Coffee and Grace

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Isabelle told her friend Grace she'd meet her for coffee at their favorite spot in Kensington. Their mum's used to meet there as well when Isabelle and Grace were little girls, they were childhood friends who lived on the same street. Grace still lived in Kensington and hardly ever left her city so being the kind friend she was Isabelle would meet her on her days off. "Mmm they always make it so right!" said Grace as she sipped her coffee. "So dating anyone?" she asked Isabelle hoping to hear some juicy details about her friends sad love life. "No....not really" replied Isabelle as she mixed around cream and sugar into her coffee. "Izzie you need to get laid!" stunned at her best friends statement she really couldn't disagree. It'd been ages since she'd seen anyone.

She had a relationship with someone from college but she ended it when she found out he was cheating on her. Since then for the last two years she was single as single could be. "Darling..are you sure about this place?" she heard a man speak behind her. A familiar voice and that word, the way it rolled off his tongue. It was Freddie. Zooming back around and putting her head down she panicked "Oh my God it's him don't look that way!" she hid her face by using her hands as a shield. "Who? what?" said a confused Grace searching the scene. She gasped at the presence of half of Queen. "Izzie do you know who that is? It's Freddie Mercury and John Deacon they are in that band Queen they have that #1 single Bohemian Rhapsody!"

Isabelle was riddled with nerves. "Yes I know exactly who it is! I bumped into the dark haired one last week but I had no idea who he was!" Grace began to beam with a smile from ear to ear "Oh you bitch! do you know what this means? it's fate! go talk to him!" waiting for them to be seated Grace threw a napkin at their table and it hit Freddie right on the top of his head. "Why the fuck did you do that?!" cried out Isabelle, when Freddie turned he noticed the hysterics coming from Isabelle and Grace's table. He stood up slowly from his seat adjusting his scarf. "Oh my God! he's coming over here!!" as Isabelle tried to gather her things to make a run for it Freddie stood at the table holding out the napkin.

"Excuse me dear? but did you throw this trash at us?" he asked with a smirk. "Um..sorry it was a mistake" coughed  out Isabelle. Freddie moved his eyes between the two friends, moving them back over to Isabelle he squinted as he studied all her features. "Wait a second, aren't you that clutz I bumped into on the street?" asked Freddie as he did a cute little twitch with his mouth. He was even more beautiful than the last time she'd saw him and he still smelled of cinnamon. "Um yes actually..." answered Isabelle who was trying to avoid contact. "You know if you wanted an autograph you could of just asked..sad way of getting attention don't ya think dear?" Grace burst out laughing perhaps a little too loudly. "Right...uh actually Mr. Freddie, my dad is a huge fan can you sign something written to him please?" Noticing her more than obvious attempts of avoiding to look him in the eyes, Freddie thought it'd be fun to tease her.

"Oh sure but only on one condition.." curious enough Isabelle finally looked into his eyes. "What?" she whispered out barely audible. "Only if you give me your number" before she could respond John walked up next to Freddie. "Hey Fred the car is outside" Grace's eyes widened as she found John to be cute and innocent like. "Hi!" she squealed out waving her hand. John simply waved back "Hello" he said shyly. "Well? are you just going to allow me to stand her all day darling?" interrupted Freddie. "No she's not here it is!" said Grace reaching in her purse for a pen and pulling for Freddie's hand as she wrote Isabelle's phone number on his palm. Mouth agape she watched as her best friend hooked her up with a famous rock star. "Oooh! I like this one!" said Freddie admiring Grace's forwardness. Looking back at Isabelle one last time he smiled and gave her a wink as he and John left the coffee shop. "You fucking wanker! I can't believe you did that!" said Isabelle as she playfully slapped Grace's arm. "Then why are you so happy?!" she replied back noticing a smile on Isabelle's face that hadn't been there in a long time. "If you wanna repay me...get me a piece of that John Deacon after you and Freddie smash genitals!" blushing at her friend's erotic comment Isabelle would be lying to herself if she denied her attraction to him.

get me a piece of that John Deacon after you and Freddie smash genitals!" blushing at her friend's erotic comment Isabelle would be lying to herself if she denied her attraction to him

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