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" that you?" spoke Isabelle into the phone, her heart sank at the sound of his voice. "Yes dear, it's me..hope I'm not interrupting anything!" he said. Isabelle realized Erin was still laying next to her fully erected and waiting for her to finish her phone call with an impatient look on his face. " no you're not, what's up?" Erin threw his hands up in the air and proceeded to get out of the bed and put his clothes on. "Oh just wanted to say hello I suppose, how are you?" Isabelle covered the phone with her hand so Freddie couldn't hear. "Where are you going?" she whispered to Erin, "what do you care? taking a phone call seems to be more important than us making love right now" he said as he put his pants back on. "Hello? Isabelle?" spoke Freddie wondering why she wasn't responding. "Yes sorry, I think the connection is bad...can I have your number so I can call you back?" Freddie was a bit confused, he knew she was lying the connection was fine.

Writing Freddie's phone number on a little note pad next to her rotary she hung up the phone. In all honesty she was happy Erin was there, he was her get out of free jail card because if she had answered that phone call alone she may have surrendered herself to Freddie and hopped on the next flight to him, but she knew those type of impulses were wrong. Freddie couldn't possibly feel the same way she did could he? "...well care to explain what that was all about?" asked Erin. "Oh right well...that was an old friend who I never thought I'd hear from again" Erin raised his eyebrows "friend? or ex boyfriend?" he said with a hint of sarcasm. "...friend, why would you think it was an ex?"

"Because I've never seen your face light up the way it just did're in love with whoever that was, it's written all over your face Isabelle" he said with sadness in his voice this time. "Erin listen...I really like you, believe me when I tell you I'm very flattered that someone like you is interested in someone like me...but I don't think I'm ready to have sex just yet" she said putting her hand on top of his. "Ok well call me when you decide you're ready to let me in...and I don't mean just inside of you but in here too" he said pointing to her heart. Offering him a warm smile he kissed her on the forehead and left, closing the door behind him.

Biting on her nails and staring at the phone she debated on calling Freddie back. What would she say? What did he want? There was only one way to find out. As the dial tone rang she waited for him to pick up. "Hello.." came his soft intoxicating voice. "Hey you, it's Isabelle" smiling into the phone he replied "you don't say? never expected to hear from you again darling" joked Freddie. Making her giggle he forgot how much he enjoyed the sound of her laughter, she'd giggle the same way when he would nibble on her ear.

"I must say I can't believe I'm actually talking to you right now..." she said as tears built up in her eyes but they were tears of joy. "Yes well I guess I should tell you a very interesting article was brought to my attention which is why I decided to call you" with a gulp Isabelle wondered how Freddie got ahold of a newspaper in London when he was currently in New York. "Oh...that" she said nervously wondering how he felt about it. "It's beautiful Isabelle, I wish you had shared it with me before...I recognize it, it was the painting you hid from me that night at your flat when you were wasted" eyes widened Isabelle couldn't believe he'd actually remembered that " remember?" Freddie rolled his eyes "but of course dear, I remember everything when it comes to you"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about wasn't planned at all, I knew it was one of my best pieces but I never thought they'd pick it to be in their gallery" she said. "No no don't apologize, I'm not mad honey...I was just caught off guard to be honest I thought you hated me" Isabelle felt bad to hear Freddie use such a strong word but truth be told she was still upset with the way he left things between them. "I don't think I could ever hate you Freddie Mercury" she said in a soft tone. "Mmm I forget how sexy you make my name sound" giggling once again her heart began to flutter and her palms were getting sweaty, she was more in love him than she thought. "...Isabelle can I ask you something?" taking a deep breath so she could respond she answered "yes"

"We finish the leg of this tour next week and fly back over there for a promo shoot...can we have dinner and catch up properly?" feeling a wave of pure happiness wash over here she clutched at her chest. "I would love that Freddie!" she beamed into the phone. "Okay's a date darling, have a good night" he simply said "Goodnight Freddie" after hanging up the phone she could hardly sleep that night. So many questions filled her mind. Questions like Where did Erin fit in all this? Was Freddie seeing someone? Even if he wasn't would that mean he'd still be interested in her? Should she be honest with him and tell him she's with someone? Would he even ask? All valid questions but no answers, the only way she'd find out for sure is seeing Freddie.

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