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"Freddie! Freddie! wake up wake up!" said Isabelle lightly smacking the side of his face. He actually lost consciousness when Isabelle revealed the truth to him. Rage and fury literally sent too much blood straight to his head. "...oh my God! I killed him" said Isabelle as she frantically wrapped a sheet around her naked body and ran down the hallway. Flying down the emergency stairs she ran into the parking lot towards Freddie's car that Phoebe awaited in.

Knocking on the glass window, Phoebe rolled it down with a look of horror on his face. "What's wrong? Isabelle why are you half naked?" not realizing it herself Isabelle was stuttering from panic. "...it's Freddie! he won't wake up! I think I made him slip into a coma or something!" Hopping out of the car Phoebe and Isabelle both ran back into the hotel and back up the stairs. As they made it back into the room, their was a still unconscious Freddie laying on the bed. "What did you tell him?!" asked Phoebe as he wet a cloth and put it to Freddie's forehead.

"...oh nothing really...just you know, that I had a baby that was his." Stopping in the middle of patting Freddie's forehead he looked up at Isabelle. "Oh...oh wow!" was all he could say. Suddenly Freddie mumbled some words "...iz...Isabelle..." he said in a whisper like tone. "Oh fuck!" said Phoebe as he invaded Freddie's pockets pulling out an almost empty baggy of cocaine. "Oh my goodness, he must of snorted over half the bag before you's two came up here to fuck" Isabelle blushed as she slowly sat back down onto the bed. "He was a bit...animal like" she told a mortified Phoebe.

"Has this happen before?" she asked. "Unfortunately yes...but this is the longest I've seen him out of it...must be a combination of the shocking news and coke." Fetching Freddie a glass of water Phoebe walked into the bathroom. Leaving Isabelle alone with him, she stared at his face. To see him lying there hurt her. She felt bad for how he might feel, she was so caught up in the moment that she didn't even consider all the consequences of telling him. "...I'm sorry" she said as tears formed into her eyes.

"He's fine don't cry Isabelle...but I have to be honest I'm on his side here" said Phoebe who put the glass of water down on the nightstand beside the bed. "...I understand." she said without looking up at him. Suddenly Freddie opened his eyes. As his vision refocused on Isabelle's face he smiled for a moment and then a dark shadow like cast took over. "Get the fuck out!" he yelled at Isabelle as he sat up quickly jumping off the bed to get dressed.

"How dare you keep a child from me! Where is she Isabelle?" he said grabbing her shoulders and shaking her vigorously. This was a side of Freddie she had never seen. It was quite scary. "Fred calm down! you better sit down and drink some water" turning around and stepping nose to nose in front of Phoebe's face Freddie clenched his teeth "you better stay the fuck out of this Peter...get out!" he said pointing at the door. He was so close to his face that Phoebe could feel tiny sprinkles of spit.

Before doing something he and Freddie might regret later he left the room without looking back. Leaving the two distraught couple alone. Isabelle stood frozen in place as Freddie crept up to her closer. "I'm going to ask one more time Isabelle...where is my daughter?" beginning to sob Isabelle fell to her knees crying. "...she's at my parents house" she said in between breaths.

Rolling his eyes Freddie knelt down beside her. Although he was so enraged with anger towards her, he most certainly didn't want to see her cry. "Why didn't you tell me?" he said as he rubbed her back. Lifting her head up slowly while breathing in and out she looked up at Freddie with swollen eyes. Putting a hand to his face "I-...I was scared Freddie, you left me so abruptly without giving me a chance to explain...it broke my heart." Pulling her hand off his face he stood up.

"THAT'S NO REASON TO KEEP MY CHILD AWAY FROM ME!" he screamed. He put his head down and began to pace trying to calm himself. "...and then after Paul gave me that dreadful note, I thought it'd be best to let you forget about everything that happened between us." she continued with sniffles in between. "What note?" asked Freddie with a look of confusion.

"The one you told Paul to give me...it was awfully cruel" she said wiping a tear. "...Isabelle I never gave him a note...I never even wrote one" he said reflecting on those last moments of his departure. "That fucking rat! I'll kill him!" said Freddie as he punched a fist into the wall. "...after Mary came over to my house the other day I've been feeling guilty over everything and-" holding his hand up Freddie interrupted her. "Whoa whoa back up...Mary was at your house? Why?"

"Oh um...well she wanted to find out if I really had your baby." Freddie sat down rubbing the sides of his head. "I feel like I'm in a fucking soap opera right now to be honest with you dear!" Chuckling a bit Isabelle joined him on the couch. "So...you told Mary about having my baby?" Isabelle nodded "...she basically forced it out of me..and well to be fair Lilly is your exact twin so it wasn't hard to tell.." Freddie's eyes began to water a bit "...Lilly?" he said smiling at Isabelle.

"Mhmm, I thought it was perfect because she's perfect...like you" said Isabelle placing her hand on top of Freddie's. No matter how angry he was at Isabelle he couldn't help but love her still. After all not only is she the love of his life but now she's the mother of his child. Forgiving her Freddie hugged her into his body and held her tight. Closing her eyes with relief and thanking the Lord in her mind she was happy Freddie didn't hold a grudge against her. "I never meant to hurt you..."

"I know darling I'm sorry...I shouldn't of left you alone like that...I blame myself really..maybe if I had thought things through I would've known about Lilly sooner." Isabelle suddenly realized that the real issue between them was one person and one person only. "Paul..." she said with a look of disgust on her face. "...Freddie can't you finally see that he is a leech?" a smug smile crept upon Freddie's face it was sexy yet terrifying at the same time. "I know just where to channel all this anger...don't you worry about him darling...leave that little weasel to me."

After both were fully dressed and composed they left the hotel joining Phoebe in the car. "...sorry Peter" said Freddie as he put his head down like a little kid. "It's alright mate, where to?" he asked turning on the ignition. "To go see my daughter..."

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