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'Rayna, Afina is here to see you.' Rayna hears Salma bi shout from down stairs and within seconds, the door to her room opens and a confused Afina walks in, 'This is your room? Talk about go big or go home. Wait, this is your home.' Afina talks nonsense as she enters, 'Hello, My bald friend.' Afina says and hops onto the bed. Rayna glares at Afina but Afina was busy looking around.

'I thought your room will be all flowery flowery but I am getting manly vibes from here. So, the first room as I walked up is Aahil's?' Afina asks as she pops an almond in her mouth that was kept next to Rayna, 'This is Aahil's room.' As soon as Rayna said that, Afina choked on the almond. Rayna quickly hands her a glass of water and soothes her back and Afina greedily gulps it down, 'What!!?' Afina asked, water dripping off her chin.

'Yeah. Now, calm down first.' Rayna said, still soothing her back. Afina quickly got off the bed and pulled a chair from somewhere Rayna had no idea about.

Where did that chair come from?

'I want details white head.' Afina said, referring to Rayna's bandaged head, 'I don't know the details myself. Yesterday, when we came home, he just carried me into his room and said that this is "Our room."' Rayna air quoted, 'He carried you!?' Afina asked astonished and Rayna just nodded her head, 'Are you sure he is the same man you married?' Afina asks and Rayna shook her head, 'I am not sure of anything anymore. Right now, my only concern is my hair. God knows, when it will grow.' Rayna said touching her head.

'But this is when you can use our biggest advantage.' Afina told her and Rayna frowned, 'What advantage?' 'Hijab.' Afina told her, 'Oh yes, I totally forgot about that.' Rayna said as the girls snickered. A knock was heard on the door and it opened, revealing Salma bi, walking in with a tray of snacks and juice. Afina immediately got up and hurried to Salma bi to take the tray from her hands, 'You didn't have to go through the trouble, Salma bi. I'll be leaving soon, I just came to visit Rayna.' Afina told her, 'Nonsense, this is the first time you have come home. I am not going to let you go before you have lunch with us.' Salma bi told her, 'But...' Afina began, 'No, buts. You are staying for lunch and that's it. Rayna dear, don't let her leave.' Salma bi says sternly with a playful smile and walks out.

Afina walks over to Rayna and places the tray containing nachos, cookies and juice on the bed side table. Afina hands a glass of juice to Rayna and takes one herself as she settles down, 'So, you going to tell me what bought you here?' Rayna asks, sipping her juice, 'I came to visit you.' Afina says, sipping her juice, 'Yeah, sure. And?' Rayna asks. Rayna and Afina have a staring competition before Afina's face breaks into a smile. She takes the glass of juice from Rayna's hand and places it back on the tray along with hers.

Here it comes.

'You know what happened?' Afina begins, 'I'll know once you tell me.' Rayna interrupts, 'Shut up and listen. So, the night of your accident, I was closing up my salon. Everyone was gone and I was closing up, when Lutfi came over.' Afina's eyes were sparkling and she was holding Rayna's hands in hers, 'I was so confused why he was there at that time. He began like, "I have experienced what it means to be too late so I don't want to be too late."' Afina said imitating Lutfi's voice, 'And the words he said after that, Oh My God!' Rayna was also smiling by now, seeing her friend so happy, 'He said, "I love you, Afina."' And the girls squealed with excitement.

But that lasted for a very small time cause Rayna immediately held her head and fell on the bed groaning in pain. Afina also panicked and started soothing her back. The door to the bedroom slammed open. Afina looked up to find Lutfi and Aahil, holding a worried expression. They rushed over and Aahil sat beside a groaning Rayna, worried, 'Why? What happened? Why is it paining? Rayna! Can you hear me?' Aahil began asking. Afina stood back and watched worried, her hands close to her chest. Lutfi went to stand beside her. They looked at each other and Lutfi held a look that said, "Don't worry, I am here." They nodded at each other and looked back at the married couple.

Aahil was worried sick, his face had gone pale, 'I'm calling the Doctor.' Aahil said and was pulling out his mobile from his inner suite pocket when Rayna held is hand. Aahil held her hand immediately, 'Rayna?' He called to her calmly. Seeing how Rayna was trying to sit up, Aahil helped her do so. When Rayna had finally sat up, she said, 'I'm fine. The Doctor is not necessary.' Aahil looked at Rayna's face and he could see her face flushed up and stains of tears on the corner of her eyes, 'Rayna, what happened?' Aahil asked, gently.

Rayna and Afina glanced at each other, so the men also glanced in between the girls. Lutfi noticed how Afina's face was flushing up, 'What happened?' Lutfi asked, looking at Afina, getting curious. Afina opened her mouth but was not able to form words, 'We were talking about our favourite actor and squealed seeing a recent hot photo of his.' Rayna blurted out. Rayna and Afina looked at each other shocked for a second and later started nodding their heads, 'Yeah, that's it.' Afina said, 'Which actor?' Lutfi and Aahil asked in unison as they narrowd their eyes at their girls.

It was like Rayna and Afina were caught doing a crime, 'You won't know him. You don't watch movies anyways.' Afina told Lutfi, 'Yeah, neither do you.' Rayna told Aahil, 'Maybe I should start watching.' Aahil told, still looking at Rayna, 'Me too.' Lutfi added. The girls looked everywhere but at their men, 'How's your head Rayna?' Afina asked, trying to change the topic, 'Better, much better.' Rayna caught on to Afina's hint. Aahil's eyes grew with concern again, 'You should have been careful, Rayna. You are still recovering, silly girl.' Aahil scolded Rayna, gently brushing over her bandaged head.

Rayna was flushing up due to Aahil's behaviour. She looked at Afina from under her eyes to see her eyes almost bulging out at Aahil's sudden change. The door to the room opened again and Salma bi walked in, 'Oh, Aahil, your home. And Lutfi is here too.' Aahil stood up and nodded at Salma bi, 'Excellent! Why don't you join us for lunch, dear.' Salma bi told Lutfi, 'No, Salma bi...' Lutfi began to refuse to her but, 'Afina is also joining us for lunch.' Salma bi informed him. Lutfi stopped mid sentence and glanced at Afina before saying, 'Sure, then.' 'Very nice. Time for your medicines, Rayna.' Salma bi told and walked in.

'I'll give it to her, Salma bi.' Aahil told her. Salma bi smiled at him and walked out before saying, 'I'll give a shout when Lunch is ready.' Aahil walked over to the bed side table and opened the drawer to get Rayna's medicine. Rayna glanced at Afina who held a really confused expression, she looked at Lutfi to see him in his own thoughts as well. Rayna sighed.

It's going to be a memorable lunch.

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