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"Fred? Hello..." said Brian waving his hand in front of Freddie's face in an attempt to bring him back to earth. "Huh? What....what is it dear?" Brian groaned with frustration, this was the third time he had to snap Freddie out of his thoughts which was highly unsual. "....how does the riff sound?" Brian repeated himself once again, "oh um...sounds good, what do you think?" asked Freddie trying to pretend he was actually listening the whole time.

"Gee I'm not sure Fred, it's your song after all..." Freddie looked down into his lap, truth be told Isabelle was invading his mind like poison. The band were working on their newest album A Day At The Races and their most recent track was a song Freddie composed called "Somebody To Love" which he had written when he was in the trenches of his love life. Lyrics like "...can anybody find me...somebody to love?" were no longer true, because he did in fact find somebody. Was it love? He wasn't sure, but one thing was for sure and it was that Isabelle left a mark on him. "Sorry mate, I think I need a bit of inspiration.." said Freddie as he cracked open a cold beer.

"Wow...you got it bad this time, I haven't seen you this hung up since Mary" said Brian shaking his head and smiling at the same time. "Whatever that means darling" said Freddie trying to avoid the upcoming topic. "So who is she? or he..." said Brian clearing his throat. Freddie simply stared thinking of whether to say what he was feeling out loud. "She" was all he said back. "Ahh, well whoever she is...she better be worth all the time and focus we are losing from recording this album" with a sharp stare and a stern tone Freddie spoke "Darling there's no pussy or cock on earth that could make me loose my focus, I got a bit distracted that's all"

Meanwhile Isabelle was working a double shift that night. It had been three weeks since she'd last seen Freddie. He called her and explained to her that they were in the midst of recording their newest album. Nobody knew about her and Freddie besides Grace, Isabelle decided to keep it a secret until she knew just exactly what it was between them. She was scared that she would become yet another groupie, but decided to keep a positive mindset about it all. "So did you ever find out who left the note?" asked Grace as she joined Isabelle on her break.

Sipping their coffee's simultaneously, Isabelle put hers down first "No actually Freddie hasn't mentioned it and neither have I...it was probably just a nobody trying to get attention I'm over it to be honest" Grace raised her eyebrows, knowing her best friend very well she could sense Isabelle was lying, she was the type to dwell over things after all. "Iz, it's me you're talking too...it's fine I'd be upset too and I would definitely want to know who the wanker was!" Isabelle chuckled "yea well...I'm afraid Freddie does know and maybe he just doesn't want to tell me to spare my feelings...or maybe even the feelings of the person who did it, had to be someone he knows...makes the most sense" she said staring into her now empty cup. "Hmm well...ask him about it" said Grace "Oh...well he's busy right now and I don't want to pester him about it...I trust that he will share any news he finds out with me"

Back at the studio Freddie was a bit drunk after more than enough beers. Him and Brian finally added the finishing touches to the track. Playing it back they sat and listened "Ahh wonderful darling...see I told you, nothing stops me from mastering a song" said Freddie winking at Brian. "Hm yeah this time..." he said walking away knowing he'd get a reaction out of Freddie "Oh piss off you giant!" laying his head on top of the mixing table Freddie thought about Isabelle again. Her soft sweet smelling skin, the way she trembled underneath him, her moans and the way she'd stare into his eyes every time they had sex.

Entering the room was Freddie's friend Paul Prenter. "Hey there you are...what are you doing in here all by yourself?" Freddie looked up with groan "ughh trying to fight off this headache currently.." Paul wiped some of Freddie's long locks out of his face "anything I can do?" said Paul as he was now stroking the side of his cheek. Pulling away Freddie made a face of disgust "Paul...we talked about this, no more funny business we're only friends remember?" Freddie and Paul had a brief sexual relationship but decided it was best to remain friends, as Freddie had no intimate feelings for Paul but it was the opposite for him. Paul was very much in love with Freddie, and no matter the lengths of his attempts he always failed getting back into Freddie's pants. "Right....sorry mate" said Paul backing away. "It's alright...." said Freddie in a sad voice.

Sensing something was wrong, Paul became concerned for his friend. "What's wrong darling? cat got your tounge?" he asked. "You might say that...yes" said Freddie as he began thinking about Isabelle's cat, the one between her legs that is. "Care to share?" asked Paul. Freddie looked up at him, he could see the sincerity written all over Paul's face and as annoying as he may have been at time Freddie was always thankful for having a friend in his corner. "...well I won't bore you with the details dear...but I think I'm developing feelings for someone" Paul could feel his heartbeat quicken "Oh yeah? Who..." said Paul scanning Freddie's face. "Doesn't matter" he replied back.

Freddie stood up now that he headache subsided "I'm heading home, I'm really tired...want a ride home?" Paul felt hot inside, he was jealous of this person that may have gotten Freddie's attention. "Um yeah sure...I'll lock up in here for you" said Paul as Freddie nodded and headed out to his car with his driver waiting outside. Staring at the wall for what felt like centuries Paul's thoughts began to race, he picked up a stool and threw it across the room smashing the glass on the door that separated the recording area from the rest of the studio. "Fucking dirty slut!"

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