Kiss and Tell

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"Mary...there's something I want to talk to you about.." said Freddie as he twirled the phone cord in his hand. "Hello Freddie I've missed you, I know the tour has had you busy but you promise you'd always keep in touch" said Mary. "I know dear and here I am now calling you...with..some unexpected news" he said clearing his throat.

Truth be told Freddie was nervous to tell the person who might know him best that he was about to become a father and that she wasn't the mother. Freddie and Mary agreed their romantic relationship would end but they were also convinced that neither of them could ever meet anyone who'd mean as much they did to one another ever again. This was true up until Isabelle bumped her way into Freddie's life that day on the streets.

" you remember Isabelle?" he began which made Mary's stomach instantly flop as she knew that whatever Freddie had to tell her must be important for him to discuss Isabelle with her. "Who?"    she pretended she had no recollection of meeting Isabelle even though she knew very well who she was. That day at the gallery had Mary stunned by not only the beauty in her artwork but by the beauty in Isabelle as well. She hated the fact that there was nothing negative she could say about her.

"Well...oh dear this is hard to say so I'm just going to say it...I've fallen in love with her and she's going to have my child" said Freddie as he tossed his head back with a shot of vodka. Silence was heard on the end of the phone and then a sudden click. "Hello? Hello? Mary darling are you there?" the dial tone ringed loudly in his ear. With a deep sigh he placed the telephone back on the receiver. He knew she was hurt, but he also knew that eventually she'd have to accept it because Isabelle and his child were the most important things to him now.

Laying back on his bed and rubbing his temples due to the increasing headache that was approaching Freddie wondered how he got here. Being a world class rock star wasn't what surprised him, he knew that was in his destiny. Being a gay man with a girlfriend and child was what surprised him. His lifestyle even a few months ago was not that of a family man, but there was something about Isabelle. She pulled out a side of Freddie that he didn't even know was there. When he's with her he wants these types of things, he wants her and he also wants to give her what she wants.

"Hey Fred, you got a minute?" said Paul as he tapped his knuckle on the door. "Not really dear...but go on" he said waving his hand without looking. "I don't believe that lad is yours" he said straightforwardly. Freddie's eyes popped open as he felt instant rage take over his body. Slowly leaning back up and turning his head in Paul's direction. He stared coldly at the Irish man who was fearful of what Freddie might do. "...I'll give you a chance to explain yourself before I throw you out of my room"

"Fred I care about your feelings" he said in a whisper tone. This only enraged Freddie more "Look Paul I can't handle another emotional person in my need to grow some balls and get over me...we're friends nothing more...but we won't even be that if you can't accept my choices. "She slept with that Erin fellow and I can prove it" he said now gaining Freddie's full attention. He slowly crept up to Paul with his fist in a ball.

"You better have a damn good reason for saying this" Paul held his hands up to help keep the distance between him and Freddie before things got physical. "Listen, I saw the lad running down the back entrance of her apartment that know that day you went to reconcile with her" thinking back to the exact day he was talking about Freddie loosend the tension between him and Paul as he slowly backed off and sat back down on the bed.

"Terry saw him too...go ahead ask him"    Looking down at his feet feeling his heart grow cold he thought to himself could it be true? Did Isabelle sleep with Erin and not tell him? Was he there that day he confessed his love to Isabelle?Was it a way to get back at Freddie? Does she even know who's child it is? As the thoughts raced through his head Freddie suddenly sprang to his feet and began throwing anything he could get his hands on against the walls.

As pieces of glass,ceramic, and even wood flew past his head Paul had to duck as he tried to exit his way out of the room. Making it without a scratch he took a deep breath as he successfully put an end to Freddie's relationship with Isabelle. Suddenly the door flew open, Freddie ran down his stairs "Phoebe round the car up for me!" he yelled putting on his jacket. Confused Paul ran down the stairs as well chasing after Freddie.

"Ay, where are you going?" he asked. "I've got to see for myself...hear it from her, what if it is my child?" Grabbing his arm Paul stopped him. "Just give it up...she's not the one for you...I know the perfect way to forget all about these silly little problems" he said pulling out a baggy of coke from his pocket. Freddie looked at the door and then back at Paul, what Isabelle did was unforgivable...he'd pay financially if the child is his but all interest of being a family man went out the door. After all, now Freddie was free to explore the fast life again. Who knew what the 80s had in store for him.


Meanwhile at Isabelle & Grace's apartment

"I can't believe you didn't tell me!" said Grace as she watched a patient Isabelle guide her hand along a fresh canvas. She hadn't painted as much since dating Freddie and it helped ease her mind. "When did you find out?" taking a deep breath Isabelle closed her eyes "about a month ago" she confessed. "You know I'm actually really hurt Iz, I thought we told each other everything".

"For fucks sake Grace not everything is about you! Do you think I want to be pregnant?! I was hoping it would just go away!" Isabelle screamed as tears began to flow down her cheeks. "Whoa whoa relax Izzie...ok you need to tell me everything...and now! I'm here for you let me help you" Grace said grabbing a hold of Isabelle's shoulders.

"I...-I didn't even want Freddie to know because...I'm not sure if it's his" the words almost tasted sour leaving her mouth. "What do you mean? Who else were you sleeping wi--..." just before Grace could finish her sentence she had already answered her own question. "..Erin?" she asked with wide eyes. Nodding her head Isabelle wiped away her tears. "How? When?!"

"The night after I found Freddie high as a kite in a bathroom with Paul...remember when William came over and brought Erin with him?..."
"Yes go on" said Grace "well...I was upset and angry with Freddie and Erin offered his friendship and listened to my problems and I listened to his..we also had a bottle of wine as well and I can't remember the rest..all I know is we both woke up naked next to each other!" Isabelle was happy to finally come clean.

"Oh my God Iz...I'm so sorry, have you talked to Freddie about this?" Letting out a sarcastic laugh Isabelle rolled her eyes "silly Grace do you think Freddie is going to want anything to do with me if I tell him I slept with Erin and that there's a possibility this is his child?" Grace began to worry for her friends denial. "Well honey you have to be honest...just tell him what you told me I'm sure he'll understand".

"You don't know him like I do Grace...this is going to kill whatever image he has of me...I'll be dead to him, Freddie is serious when it comes to loyalty he's not one who takes being crossed lightly" Grace shook her head "come on...after all the hearts he's broken...he should be the first one to understand!" Blowing her nose Isabelle turned and stared her friend in the eyes with her now swollen ones. "...but that's what was supposed to bedifferent with me and him's not just sex...its love"

"Then go talk to him...right now!" said Grace hurrying her friend along by calling for a cab while Isabelle went to go put on her shoes and coat. "Wish me luck..." said Isabelle as she left with all intentions of being honest with Freddie. 

What she would soon discover was something that would change their lives forever....

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