Bloody Hell

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"Don't be mad Iz, but...Fred is in the powder room..uh how should I put this..unconscious" said Roger trying to put on his best game face. "What?!" said Isabelle with widened eyes "is he okay?" she panicked gathering her purse and making her way towards the powder room. Stopping her in her tracks Roger moved in front of her view. "Uh just give him a second love, he'll come know what they say about us rock stars...drug, sex and alcohol" Isabelle frowned "yeah that's exactly what I'm worried about".

"Fuck" sighed Roger to himself as Isabelle proceeded to make her way towards Freddie's whereabouts. Opening the door to find Freddie using the sink to hold himself up, she noticed Paul sitting on the toilet having a cigarette. "Ay look what the cat dragged in" he said letting out a huff of smoke. Ignoring Paul's ignorance Isabelle placed her hand on Freddie's back, he was soaked in sweat. "Jesus what the fuck did he take?" said Isabelle now putting cold water on Freddie's face. " that you?" he slurred while stumbling. "Yes baby it's me"

"Ha! do you really think he cares about you?" said Paul flushing his cigarette butt down the toilet. "Shut up you filthy Irish" said Isabelle who was filled with anger. "Honey I'm doing you a favor, he told me himself that you'll never be enough for him...he just doesn't know how to let you off easily." Isabelle tried her hardest to ignore Paul, but his words were like venom. "I'll believe those words when they come out of Freddie's mouth". Shrugging his shoulders Paul pulled out his baggy of coke. "Suit yourself don't say I didn't warn you".

Completely ignoring Paul, Isabelle continued to bring Freddie back down to earth. Giving the sides of his face a few smacks he finally locked his eyes on hers. "Iz...just go, I really don't want you to see me like this" said Freddie. "You see he doesn't want you around, now kindly leave I'll take it from here" looking down at Freddie who was in and out of consciousnes she realized maybe this was too much for her, here they were barely into their relationship and Freddie was already pulled into toxic habits and unhealthy behavior.

Picking up her purse Isabelle walked out, she could feel her eyes filling with tears. Trying her hardest to see past the blurs she headed towards the exit. "Isabelle!?" called out Roger while cupping his hands around his mouth in hopes of speaking over the loud music and crowd, but she didn't hear him. "That's it..." he whispered to himself. Perhaps it was the whiskey taking over that he had been consuming all night or maybe it's been built up over time but suddenly Roger felt a wave of fury wash over him. With his hand in a fist he kicked the powder room door open.

The loud sound caused the crowd of people to turn their heads in the direction of the commotion. "What the fuc-" cried out Paul before Roger punched him right in the center of his face. Paul cried out in pain as he covered his nose which was now pouring out blood "ay you fucking prick, I think you broke my nose!"
"You're done ruining my mates life, he loves her and you know it too that's why you're trying to get her out of his life" putting on a front Paul attempted to stand to his feet "you got it all wrong drummer, I'm only looking out for him"

"Let his girlfriend take care of that, you're nothing but a little bitch!" Roger turned and noticed a crowd of people with their jaws open staring into the room some were whispering and pointing. Knowing this wouldn't be good publicity for the group Roger dropped his head with a sigh. "Alright alright back up, shows over!" came the voice of Terry Giddings. Barging through the crowd as they turned to leave Terry found an unconscious Freddie, a bloody Paul, and a world class drummer with a bruised hand.

"The lot of you will be the death of me!" said Terry shaking his head at the scene. "Just help me with him please" said Roger as he wrapped one of Freddie's arms around his shoulder as Terry took the other. "What about him?" he said nodding his head at Paul "fuck him" said Roger as they made their way out.

Meanwhile at Isabelle & Grace's apartment

"It was awful Grace, he was completely whacked out of his mind" said Isabelle as she dried her eyes with a tissue. "...I thought it'd be different now that we knew where we stood with each other, but I guess titles don't really matter in his world" Grace nodded and listened to support her friend. Grace loved Freddie and she adored him even more of her best friends boyfriend but she knew Isabelle wouldn't be able to handle his fast paced life. "Oh sweetie, im so sorry" was all she could say as she leaned in to hug Isabelle.

A knock at the door startled them "oh right...I forgot to tell you after we left the party William and I decided to come back here and...reconcile...I hope you don't mind" Isabelle put on a fake smile and shook her head no. She didn't want to rain on Grace's parade. Here she was falling apart over her failing relationship while Grace had a very healthy and stable one. She couldn't believe that the one time she let her guard down with a man all it got her was heartbreak. Perhaps if she had been more cautious like she usually was she wouldn't have felt the pain she was feeling now.

Grace walked back in with a worried look on her face. "Umm hey don't be mad at me but...Erin is here" with widened eyes Isabelle stood to her feet "what?! why didn't you tell me?" asked Isabelle with horror in her voice. "I didn't know William was bringing him...apparently he's feeling a bit heartbroken as well" shrugged Grace. Rolling her eyes Isabelle gathered the box of tissues she was using and tried to sneak off to her room when a voice stopped her. "Isabelle?" said Erin as he stood at the doorway.

When she turned around her breath became short. He looked even sexier then she had remembered. Looking him up and down Isabelle found a smile forming upon her face. "Erin...hello, how are you?" he made his way over to her reaching in for a hug. "Not so bad, you on the other hand look like you've been dragged through the mud love" letting out a half hearted laugh Isabelle picking up her box of tissues and continued on to her room.

"Nice job bro" said William smacking his brother on the head as he and Grace proceeded to the kitchen. Sitting by her window allowing the breeze to dry her tears Isabelle stared out into the night. How can it end before it even started? Did Freddie mean what he said when he told her to leave? Was it silly to believe that it would ever work? thought after thought raced through her head. A soft knock at her door interrupted. Hoping it was a sober Freddie she opened it quickly. "'s just you" she said leaving it open as Erin made his way in. "Yeah...just me" he said sarcastically while shutting the door behind him.

"So trouble in rock star paradise?" he asked sitting on the end of her bed. "What's it to ya?" she replied back "well..we're friends aren't we?" Aside from the awkwardness of the way their relationship ended Isabelle had no other reason to dislike Erin. "I guess we are" she said. "Ok so friends help out friends who are down right?" Looking into Erin's eyes for the first time in what seemed liked forever Isabelle couldn't help but give in to his charming looks. "Right..."

"So let's open a bottle of wine, I'll tell you all my problems if you tell me yours!" he said rubbing his large hands together. "Isn't that what I have Grace for?" said Isabelle with a raised brow. "Yeah I guess you could say that but uh...I think she's a bit busy at the moment...when I left the kitchen her and my brother were practically fucking right at my feet" both laughing simultaneously with disgusted looks on their face Isabelle suddenly opened up to the idea of confiding in Erin.

"Ok...but just one glass!" she said.

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