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Aahil opens the door to his study and walks in along with Lutfi. Lutfi closes the door behind him while Aahil throws his bag on his desk and plops down on his chair. Lutfi settles himself on the couch in the room when he hears Aahil's big sigh. He looks at his friend to see him leaned back on his chair, eyes closed, 'You cool?' Lutfi asks. Aahil nods his head before sitting straight and resting his arms on the desk, 'Yeah, Just...' Aahil begins but pauses to leave a sigh.

Lutfi waits patiently for his friend to continue, 'Just that....' another worried pause, '....when I saw Rayna like that, in so much pain. I don't know, I felt so...frustrated. Like, I can't even explain how I felt. It was like my whole existence was in pain aswell.' Aahil said, looking at his interlocked hands. Lutfi nodded his head and leaned back, 'Well, I guess, that's how it feels when you see someone you love in pain and all you can do is nothing to ease it.'

Aahil nods his head to his friends words, 'So, how does it feel to be in love again?' Lutfi asks his friend, 'Again? I doubt that. This feeling is ways apart from what I felt was love before.' Lutfi sits up, intrigued, 'How so?' Aahil leans back on his chair and smiles with content, 'This feeling is much lighter, to my mind and heart.' Aahil closes his eyes and sighs in content, 'Ohoo, Someone is in love.' Lutfi teases him. Aahil scoffs and sits up to look at his friend, 'Same goes for you, buddy. Anyways, what happened after you confessed to Afina? You never continued.' Aahil asks him.

Lutfi lets out a sigh, 'That "sigh" doesn't sound good.' Aahil said, 'Okay, bye.' Lutfi said, 'Hey, I didn't mean to upset you by saying tha...' Aahil began but Lutfi interrupted, 'That's what she said.' 'Who?' Aahil asked, 'Afina.' 'What?' Aahil asked again, '"Okay, bye."' 'Huh?' Aahil was confused and Lutfi was irritated. Lutfi takes a deep breath and begins to explain to his dumb friend, 'After I confessed to her, she said, "Okay, Bye." and got into her car and drove away, leaving me standing there like an idiot.' 'Oh.' Was all Aahil said. Lutfi was frustrated and Aahil could clearly see that.

'I mean,....' Lutfi began but paused. He took a deep breath and began again, 'Do you know what it took me to say that!? My heart, for the first time, was beating a marathon. I have never been nervous or agitated in front of ruthless and senseless bussiness men or even before a billion dollar meeting but, just to say three simple words, I was losing my sh....' Lutfi stopped there and took deep breaths again, to calm him down, 'And all she said was "Okay." Okay!? UGH!' Aahil had never seen Lutfi so worked up before, 'So, how does it feel to be in love?' Aahil asked and Lutfi gave him a sharp look.

Afina sure knows to push my calm friends buttons.

Aahil and Lutfi were quite for some time when both of their mobiles pinged a notification. They checked their mobiles and their eyes went wide, 'Well, well, well. Someone just won bussiness man of the year award.' Lutfi says, referring to his friend, 'Says the person who won this award last year.' Aahil says to his friend but Aahil was beyond happy.

Finally, I did it.

'Did you read beyond the line of congratulations?' Lutfi asks Aahil. Aahil looks at his friend and shakes his head, 'Let me save you the time. You are receiving the award from Zayn Asad.' As soon as Aahil heard that name his smile dropped. Lutfi could sense the sudden change in the atmosphere, it was rather thick, 'Worried you'll bump into Saliha?' Lutfi asks. But to his surprise, Aahil shakes his head in denial, 'I haven't told Rayna yet.' Aahil's heart was beating hard. He was nervous, scared, unsure.

I don't want to lose her.

'Lunch is ready.' The boys hear Salma bi shout from down stairs. Aahil swallows the lump in his throat and stands up, 'Let's go eat.' Lutfi stands up aswell as the men leave the room. Aahil opens the door to his room and immediately narrows his eyes on what or more like who Rayna was holding to her chest. Snowflake was laying comfortably on Rayna's chest while Rayna ran her finger through his fur.

I can't believe I am actually envious of a cat.

Envious is a rather subtle word, jealous is what you are feeling.

Shut up conscience.

'Rayna.' Aahil calls out her name and the girls who were playing with snowflake looked up, 'Salma bi said that lunch is ready. I'll bring yours up here.' He informs her, 'Afina, we'll eat down.' Lutfi informs her, 'But I want to eat along with you guys. Eating alone is boring, Afina will stay and eat with me.' Rayna says as Snowflake jumps on to Afina's lap and lays their, 'No!' Lutfi says almost immediately, 'I mean, she is very clumsy when she eats. She might spill the food.' Lutfi blurts out.

Afina lets out an offended gasp, 'I am not a toddler that will spill food and besides, You have never seen me eating.' Afina points out and Lutfi shuts up. Rayna places her feet on the floor, 'And besides, the doctor said I should begin walking soon. Let's just say the time is now.' Rayna puts pressure on her feet and stands up and Aahil is by her side to hold her, 'I know, but it has only been a day since you've discharged.' Rayna looks up at her husband and smiles, 'I'm fine.' And that smile was enough to convince him.

'Okay, fine. You can eat with all of us downstairs but you are not walking.' Aahil tells her. Before anyone in the room could digest his words, Aahil bent down and lifted Rayna in his arms. Rayna held herself from letting out a shriek cause her head would hurt. Rayna held onto Aahil's neck and looked at him wide eyed and so did the other couple with them, 'Let's go eat.' He says and smiles at his wife as he begins walking towards the door, 'Ditch that cat, will ya.' Aahil heard Lutfi say, 'How can you say such a thing? He is so cute.' Afina defends, Snowflake. Aahil snickers at their conversation.

One smile and I am convinced.
If this is what is called being whipped, then I'm whipped.

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