie's, in fact she even prayed but the answer would present itself in 9 months.

On a flight to New York

"Ugh, this airline food is dreaful!" said Freddie as he threw his fork onto his plate. Truth was the food was actually delicious but at that very moment nothing could please Freddie. He was disgusted by Isabelle's lies but also heartbroken over losing her. Perhaps I jumped the gun he thought to himself. "You know it's not too late to call her" said Phoebe placing a friendly hand on Freddie's back. He knew how much she meant to him and being a true friend unlike Paul, Phoebe wanted to see Freddie happy.

"No...she betrayed me, once the trust is gone I have no further interest" he said emotionless. "When we land I want you to go prowl around for the best blow you can find darling! I'm going to need it...it's New York after all dear!" said Freddie throwing his hands around. "Right...ok" said Phoebe no longer wanting to interfere with his personal life. "One last question...actually" said Phoebe nervously not knowing which kind of response he get.

"What is it?" Freddie said as he looked out of his window. "What if the child is yours?" a wave of tears hit him unexpectedly, he looked down into his lap hoping Phoebe couldn't see him cry. "Oh..Freddie I'm sorry I--" suddenly Freddie jumped to his feet and threw his plate of food slightly missing Phoebe's head. "Stay the fuck out of my business Peter!" he screamed. Realizing that he may have gone a bit too far Phoebe calmly picked up the plate and moved his seat to the back of the plane.

Sitting back down filled with rage Freddie punched the head rest of the seat in front of him, luckily there was no other passengers. "Fuck!" he cried as he began to silently sob into his hands. He hadn't felt this kind of heartbreak since Mary, this was even worse. Isabelle became a big part of his life in such a short time. He knew he loved her and that no matter how much he wanted it to, it would never die.

After a quiet cry to himself, something sparked in Freddie that night or maybe something went out. Either way, he'd never look back again. He wondered what New York City and the 80s had awaiting for him.

I know this was a short chapter darlings I apologize but you will soon found out why and get answers soon...don't forget to comment and vote 😘😘😘

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