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What was in store for Freddie was far worse than what he could have predicted. "Who the FUCK is responsible for this?" he yelled as he dropped his carry on bag while standing in the doorway of his destroyed Kensington home. "I want whoever did this dead!" picking up pieces of all his cherished and valuable antiques a fury built inside as he smashed whatever debris was left into even smaller pieces.

"Paul is here" said a frightened Phoebe who was trying to dodge whatever he threw. In walked Paul behind him "holy fuck what happened here mate?" Freddie turned around annoyed "how the fuck would I know? I just got back...fuck I need a line!" he said as he began to pace back and forth. It seemed like life kept throwing curveballs at him.

He became more and more dependent on drugs and alcohol. To Freddie the only release from stress was Queen. A few hours passed by and he was now in a calm state due to the combination of vodka tonics and blow. Paul originally thought he could use Bill Reid as a leverage but after realizing his violent nature he knew it'd be best if he wasn't in Freddie's life at all. There's only room for one possessive man in his life Paul silently thought to himself.

"Uh Fred, I think I know who did this..." with a raised eyebrow Freddie chugged back the rest of his drink and listened "go on..." he said. "It was Bill" Freddie's eyes widened, he forgotten about Bill completely. Once he found out about Lilly it was like she was the only thing on his mind from the point on and Isabelle as well. "Oh fuck" groaned Freddie as he realized that the path of destruction was indeed a signature move of Bill's.

"I want a restraining order put on him immediately! I will no longer tolerate such behavior I have a daughter now and this will no longer be allowed!" choking on his drink Paul was shocked "Daughter?!!" he cried out. "Yes Paul, it turns out Isabelle's daughter was in fact my daughter as well" suddenly something clicked in Freddie's mind. "..wait-..you knew that already didn't you?!" Paul became nervous and started fidgeting in his seat.

"How would I know that?" he asked. "Same reason why you keep answering my questions with questions..." walking up to Paul who was sitting down Freddie told him to stand up. "Look me in my fucking eye and tell me you had no idea about Isabelle having my baby" Paul knew if he lied any more that it would just push Freddie away "...yes I knew" as the words left his mouth Freddie's hands were now wrapped around his neck.

"You little fucking snake!" he said through gritted teeth "I want you out of my sight and out of my life! you better never come near me or my family ever again!" Paul simply nodded his head, releasing his throat Freddie backed off and proceeded to light a cigarette. Without another word he left, leaving Queen's frontman alone with the debris from hurricane Bill.

Isabelle's apartment

"Hi my sweet girl...daddy missed you so much!" said Erin to the bouncy Persian baby in his arms. Rolling her eyes and shaking her head Isabelle entered the kitchen to start a fresh pot of coffee. Massaging her temples Isabelle inhaled deeply she was jet lagged and sore still. "I'm going to fuck my pain into you" Freddie's words rang in her head. She wondered if things would ever be the same between them. "Iz? Oh it's so good to see you!" said Grace hugging her friend.

"How was the trip? Tell me everything! Did you and Freddie have mad passionate sex? Oh is Argentina beautiful?!" Grace kept bombarding her with questions. "GRACE SHUT UP!" she cried out, burying her face into her hands she began to sob. "Oh my...Isabelle what happened?" Grace placed a hand on her back. "...everything just blew up Grace...Freddie hates me and blames me for Lilly thinking Erin is her father". "Oh sweetie I'm so sorry...what can I do to help?" drying her eyes she gave her caring friend a warm but weak smile. "I love you so much Grace, promise you'll never leave me?" Grace held Isabelle close "I'll never leave Izzie you know that". 

