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Freddie and Isabelle crept back inside their VIP suite hoping not to wake a sleeping Peter Freestone and baby Lilly. Smelling of the beach, they both had sand in their hair and other places one wouldn't wish to have sand in. "I'm showering first!" whispered Isabelle as she sped up her pace to beat Freddie to the bathroom. "Nonsense dear, let's just take one together!"

"Okay but no funny business mister! I'd like to be able to walk in the morning!" Freddie began undressing and entered the steamy shower as he held out a hand to guide Isabelle in. Taking it as she blushed immensely he leaned in and kissed the top of her hand. His gestures were so romantic and loving. She knew she was falling into that black hole again. The ever so unavoidable gravitational pull of Mercury.

After taking turns at washing one another the two lovers were dry and clean in bed for the remainder of the night. "Hold me?" asked Isabelle as she pulled Freddie's arm over her side so that he could spoon her. Pulling her in closer he held her tight. So tight she could feel his warm breath graze her ear, his heart beating against her back.

Feeling as if she were floating Isabelle smiled with her eyes closed and drifted off to sleep with the man she loved. A cry from baby Lilly awoke them soon after. Just as she was about to get up Isabelle felt Freddie leave her side. "Go back to sleep I've got her!" he said. "Are you sure?" she asked him as he put on his robe. "Oh darling I think I'm perfectly capable of putting my own daughter back to sleep"

Happy at his confidence in himself as a father Isabelle laid back down but she wouldn't fall back to sleep until he returned back to bed. Making his way to Lilly who was still shrieking he approached her crib. "Okay okay dear daddy is here!" picking up his baby he held her against him, rocking her in his arms. Lilly began to quiet down as he rubbed her back and soothed her.

"...ooh take it all away, ooh take my breath away, ooh you take my breath away"

Freddie couldn't believe how natural being a father felt to him. Ever since he left Mary he never thought twice about children. In fact, if someone had ever told him one day that he'd meet Isabelle and fall in love with her let alone have a child with her he'd laugh in their faces with disbelief. Now that he had a taste of what it's like to have a real family, something that he never had himself as a child.

He never wanted to let it go. He vowed that Lilly would never know what's it's like not to have her parents. Just as he was sure she was back to sleep Lilly began crying again. This time it was a very sad cry. The infant began to squirm in her father's arms. "Da da" she   spoke in between cries. "I'm here Lilly! daddy's right here honey" said Freddie as he cradled the child once more but she was resilient. "DA DA!"

Isabelle peeked her head in "having trouble?" Lilly spun around and began reaching for her mother. "What's wrong baby?" she asked as she took the baby from Freddie. "I don't know what happened...I was singing to her, it calmed her down for a moment but then she started throwing a fit!"

"It's okay Freddie, babies do this sometimes...this is the part where it stops being sweet!" she grinned at the rock legend. "Da da, da da!" cried out Lilly yet again. "That! she keeps saying my name but won't stop fussing!" Suddenly Isabelle felt her stomach drop. She knew why Lilly was crying, she wanted her daddy but not the daddy that was present the daddy that was back in London. Erin.

Unable to find the heart to tell Freddie that his very own daughter was crying out for another man, she gathered the frantic child "I'm going to bring her into our bed...would you mind warming up a bottle of milk please?" Freddie raised an eyebrow "darling...are you kidding? I'll wake Phoebe" knowing that Peter adored helping with Lilly she knew he wouldn't mind.

Rushing back into the room Isabelle knew what had to be done. Lilly wouldn't rest until she heard Erin's voice. Even back home on the nights Erin wouldn't have her she'd sometimes have to call him. Lilly loved him, although her genetic bond with Freddie was undeniable, Erin was the only father to the small innocent infant. Dialing back home Isabelle waited as the dial tone rang. "Hello?" answered a husky voiced Erin. "'s me!"

"Iz? Isabelle?" he replied back sitting up as he rubbed his eyes. "Yeah um so...Lilly wants you I think and uh I thought if she heard your voice she'd calm down" Erin could hear the crying baby in the background. "Where are you Isabelle? Where have you taken my daughter?" he demanded. "Erin now isn't the time! can you please just speak to her and then we'll talk when we return!" Placing the phone gently against the small dark haired infants ear Isabelle whispered. "It's daddy!"

Lilly began to cheer up and babble as she heard Erin's voice. Kissing the top of her daughter's head she began rocking her. The restless baby soon fell asleep once again. "Ok she's asleep" said Isabelle into the phone. " tell me where you are? When are you coming back!" whispering in hopes Freddie wouldn't hear she told him that she would fill him soon. As she hung up and turned back around there stood an enraged Freddie in the doorway.

"What the fuck was that about Isabelle?" slowing standing up holding a finger to her lips "shh" she said as she walked past him to lay Lilly back in her crib. As she walked by she could feel the holes he was burning in the back of her head. Scared to face him she made no rush to enter the back into their room. Walking back in she found a pacing Freddie, he walked over furiously and shut the door behind her.

"We're you on the phone telling another man that my daughter is his?" swallowing the lump in her throat Isabelle tried to explain "Freddie..I know that you're trying your best at being a father and you're doing such a good job...but Lilly believes Erin is her father and well...I had to call him so she'd calm down...that's what she meant when she was asking for...da da"

Suddenly those words irritated Freddie, a darkness cast over his eyes. "...and who's fucking fault is it that my daughter thinks another man is her father?" asked Freddie as he was nose to nose with her. "...that's not fair and you know it!" cried Isabelle as tears began to form in her eyes. "Fair? don't talk to me about kept my child from me, allowed another man to raise her! and then you lie to me so you can call him!!!!" ripping the rotary off it's cord he threw it across the room.

Before she could say anything else Freddie gathered a few clothes and stormed out. Feeling the need to blow off some stress he angrily put on his jeans,shirt and trainers. "Phoebe I want you to drive around this beautiful land until we find the best cocaine they've got!" Realizing that Freddie would most likely find a way to get into some trouble he placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure you want to do that Freddie?" Staring at Peter's hand first and then at him he smiled.

"Take your hand off of me Phoebe" he said calmly but sternly. Knowing it best to no longer question his motives. Peter did as Freddie said and they were soon driving around. Freddie was quiet in the back seat he had his hands balled into fist. Staring out the window he felt pure blood boiling anger. For once he felt like he had lost. Peter glanced every so often at his friend through the rear view mirror he knew that whatever storm was brewing inside of Freddie would cause havoc on his new family.

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