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A bit of smut up ahead 💦

"Just tell him you've fallen for a world wide rock star with a big cock darling, I'm sure he'll understand" said Freddie as he waited for his driver to pull the car around. Isabelle nervously bit her fingernails, she had spent 2 nights at Freddie's house. She knew that Grace would be waiting back at their apartment to interrogate her. "Don't be so nervous honey...we're finally going to be together" said Freddie as he tugged her hands away from her mouth.

"I know...and I'm over the moon happy about that baby, but Freddie...there's still a lot we need to talk about in order for this to go the right way..." rolling his eyes and letting out a sigh Freddie pulled his now girlfriend into his arms. "Yes dear, we'll get into all that...right now you need to dump that Eric or whoever he is" Isabelle giggled and smacked Freddie on the arm. "It's Erin silly, you know that" frowning at her Freddie put a finger up to her lips "don't say his name to me darling...or else" curling her lips behind his finger Isabelle loved the fact that Freddie was jealous. "....or else what?" she said.

"Or else I'm going to shove my cock down that gorgeous throat of yours" turning red Isabelle bit her lower lip "mmm that sounds like a good time" she said seductively. Grabbing her throat Freddie placed a long hot kiss onto her mouth, forcing his tounge in and swirling it. "Mmm fuck, now im hard and we're about to leave" he said still holding her by her throat. "So I'll just blow you in the back of the Royce baby"  Freddie's jaw dropped, sometimes he couldn't believe how filthy Isabelle could be for him. "'re everything I've been waiting for"

Walking towards the car Freddie opened the door for Isabelle sliding in she waited for him to get in on his side. The leather exterior was cold but the heat from her center and thighs warmed it up. If Isabelle could have her way she'd have Freddie fuck her in the backseat but she didn't want to risk the driver hearing them so she decided to suck his dick instead. "Ahh so where were we?" said Freddie as he settled in adjusting his hips so Isabelle had room to get in between his legs. "Oh somewhere between here I believe" she said as she got on her knees and grabbed his length through his trousers.

"Fuck..." said Freddie as she unzipped him and took his long heavy cock out of its captivity. "God, it's even bigger when you're face to face with it" said Isabelle scanning over his cock. "So I've been told" said Freddie with a smirk. Looking up into his eyes Isabelle opened her mouth as wide as possible and slowly fit him into her mouth as deep as she could. Without breaking eye contact she began slurping and tugging on him. Throwing his head back he slowly started thrusting his hips in and out.

"Your mouth feels so good around my dick darling" said Freddie as she continued gagging on it. Tears began to slip down her face, but by the look on Freddie's face she knew he was close. "Ohhh shit right there Isabelle" he said through gritted teeth finally giving into his nearing orgasm. "I'm ganna cum baby" he said gripping his base as she held her mouth steady to catch his release. "Uhhhhh yes" he said as he emptied into her mouth. Swallowing it all up and wiping the corners of her mouth Isabelle moved back onto the seat next to Freddie. He wrapped an arm around her, still trying to catch his breath after having such a hard orgasm. "Oh shit...your knees" he said holding a hand up to his mouth.

Looking at them Isabelle gasped at the sight, they were all red around her knee caps. "Oh that's great...just what I needed" Freddie suddenly bursted out in laughter unable to contain it. "Haha very funny" she said rolling her eyes at him. Pulling up to Grace's and hers apartment. She sighed "well here goes nothing" she said taking one last look at Freddie. He smiled at her and kissed the top of her hand "everything's going to be fine dear." As they exited the car and made their way up to her floor, they could hear music and the smell of roasted chicken filled the halls. Shrugging her shoulders at Freddie she stuck the key in and opened the door.

There sat William and Erin on the couch. "Izzie, where have you been?! Oh sweetie I was so worried about you! Are you oka--" stopping in mid sentence Erin caught sight of Freddie who stood behind Isabelle. "Oh um...William...Erin this is um Freddie" said Isabelle as she turned around to him. Stepping in front of her Freddie held out his hand. "Hello mate" he simply said. With a confused look Erin exchanged looks between Isabelle and Freddie. Sensing the inevitable he felt his heart drop. "...Iz, please don't tell me you've been fucking this guy while I've been sitting here worried about you" before she could speak Isabelle ran to the bathroom feeling sick to her stomach.

