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Before she knew it Isabelle was getting ready for her dinner plans with Freddie

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Before she knew it Isabelle was getting ready for her dinner plans with Freddie. Knowing a week before that she had these plans she cleverly found a way to get Grace out of the house so she wouldn't know about it. Isabelle didn't want to involve her because she knew she'd most likely talk her out of it. She was rooting for her to be with Erin as many chances as she got. Isabelle convinced William to have Grace sleep over at his place, she told him that Grace is more kinky when other's weren't around, that was enough explanation for him and he did as she said. Relieved that she wouldn't have to explain herself to anyone Isabelle was confident that the night would go well.

She put on her best dress, a tight red little number that complimented her olive tone complexion. Allowing her hair to flow freely she wore some dangling earrings and red lipstick. As she was finishing applying mascara she heard a car horn. Looking out of the window she noticed Freddie's limousine. Suddenly she was filled with anxiety, this was it...a moment she never expected to arrive again. Taking one last peek in the mirror she smoothed out her dress and made her way downstairs. Stepping out of the limo when he'd noticed she was approaching Freddie opened his arms waiting to give her a big hug.

When Isabelle got closer to him it was like time froze, there he stood with the same slender body she'd remembered and the same deep burning brown eyes. The only difference was his much shorter hair length. Walking into his arms they locked each other in a hug, holding each other perhaps a bit longer than they'd care to admit. Finally letting go Isabelle stepped back and stared him in the eyes as he looked her up and down. "My are absolutely breath taking" he said causing her to blush "Yeah you're not so bad yourself Mercury, when did you decide to ditch the wig?" she said reaching for his hair. "Oh you know me...out with the old in with the new" with an awkward stare, and then a sudden burst of laughter they both cackled at the turn of events. Neither of them could have predicted they'd be back in each other's presence.

"Well...shall we?" asked Freddie gesturing for her to enter the limo "yes...let's do it" she said sliding into the leather exterior seats. As they pulled off  Freddie rolled down his window a bit, the fresh air helped him keep a cool manner. "So I see you and the boys are doing well?" said Isabelle starting up the first conversation of the night. "Yes actually very well, I couldn't be more happy with our recent successes" Isabelle smiled warmly "that's really great Freddie but I must say I'm not the least surprised...I mean you're you"

Freddie wanted to kiss her right then and there but he knew it was too soon. She was so perfect for him, always supportive and feeding his large ego but not too much it was always just enough for him to remain humble and thankful that she even thought that highly of him. Whenever others would compliment him he knew it was that the intentions were to either get in his pants or his pockets. With Isabelle it was genuine and loving, she didn't look at him as Freddie Mercury the rockstar she saw him as simply just Freddie.

As they pulled up to the restaurant they'd notice a swarm of paparazzi waiting at the entrance. Word must of got out that the boys were back in town. "Oh shit, not these piss ants...I'm so sick of them really" said Freddie trying to peek outside of his tinted windows. "We can try again some other night if that's better..." said Isabelle feeling a bit sad that there dinner date might not happen after all. "Nonsense I dragged you out, the least I can do is give you a lovely would you feel about taking this back to my place?" he asked with hopeful eyes. "" clearing her throat Isabelle pondered the fact of what might happened if she were alone with Freddie.

" I-.." was all she could get out, Freddie placed his hand on top of hers. "Darling don't worry I'm not going to try and ravish you...unless you ask me to" he said with a wink. Laughing with relief at his ability to break the ice she knew that he'd be the perfect gentleman and accepted his offer. "Terry take us back home please" he instructed his body guard/driver. "What are you in the mood for dear? I'll have Joe whip us up anything you have in mind". Isabelle  got a flashback of Joe, she had almost forgotten that she'd met Freddie's friend and chef the same night they had sex for the first time. "Oh um, it doesn't have to be anything too fancy I'm fine with whatever works for you" said Isabelle as she moved a piece of hair behind her ear. Freddie suddenly began to stroke her curls, they were soft and bouncy. "Did I ever tell you how gorgeous your hair is?" he said as he continued to play with her curly locks.

"Uh no I don't think you ever have" she responded as she realized they were dangerously close. She could feel heat in her chest, his lips looked smooth and moist. She wanted to kiss him so bad but was afraid to make the first move. Plus she had to remind herself that she was technically in a relationship. Although they hadn't given it much of title, Erin earned some type of consideration. "...darling why are you so nervous? You act as if I've haven't seen you in such a vulnerable state before..." said Freddie with a smirk. "Well considering how we left things between us, I thought you'd be nervous too...I should of known that you'd be a master at ridding yourself of nerves as well as everything else" Freddie rolled his eyes "oh dear come on, you think im not nervous? make me feel crazy, I might not show it but it's driving me nuts how you could still possibly have this...this..." he began to stutter unable to finish his sentence.

"...this what Freddie?" without answering he leaned in and kissed her. Not stopping him she fully obliged and returned the gesture. Allowing him to slip his tongue in her mouth, they passionately made out losing themselves in each others mouth. Before it could go further Isabelle pushed him off of her a bit "...wait Freddie we can't" he rolled his eyes at her "can't what? kiss? not like we haven't done it before" Isabelle sat up a bit straighter "I know...but shouldn't we at least talk more first" Freddie smiled at the sweet but very insecure girl.

"Isabelle, why can't you just give into what I know you're feeling right now...and you wanna know how I know what you're feeling?" he asked moving closer to her once again "" she whispered "because I feel it too" he said in a deeper tone, the warmth of his breath bouncing off her lips as he said it. "Oh...Freddie" and just like that Isabelle decided to let go of all the questions and doubts and to just let fate take over and do exactly as she felt, and what she felt was to let Freddie own her fully and completely her body and soul craved his touch. "Can we skip dinner?" she asked biting her lip "I'm sure that can be arranged" said Freddie as he crashed his lips into hers.

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