Two men and a baby

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There Isabelle stood in between the father of her child and the man who helped raise her child since she was born. If looks could kill both men would be dead from the killer glares they were exchanging with one another. Meanwhile baby Lilly was squirming out of Freddie's arms trying to get to Erin. "Da da!" she kept saying in her small innocent voice. It broke Freddie's heart, but he wouldn't show it.

"Darling...take Our daughter please" said Freddie as he handed Lilly over to Isabelle. "Freddie wait, don't do anything you might regret" she said tugging on his arm. "Don't worry my love, we'll settle this like men" he said kissing her on the head. Cracking his knuckles as he turned around to face Erin, Freddie smiled at him. "Long time no see Erica!" he said causing Erin to roll his eyes. "Didn't expect to see you ever again Mr. Mercury" he said pressing his lips in a firm line.

"Ah yes well surely you didn't think that  would be the end of me dear, after all I am Lilly's father...not you" he said bulging out his dark brown eyes. "Your daughter? you mean the one you just met as of today" Freddie clenched his fist so hard that he broke the skin in his palm. "Be careful what you say" Isabelle quickly put Lilly in her play pen and rushed over between the two men using her body to separate them. "Okay look not in front of Lilly" she said facing Freddie and looking back at Erin.

"Tell him to leave then Isabelle" said Freddie without breaking eye contact with Erin. Looking at Freddie without a response he met his eyes with hers "now!" he growled startling her. "Okay okay!" she said placing her hands on his chest. Slowly turning to face Erin she offered him a sympathetic smile. As much as she loved Freddie and as much as her relationship meant with him, she couldn't allow herself to deliberately disrespect him. He had done so much for her and Lilly and she knew how much he loved that little girl.

"Erin...please let's go talk in the hall" said Isabelle guiding him out of the apartment. Looking over at baby Lilly who was very busy stacking her blocks Erin felt jealousy. "No..I wanna see Lilly!" he said pushing Freddie over the edge. "She's not your fucking daughter, I suggest you get the fuck out before I break your face!" said Freddie moving Isabelle out the way. This side of Freddie frightened her, she'd never took him for the violent type. "...and what would you know about raising a child huh faggot?!" said Erin.

In the blink of an eye Freddie hit him with a hard left hook causing him to fall back into the wall knocking a picture off it. The sound of glass shattering scared Lilly as she began to cry. "Stop it!!" cried out Isabelle as she began to panic. Touching his lip with his hand and looking down at the blood that was leaking from it. This caused him to charge at Freddie knocking over a glass vase in the process. As the two men wrestled on the floor Isabelle took Lilly and ran to the kitchen to use the phone in there. Dialing the number of the car Phoebe was driving with shaky hands she tried to calm Lilly who was crying.

"Hello? answered Phoebe "Peter! Peter! please hurry over to my place, Freddie and Erin are killing each other in my living room!" eyes bulging Peter instantly took a U-turn and stepped on the gas rushing over to Isabelle's. As she hung up she noticed the commotion stopped, it was silent. Rushing back in her eyes examined the room. She was shocked to find an unconscious Erin on the floor and an out of breath Freddie sitting on her couch. "Ouch! that better not scar!" he said as he touched an open cut above his eyebrow. "What- what happened? what did you do?"

Running over to Erin and lifting his head onto her lap she placed two fingers on his neck feeling for a pulse. "Oh darling relax he's not dead, I used an old trick I learned back in my boxing days...he'll be taking a short snooze" said Freddie holding his side. "Jeez Freddie you didn't have to go animalistic on him" said Isabelle joining him on the sofa. "...nothing or nobody is going to come between my family...I meant that" he said taking her warm hand into his. "I'll go get you some take Lilly" she said handing him his baby. "Hi my little Angel, daddy is sorry he scared you...but I'll destroy anyone who tries to take you from me!" he said in a sing songy voice.

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