"Hey what's all the noise in here" said Grace as she walked in. "Oh hi Freddie....wait FREDDIE! what are you doing here?!" said Grace as she took a double look. "Hello again dear, I'm here with Isabelle" he said while waving. "Huh? What do you mean you're here for Is--oh OHHHH" she said finally putting two and two together. "Oh my" she said holding a hand over her mouth. "Smells good in here" said Freddie breaking the tension. He took a seat on the couch on the opposite end of William who sat speechless at who was sitting next to him. "Wait...aren't you Freddie--"

"Mercury....yes dear" said the frontman of Queen finishing Erin's sentence for him. "Are you telling me that Iost my girlfriend to a gay rockstar?!" Freddie's eyes moved quickly to Erin meeting his "careful mate, she's my girlfriend now and you don't know anything about me so if I were you I'd choose my next set of words carefully." William knew his brother well and rushed over to his side before he made a mistake. "Dude...just back off alright, they were together before" he said to Erin who kept eye contact with Freddie. "Funny...she never mentioned him to me" said Erin. "I'm not leaving until I speak to her" he said still watching Freddie. "Okay I guess you've earned that right" he said rubbing his sweaty palms on his trousers.

After emptying the contents of her stomach Isabelle crept back into the living room. There she found the love of her life sitting patiently on the sofa and three others waiting for her explanation of the sudden turn of events. "Um ok so where do I start..." she began walking closer to the group. Noticing her bruised knees Erin shook his head at her. "Who are you right now Iz? you come in here after sucking his dick when just a few nights ago I could barely get you into bed" said Erin raising his voice a bit. Isabelle dropped her head to the floor feeling cheap. "...slut" he said "now that's enough!!" said Freddie as he stood on his feet.

Walking over to Isabelle he wrapped his arm around her and tried to reveal her tear hidden face. "I won't allow you to talk to my girl like that ol' boy...just accept the loss and move on" said Freddie as he comforted her. "Ha go ahead pal you can have that uptight bitch" said Erin as he grabbed his coat and made his way out. Freddie went after him with his hand in a fist but Isabelle tugged him by his arm. "Don't....let him go baby" she said.

William kissed Grace on the cheek goodbye and followed his brother out of the apartment. Leaving Freddie, Grace and Isabelle alone. Suddenly the smoke alarm started going off. The shrieking noise pulled Grace out of her trance and she ran into the kitchen to remove the now burnt chick roast out of the oven. "...well that went well don't ya think darling?" said Freddie as he began looking around the apartment.

"So this is la casa of the lovely Isabelle and Grace" he said as he admired the paintings on the walls. He knew they were done by Isabelle. "Where am I?" said Freddie smiling widely at Isabelle. " you're still in the art gallery" she said forgetting about the disastrous moment that just took place. "Hey you never told me how you found out about that by the way" she said with curiosity. "Oh yes...we'll get to that soon dear" Grace made another appearance as she stood in front of both Freddie and Isabelle. "Ok....explain!" she said scolding the couple as if they were here teenaged children who just got caught for having sex. "Ooh you got that one's too heavy for me" said Freddie as he made his way to the kitchen in search of a drink.

Finally left alone Grace stared at her best friend waiting for her to speak. "Jeez Izzie, I definitely didn't see this one coming" she said. "Neither did I trust me, but I'm so happy it did...and Grace you know how much I love him please just try to be happy for me...don't make me feel worse than I already do about the whole Erin situation"

Grace couldn't help but feel for her friends situation and as much as she held Freddie accountable for breaking Isabelle's heart the first time, she also couldn't escape the Mercury spell and knew damn well if Freddie had shown interest in her she'd probably be with him too. I mean he's Freddie Mercury after all. "Ok ok, but you owe me answers later!" said Grace as she took her friend into her arms for a hug.

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