"So what happened with Freddie? is it really over.." Isabelle stared out the window, she felt numb and angry at the same time. "Lilly thinks of Erin as her father, she was cranky during our trip and kept crying for her da da so I called Erin and his voice soothed her just as I knew it would...Freddie freaked out and got furious..my God I've never seen him so angry Grace..." with pursed lips Grace pondered the thought of sharing her opinions with Isabelle but she knew she was already so fragile. "...Isabelle I love you so try to remember that I have nothing but yours and Lilly's best interest at heart...surely you can understand Freddie's position, I mean he's been subjected to miss out on most of Lilly's life without ever knowing she existed at all...and now that he's in her life another man claims her".

Jaw dropped Isabelle was stunned by Grace's audacity. "Excuse me? you're telling me this now...what happened to 'Oh Izzie I support you' and 'you're doing the right thing' what happened to all that Grace? if you think I am such a monster and agree with Freddie then why don't you just go fuck him already!" with no words Grace slowly backed off she couldn't believe Isabelle's ignorance. "..fuck you Iz!" and just like that she left. Furiously walking past Erin and Lilly he noticed the anger in her steps. "Grace? is everything ok?" spinning around while opening the door she replied "ask Isabelle!" and slammed the door shut behind her. Walking into the kitchen with Lilly in his arms Erin checked on Isabelle.

"Hey is everything ok?" noticing her sniffles and sobs Erin put a hand on her shoulder. When Isabelle turned around she could see the kindness and care in his eyes. Although she was angry at the world she suddenly thought that maybe Erin wasn't the bad guy. After all, all he ever did was love and care for her daughter what was so bad about that? ok sure, he was making it difficult for her real father to be in her life but that's because he felt a bond with the child. "Erin...am I a bad person?" she asked him while rubbing Lilly's back. Even with everything that's happened he'd by lying if he tried to deny his feelings for her. He's always loved Isabelle, perhaps the love he had for her was what made him envy Freddie so much. "Of course not...you are beautiful Isabelle...inside and out...just like our--I mean your daughter". 

It could have been the heat in the moment, or maybe it was because he was saying all the right things. All the things she wished Freddie would say, something came over her and next thing she knew her lips were crashed against his. Kissing her back Erin pulled her in closer, a tug of hair distracted them when they noticed baby Lilly had handfuls of both of theirs. Both laughing and putting distance between them they stood in awkward silence. Since Isabelle was the one who made the first move she broke the ice "I-...I'm sorry I don't know why I did that to be honest" she said rubbing her hands up and down her arms. "It's ok...I liked it" he said. Putting Lilly down in her highchair Erin placed a few cheerios on her tray. "We should talk about this"

"Erin...it didn't mean anything" she said trying to avoid the conversation. Taking her hands in his he stared deeply into her eyes. It was no secret that he was a handsome man, he had caramel colored skin and curly hair. His smile was bright and he was very sophisticated with the way he dressed. Any other woman would be lucky to have him as a boyfriend, in fact Erin could have just about anyone he wanted. Isabelle always wondered why he chose to chase after someone who didn't want him. "Isabelle...we once shared something and you can't deny that" he used the back of his hand to rub her face "...let's give it another shot" the wheels were turning in her head. With the way things were between her and Freddie, Isabelle assumed they wouldn't return back to what once was but that didn't mean she stopped loving him.

"...but I love Freddie" she whispered back with tears in her eyes. "That's okay...that will soon fade away Isabelle I promise, just give us a chance and I will make sure you forget all about him" looking at Lilly who had her fathers eyes she couldn't help but feel guilty "Erin...before I consider anything you must accept that Freddie is Lilly's real father and he will be in her life whether you like it or not! no more of this custody shit and threats...you knew from the beginning Lilly wasn't yours..so please stop trying to make it difficult for Freddie to get to know his daughter" swallowing his pride Erin simply nodded and smiled "..well I'd be lying if I said I was okay with it but yes I know...I'll back off...I just love her so much". Taking her hand in his once again he asked her once again "So what do you say Isabelle...shall we try this one more time?"

It could have been because she felt pressured, it could have been her broken heart, it could have been her anger but something in her made her say "yes"

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