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The bride and groom, who happen to be Aahil Zafar and Rayna Farooqui, walk out of the marriage hall. Rayna was crying while her mother was holding onto her. They stepped out of the hall and Rayna's father held both of Aahil's hands in his as he spoke, 'I am handing to you my most priced possession. Please take care of her.' Aahil nodded his head. Rayna's father left his hand and went over to hug Aahil's father. Aahil stood there disinterested as everyone said their emotional goodbyes. 

Rayna's father took her from her mother and walked her over to the decorated car. Her father opened the door for her to get in, but before stepping in, she gave him a big hug. Her father didn't want to let her go, but it had to be done. Rayna got into the car followed by Aahil, who sat inside beside her. The car engine roared to life and the car left. Rayna was sniffing her tears in and Aahil sat there looking out side. She wiped her nose with her hand kerchief and glanced at Aahil. He was looking outside the window. 

Rayna was ready to accept her new life. She had not seen Aahil face to face even once. She didn't know why they didn't meet each other before the wedding cause that's how things usually work. She had seen his photograph but wanted to meet him. She only agreed to this wedding cause her father asked her to. Rayna's tears had come to a stop now, so she looked outside. The atmosphere inside the car was quite awkward. 

They soon entered through big gates and Rayna saw with her wide eyes the mansion before her. It was really big. The car came to a stop and they both got out. Aahil straight away walked into the mansion, not even once glancing at Rayna. Rayna frowned at his behaviour. She walked in to see a lady in her mid 50s waiting for her with a big smile. Rayna also smiled at her and entered, managing her gown, 'Welcome to your new home, dear. My name is Salma and I am the house maid.' Rayna greeted her back, 'Salma bi, can you get me a glass of water in my room.' Rayna heard Aahil's strict voice ask. 

Salma bi looked at Rayna and gave her an apologetic smile and went into the kitchen. Aahil turned around and finally looked at Rayna, 'What is your name?' he asked her. Rayna was surprised, how could he have married her without knowing her name, 'Rayna Farooqui.' she replied. Aahil nodded his head, 'Listen Rayna, I know you have big expectations from me as your husband, but I am sorry, I can't fulfill any of them.' Rayna stared at him confused. 

'I had no interest in getting married, not just with you, but anyone. My dad compelled me to, so I agreed. I am sorry, but we will not have any relationship that a husband and wife have.' Aahil said like it was the most normal thing in the world. Rayna listened to everything silently, 'Other then staying in the same house, we will not share anything, not even the same room. It is not your fault, it's all me, so don't think too much. I hope I am clear.' Rayna looked down and nodded her head, 'Salma bi will show you to your room.' he said and walked up the stairs that were on the right side of the entrance. 

Rayna had no idea what was going on. Her husband just told her that he didn't consider her as his wife. That's the purpose of a wedding, to love and be loved, but he just took those rights from her. And saying that it is not her fault but his does not make any difference. Salma bi came back with a glass of water. She saw Rayna's stunned state but could do nothing about it. She walked over to her and said, 'Come dear, I'll show you to your room.' Rayna nodded like a robot and followed her up the stairs. 

It was an semi circle stair case. They reached the top to see a long corridor with four seperate double doors. Two on the left and two on the right, 'The last room on the left is Aahil's room, just so you know.' Salma bi informed her. Rayna nodded her head as they walked forward. They stood before the first room on the right and Salma bi opened the door, 'This, my dear, is your room. Please feel comfortable to call me if you need anything.' Rayna nodded her head and entered the room. 

She closed the door and turned around. She rested her back on the door and slid down and sat on the floor. She was still in shock by the revelation of their relationship. Rayna had always imagined her married life to be of bliss and happiness. That she will meet a loving and understanding husband, but all of that just washed down the drain. Her husband does not even want to acknowledge her as his wife. Rayna closed her eyes as a lone tear slid down her cheek. 

After sometime of staying there in that position, she opened her eyes and got up. She looked around the room and it was big and fancy. There was a big bed on her left side in the centre of the room sted back on the wall. A big cupboard on her right side. She walked over to the cupboard and opened to see all her clothes hanging neatly. She pulled out her pajamas and entered the rest room that was next to the cupboard. She came out dressed in her pajamas and hung her gown on the wall hanger. She placed her jewelry in the cupboard and walked over to the bed. 

She noticed that there were big curtains adjacent to the bed, but she didn't bother opening them. She got under the covers of her bed and laid down. She closed her eyes and went to sleep. She was too tired and exhausted to think anymore. She would worry about everything tomorrow, for now, she only wanted to sleep. As soon as she closed her eyes, exhaustion took over her and she fell asleep. 

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