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"Uhh...I said you can't find out about the child Mary & I are having..." said Paul as he scrambled over to Mary putting his arm around her shoulder. She looked at him confused and slightly disgusted but going along with it she put on a fake smile "yes Freddie, Paul said he'll give me a baby since you said that you won't" she said sarcastically.

Freddie stared at the two in front of him suspicious yet also shocked at what they were saying. "So why were you two trying to hide that?" he asked with his hands on his hips. "Well mate, given the history between you and Mary I didn't want you to be jealous or anything." Looking into Mary's icy blue eyes Freddie felt unsure of trusting Paul's words but he knew he could always trust Mary. "Is this true dear?"

"Yes...I'm ready to be a Mother, I was hoping you'd be it's father but I guess that's not an option right...?" she asked one more time hoping he'd change his mind. "Right..." said Freddie as he began fidgeting with the new pastel yellow curtains Mary had hanging in her house. Truth be told Freddie felt a bit disappointed to discover they weren't talking about his child with Isabelle. A part of him wished they knew something he didn't. "What are you doing here anyways?" Mary asked.

"I felt sorry about how our last visit went...I wanted to surprise you!" in walked Phoebe with a tiny grey kitten in his arms. "I know it's not the same but look how darling this precious little one is!" said Freddie in awe of the feline. Mary smiled from ear to ear and took the kitten into her arms "Oh Freddie I love him thank you so much!"
"It's a her actually..." he said stroking it's head "I was thinking of a name on the way does Lilly sound?"

At that very moment Mary's stomach sank, it took everything for her to not drop the tiny kitten in her arms. "What did you just say?!" she asked as beads of sweat formed on her forehead. "My God dear you look like you've seen a ghost, I said Lilly...what's wrong? You don't like it?" clearing her throat Mary kept her composure. "Uh it's beautiful but I was thinking something more like...Miko!shrugging his shoulders Freddie agreed "ok it's your pussy cat after all!"

"'s 1'o clock, if we're going to make the show we need to leave now!" said Phoebe as he tapped his watch. "Okay dear, well we're on our way out...I'll be in London for the next few days we can have tea before I leave!" said Freddie as he kissed Mary on the cheek. "...Paul, I must're starting to worry me..not a good look darling all this secrecy and sneaking around...and what time you try and hide something from me...big or small...I'll end you."

"Ay no hard feelings mate?" said Paul as he patted Freddie on the back. Without replying he simply walked out the door behind Phoebe. "Phew! that was a close one!" Paul said as he fell back into Mary's couch. "Yeah too close...and really? me and you having a child...that's the best you could come up with?" rolling his eyes Paul scoffed "ha! I didn't exactly hear you come up with anything better!" Mary put down her new kitten as she looked out of her stained glass windows. "Forgive me Paul...we aren't all professional liars like you!"

Smirking he stood up and made his way over to Mary " honey, we both know that's not might have Freddie fooled with this innocent act but I know you're just as conniving as I am sweetheart...that black heart of yours surely has an agenda of it's own" insulted yet unable to deny that Paul's words were true she shook her head and put a hand over her empty stomach. "'s just not fair, what makes her so deserving of a beautiful baby girl and not me?" Paul could sense the jealousy and remorse in Mary's tone.

"Ah be that as it still have one thing she doesn't..." looking up at him with curiosity Mary raised an eyebrow "and what's that?" she asked. "Freddie"

Meanwhile at Isabelle's parents house

"Hello my precious Lilly bean! grandma  loves you! oh my you've gotten so big! what's your mother feeding you?" said Isabelle's mum as she removed the drooling baby from her arms. "Hello to you too mum!" said Izzie as she put down the diaper bag taking out a rattle for Lilly to hold. "Your father is upstairs in the master suite playing that new King record" Isabelle rolled her eyes at her mother's ignorance. "'s Queen and you know that"

"Mmm yes well if you're father knew how that awful lead singer treated you and his granddaughter I'm sure he'd burn all their records!" Isabelle told her mother all about her relationship with Freddie and that he was Lilly's real father. She made her mom promise that she wouldn't tell her father, not having the heart to destroy his love of Queen and also to protect her privacy. Regretting she even told her mother Isabelle wished she hadn't, but in a moment of weakness she blurted it out shortly after Lilly's birth.

"Mum...Freddie doesn't even know Lilly exist" said Isabelle defending his side. "well what kind of man leaves his pregnant girlfriend without looking back?" shrugging her shoulders Isabelle crossed her legs and smoothed out her dress. "Given the circumstances Mom...I'm not sure if I'd look back either...she could have very well been Erin's daughter as well." placing Lilly in her play pen Isabelle's mum threw her a glance "...but she isn't now is she?"

"Anyways mum, I didn't come here to discuss the past...per say, I came here because Erin is trying to sue me for custody of Lilly!" since her mother was a lawyer Isabelle thought it'd be best to ask for her professional advice. "Well honey she is his daughter!" said her father as he walked in with a bunch of stuffed animals for Lilly. "Yes dad I know.." kissing Isabelle and ruffling her hair as if she was still a child herself he joined her on the sofa. "Take it from me sweetheart, if someone ever tried to separate me from you..I'd kill them! A daughter is everything to a father, and a young girl needs her father in her life!"

Guilt and pure heartache took over as Isabelle listened to her fathers words. He was right and if he knew the real truth he probably wouldn't agree with his own daughters choices. "Are you alright honey?" asked her father as he noticed the look of grief take over Isabelle's face. "Yes...I'm actually going to get some fresh air, I think a walk will do me good...mum can you look after her?" Isabelle's mum who was busy showing Lilly her blocks waved her hands "yes yes...we'll discuss this when you return!" closing the door behind her Isabelle closed her eyes and inhaled the cool spring breeze.

As she walked down the block, she remembered the first time her and Freddie met. She wondered how a strike of chance brought her to the position she was in now. She never imagined things would end up this way.  Her thoughts were invading her mind, all the drama aside her feelings for Freddie never went away. She dreamt of him almost every night, she felt his presence whenever she looked into Lilly's eyes probably because she had the same exact ones. In the back of her mind she always wondered if Freddie felt the same...and what if she did decide to tell him the truth. How would he feel? Would he forgive her?

Turning the corner Isabelle felt a strong  surge that literally knocked her onto her ass. Looking up to her discovery she thought she was seeing things, perhaps a mirage of some sort? but no this was no dream and certainly not a mirage. "Freddie?" she asked as he helped her to her feet. "...darling we must stop meeting like this."

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