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It had been 2 weeks since Isabelle's date with Freddie, she hadn't heard from him since then. Not even a phone call. She began to regret her decision by having sex with Freddie, maybe he felt she was too easy and didn't think she deserved his respect. "Stupid...stupid...ugh how could I allow myself to be such a tart!" Isabelle thought to herself. Taking out a bottle of wine from her cabinet she decided to drink her sorrows away. Scanning through he records she chose "Never can say goodbye" by Gloria Gaynor. "....perfect" she thought to herself as she listened to the track closing her eyes and finishing her 2nd glass of wine.

On her 3rd glass and 5th repeat of the song Isabelle began to turn into an angry drunk. "...stupid rock star, thinking he can use me and toss me aside! leaving trashy notes at my doorstep! fucking twit!" her head began to throb from her racing thoughts, she heard banging noises but wasn't sure if she was just hearing things. Shrugging her shoulders she held her glass up in the air "here's to dirty lousy men!" as she finished her last sip of wine she heard the banging noises become even louder. She lowered the record player and could here her name being called "...Isabelle! It's me! Open up!" it was Freddie.

Jumping up to her feet, the blood rushed to her head as she felt dizzy not realizing how drunk she actually was. "...hang on!" she cried out. Making her way to a mirror she checked to see how bad the damage was. Her eyes had dark circles underneath and her hair was messy "...oh fuck! Why now?" she cried out to herself. "...I'm not leaving till you let me in you know!" Freddie yelled out. Isabelle opened the door halfway and peeked half of her face out trying not to reveal the mess she was in.

"Oh...hello Freddie" she said in a mock voice. "...Hello yourself, am I missing the show?" he said referring to her loud music. "Um...okay" she said this time with a hiccup. Freddie stepped closer to the door and leaned into her face. Smelling the wine on her breath he took another step back. "Are you drunk?" he asked with a smirk. "....maybe" she said in between more hiccups unable to hold them back. "Why are you hiding? Is there someone here?" said Freddie as he looked over Isabelle. "...what if there was?" she asked him with raised eyebrows. "...well I'd leave you to it!" he said crossing his arms. "Don't you have more notes to write?" She finally said what was really on her mind. "Huh?" was all he replied.

"Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about! Don't act foo-...fooli-" bringing her hand to her mouth Isabelle felt a burning sensation rushing from her stomach into her throat. "Oh...oh God hold that thought!" she spoke through muffled sounds. Running to her bathroom she spewed the contents of her stomach into the toilet forgetting to shut the door and leaving it open. Freddie heard the gagging noises and decided it was best not to leave her alone. Entering her flat he closed the door behind him and sat on her couch.

Looking around he noticed all her paintings hanging on the walls. One in particular he was keen on. It was a canvas of a beautiful Geisha woman sitting underneath a cherry blossom tree. Isabelle's choice of colors and blending gave it such a real life look. He noticed her work area and there was an easel set up with a sheet cast over it. Having an anxious approach and feeling a bit nosey Freddie lifted the sheet a bit while glancing at the bathroom door making sure Isabelle didn't catch him. Lifting it just enough to expose what was underneath he could see it was a painting of man but needed more light to find out who it was.

"HEY!" Isabelle screamed out causing him to jump and drop the sheet. "What are you doing snooping around?!" she said eyes blood shot and lips dry. "Sorry dear, your paintings are just so beautiful" he said with big brown eyes. Suddenly Isabelle began to sob as she fell to her feet crying. "Oh honey you're so wasted!" said Freddie as he helped her to the couch. " didn't strike me for much of a drinker..." he said rubbing her hand. "I-..i'm not" she said in between sniffles. I usually get shit faced when something goes wrong. "Well...what's wrong?" he asked her with concern on his face. "Oh don't pretend you don't know!" looking up at Freddie's face and into his eyes she could tell by his expression that he was completely oblivious to her accusations.

"Darling....what ever are you speaking of? Maybe we should get you to bed..." Isabelle chuckled with sarcasm "oh I think you've done enough of that" furrowing his eyebrows Freddie began to grow annoyed, his patience always ran thin. "Ok...just spit out whatever it is you want to say I don't feel like solving riddles tonight dear!" Letting out a sigh Isabelle let it all out. "Okay well...first of all you never called! second of all you leave this at my door!"  Reaching over to her apron that was laid across the top of the couch she handed Freddie the note.

As he read it his expression was stunned and confused at the same time. "Wait a minute...are you saying I did this?" Isabelle rubbed her temples as the wheels in her head kept turning at a dangerous speed. "I don't know Freddie...did you?!" she asked with blurred vision. "No! I don't play games like this darling it's quite childish if I thought you were a whore...well I wouldn't be sitting her for one" he said with a raised finger. "Where did you get this?" he asked flipping the note from front to back. " was left at my door the morning after know..." said Isabelle refusing to say it out loud.

"Fucked! You mean after we fucked..." said Freddie with a stern and sexy look on his face. "....mhm" was all she could say, lost in his beauty. Taking her hands into his he spoke "Isabelle...I know we don't know each other that well but I tell you it wasn't me dear..." said Freddie hoping to gain her trust. "Then who was it Freddie?" she asked while licking her lips. "I don't know...but I will find out I promise you!" Isabelle's throat was sore and dry from throwing up. "Can you get me a glass of water please..." she asked him as she curled up into a ball on her couch.

"Sure thing honey" said Freddie as he made his way to her kitchen. Opening up her cabinets till he found her drinking glasses he ran the tap and waited for the water to fill as he stood at her sink. He kept wondering who could have done such a thing, he had a few ideas but didn't wanna believe it could be someone he trusted. Freddie realized as he and Queen got bigger the more betrayal he faced. The only thing Freddie feared more than betrayal was loneliness. As sad as it may sound, he always preferred the company of friends even if he didn't fully trust them.

This was different though, he felt a new type of anger. For some reason when it came to Isabelle he felt very protective and didn't want her to get hurt. Realizing the glass was full he shut off the tap and continued on back into the living room only to find a sleeping Isabelle. "...poor dear" he said as he searched around until looking for something to cover her up with. Unable to find anything of the sort he was about to search her room until he spotted the sheet from earlier, the one covering the painting. Staring at it for a moment he went to grab it, but stopped in his tracks remembering that for some reason Isabelle didn't want him to see what was underneath.

Instead Freddie simply took off the fur coat he was wearing and took Isabelle into his arms and laid down beside her. It was a small couch but somehow they fit like two peas in a pod. Stroking her hair as Freddie looked up at her ceiling his mind wandered. Eventually he drifted off to sleep, hoping to solve the mystery of the note and the mystery of his magnetic attraction to the sleeping girl in his arms.

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