Did we do it?

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Awaking with a throbbing headache, Isabelle sat up in her bed "Oh my goodness, im never drinking again" she said to herself as she spotted an empty bottle of wine and two glasses on the floor beside her bed. Rubbing her eyes to get clearer vision she was horrified to find who was sleeping beside her. "Erin?!!" she began to panic even more when she realized that all their clothes were off. "Oh no, oh no, oh no"

Her frantic spells woke him up "What's wrong my love?" he said as he yawned and stretched his arm over her. Pushing it off she stood up using the sheets to cover her half naked body. "Please tell me we didn't..." with a small smirk on his face Erin raised his brow "I'm surprised you still have a voice after all the screaming you did last night" he said with a wink. A sudden wave of nausea took over Isabelle's stomach as she ran to the bathroom and emptied whatever contents were left in her. "Geez I couldn't have been that bad" said Erin rubbing his head.

Emerging from the bathroom Isabelle returned and began picking up Erin's clothes off the floor and tossed them to him. "Here...get dressed and get out" she said as she tied a silk robe around her waist. "Wait...aren't we going to talk about this?" he asked while putting on his boxers and pants. "No actually I would much rather pretend it didn't happen" Isabelle said biting on her nails. "Fine...whatever Izzie"

Isabelle's kind heart couldn't help but feel sorry for the pain in Erin's voice. He was a fine man after all, handsome and successful he didn't deserve to be treated like some cheap meat. Putting on a warm smile she sat beside him on the bed "look...I like you..really I do, but you and I both know very well I'm in love with Freddie and yes it's true we have a lot of issues between us but it would be wrong of me to pretend like he didn't matter to me...because he does very much so" Erin rolled his eyes he felt strong jealousy but didn't want to push Isabelle away even more.

"I get it Iz, it's fine...boy I have such a way with the ladies don't I..." giggling a bit Isabelle remembered a tiny bit of their conversation from the previous night. Erin told her all about the woman he was seeing recently and how she very coldly broke it off with such sort notice kind of the same way Isabelle did except she was a lot nicer about it. "You'll find someone special, don't worry...you're a catch!"

"Oh yeah?! then how come I can't catch you?" his deep eyes and pearly white teeth stunned her, she had to admit he had a very charming effect. "Uh..." she began, but then a sudden noise startled them. What sounded like a car door made Isabelle jump to her feet as she ran over towards her window. Looking down into the street she spotted Freddie's car.

"OH NO!" she cried out "hurry hurry hurry! get out Freddie is here" she said as she began pushing Erin out of her room. "Wait! Isabelle please let's talk more" using her hand to cover his mouth she she pleaded with him "please Erin please, keep this between us and I promise we'll talk soon" she lied just to get him out. "Okay" he said.

Erin snuck out the back door of the apartment using the emergency exit to leave. As he made his way downstairs, he bumped into a man on the stairwell. "Ay watch where you're going lad" said Paul who was having a cigarette with Terry. They were waiting for Freddie at the back entrance so he could leave peacefully incase anyone spotted him as he made his way to Isabelle and Grace's apartment. "Sorry bro" said Erin as he left. "That was odd..."

Freddie swallowed the lump in his throat as he waited for the elevator to make its way up to the 8th floor. He hardly remembered what happened the night of the party but what Roger told him was mortifying. Although Paul was an asset to his wrong doings, it was Freddie's choice to do cocaine at the end of the day. He didn't like being told what to do by others, in fact once someone tells him what do he does the opposite.

Like being loyal in a relationship, this time it was his decision. Mary used to nag him about being faithful in their relationship all the time which made him want to cheat more. With Isabelle it was different, she knew when to put her foot down and although her insecurities bothered Freddie he couldn't deny his feelings towards her. No woman, nor any man made him feel the way she makes him feel. He was determined to make it right between them. "Time to get my girl back".

Just as Freddie was about to knock, Isabelle opened the door. Much to his surprise he stood with his fist in the air for a moment. "Oh hello darling, perfect timing" he said giving her a smile and that twitch thing he does with his mouth that she loved so much. "Hello yourself" she said with crossed arms. "May I come in?" pretending to think about it, Isabelle placed a finger on her chin "hmm I guess so". As he walked in Freddie patted himself down looking for his pack of cigarettes, once he found them he took one out of it's pack and lit it. "Ugh, please tell me you're not smoking those dreadful things now".

Freddie rolled his eyes "you know dear, I came here to beg for your forgiveness but you're being a bit of a buzz kill at the moment" putting her hands on her hips Isabelle felt angry. "Well it serves you right! I was so worried about you last night...you promised me Freddie...you said things would be different" letting out a huff of smoke and rubbing his temples Freddie tried to remind himself why he was here.

"Honey, I know I'm so sorry...but I never said things would change over night...you must understand Iz, my lifestyle is exactly that...it's mine but I'm willing to try new things for you...to keep you happy because I love you but you need to meet me halfway here". Isabelle wanted to unleash fury from Hell but she realized she'd loose him again if she kept pushing. The way his teeth poked out of his pink lips that glistened every time he licked them made her even weaker. "Wait...say that part again" she said with a bright smile.

"What part?!" he asked with a deeper tone "that L word part..." giving another one of his infamous eye rolls Freddie grabbed her by her waist "darling..do I really have to say it again?" he asked moving his face closer to hers. "...yes"

"I love you Isabelle". Throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tight she inhaled the smell of his cologne off his neck her favorite scent. Whenever she was in his arms she melted like butter, all was forgiven and they were ready to take whatever the future held...or so they thought.

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